- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 8 months ago:
Country boy here - cows are pretty harmless most of the time if you leave them alone, they might wander over to have a look, but they’re usually pretty docile. If you don’t want them near you, clapping your hands or making yourself big with your arms and shouting usually makes them go away. I will say that you should absolutely not approach them if there are calves nearby and bulls in general are typically more aggressive, but if you keep a safe distance you should be fine
- Comment on Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser 8 months ago:
Excited for the special edition of the trailer
- Comment on How are Book Bans Constitutional? 8 months ago:
You try arguing with idiots
- Comment on What would be the consequences of a smallsword wound to the belly? 9 months ago:
You seem to be rather fond of this sort of question
- Comment on UK Government Response to the Stop Killing Games Petition 9 months ago:
This government seems more interested in sending immigrants to Rwanda than doing anything that would actually help anyone
- Comment on Putin Orders Russian Tech Companies To Somehow Make Competitive Game Console In 3 Months 10 months ago:
Excitedly awaiting the release of the Z-Box
- Comment on Have you ever seen coal in real life? 11 months ago:
I was a huge fan of steam engines when I was younger, so I used to go to heritage railways a lot as a child. Also when I had an LPG car, the place I used to go for fuel also sold coal
- Comment on It's more interesting when self-directed 11 months ago:
While I have to say that A-Level history was deathly boring in some places, some parts of it really interested me, and it gave me the proper skills to be able to do my own research and properly scrutinise historical sources
- Comment on Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Launch Is a Disaster - IGN 11 months ago:
Another game launch, another broken game. How hard is it to just release a game that works? This is a port as well - pretty much their entire job with this was fixing issues and optimisation
- Comment on Flying used to be this magical, miraculous thing! 1 year ago:
You’re not from the UK are you?
- Comment on Is the saying, "The internet's written in ink, not pencil" accurate? 1 year ago:
I’ve never seen anything more accurate in my life
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
Modern fantasy is heavily based on ancient European fairytales and folklore
- Comment on Snapchat's new avatar design 1 year ago:
Are social media companies scared that if they don’t update often enough people will stop using their app?
- Comment on Do our human accomplishments have a long-term, universal significance, or when the world ends, do we all end with it, including what we’ve achieved? 1 year ago:
Human advancement is only useful for as long as there are humans
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
I came back to Phasmophobia after a while. I forgot how much I love this game
- Comment on What is the attraction to kids? 1 year ago:
I don’t think the attraction is logical, these people are just mentally ill
- Comment on This mofo was born on the wrong day 1 year ago:
I think it’s using the daft American date system of m/d/y