- Comment on Final TF2 comic released after 7 years! 1 day ago:
Spy came in from the cold, it feels so odd to see his face after so many years of maining him. He was my first Merc. Damn I’m a bit sentimental now…
- Comment on "Hugely Bigliest" 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anyone up for a game of Cartan? 3 weeks ago:
I thought I was getting the idea until your example. Now I’m just going to nod and say thank you for explaining enough that I get the joke :)
- Comment on Anyone up for a game of Cartan? 3 weeks ago:
Stupid person here, anyone mind explaining the joke?
- Comment on Enjoying life 3 weeks ago:
As a lover of video game music, thank you for sharing
- Comment on Literature reviews be like 4 weeks ago:
Women will do this exclusively with pillows and not see a problem
- Comment on vultures 4 weeks ago:
Haha, so true!
- Comment on KING COLEOPTERA 5 weeks ago:
I’m a lazy person, which kind of explains a lot now that I think about it
- Comment on KING COLEOPTERA 5 weeks ago:
So it’s wrong for me to test God but when he tests me I’m just supposed to be cool with it? Fuck that
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 5 weeks ago:
I dunno, I’ll have to do my own research on this one, my third cousin’s dog walkers nephew’s barber said he read a tweet declaring they were actually the same animal, just one ate more as a youth and has an accent due to the weight.
- Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 1 month ago:
Eh, I try to own my own insecurities. I haven’t seen the movie in ages so I was mostly going off of hairstyle and gang leader status over his face anyhow.
- Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 1 month ago:
I mean, if you mistake a person of a different race from you as someone else of that race, there’s always going to be some eye narrowing.
- Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 1 month ago:
Same, but I was afraid to voice it in case I was wrong and opening myself up to some accusations 😅
- Comment on Funny but it's even less funny 1 month ago:
Usually it’s a bit of a discount
- Comment on Funny but it's even less funny 1 month ago:
Fascism must always have an outgroup, as soon as one stops mobilising the base they introduce another.
- Comment on Chance 1 month ago:
The girlfriend and I don’t plan on getting married. I joked with her today that we should consider marrying some Americans so they can escape the hellfire (ignoring that Canada is also staring down the barrel of this brand of toxic bullshit next election)
- Comment on Let's discuss: Uplifting Games 1 month ago:
Might I recommend Journey and Abzu? They’re both wonderful experiences with a healthy dose of zen if you decide you want to just pause and appreciate the environments.
- Comment on Can anyone help me identify this Xbox controller? 2 months ago:
Happy to help!
- Comment on Can anyone help me identify this Xbox controller? 2 months ago:
Are you sure it isn’t a custom designed one? It took 15 seconds to mock up basically the same thing here: ……/xbox-wireless-controller
- Comment on Subnautica 2 - Official Teaser Trailer 2 months ago:
I never played grounded, could you elaborate?
- Comment on Magic Mineral 2 months ago:
Super cancer actually, it’s an easy mistake to make
- Comment on "But I prefer The Creature if it's all the same to you." 2 months ago:
In fairness it’s two men discussing a woman, in her era it makes sense that’s only to ensure she’s subservient to them.
- Comment on Ok boomer 2 months ago:
Yes, filter by sender, select all, delete
- Comment on Ok boomer 2 months ago:
Unsubscribe and/or block is a good friend
- Comment on Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 2 months ago:
Yep. Lots of “Plot” to appreciate here
- Comment on space 2 months ago:
The final frontier…
- Comment on Academic writing 2 months ago:
Had a ticket about sports sites being blocked, college talked about how the change was IOC related. International Olympic Committee or Indicator of Compromise, you decide!
- Comment on Ubisoft Cancels Press Previews of Assassin's Creed Shadows 2 months ago:
I feel like I need a translator for this comment
- Comment on Something... 2 months ago:
You’re a good friend, congrats on the boobs
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #3 - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint 2 months ago:
Just wanted to say I always enjoy a good game tale, thank you for the content :)