Metal head here who idolizes Dolly. She’s a national treasure the likes of Mister Rogers. Who has also been attacked by the right.
For those interested she’s in a couple of VERY trans positive episodes of The Orville (one just her song 9-5 and the other in a long scene as herself).
Anyone bashing Dolly hates freedom is no good. A full on poophead. 6 months ago
Looked up the article. They’re mad that Dolly Parton, who is a very outspoken Christian, is specifically the kind who embraces the “God loves everyone and that means we should love everyone, too” ethos of Christianity. In other words, the author of the article is pissed that Dolly doesn’t gaybash. What a fucking piece of shit you have to be to sit down and be like “you know what’s wrong with this person? They aren’t cruel enough.” 6 months ago
Us queers love dolly parton. Whoever wrote that had no fucking clue what they’d unleash. 6 months ago
I think Dolly is who drag queens aim for, but they can’t get their hair floofy enough. 6 months ago
Christians would hate Jesus 6 months ago
Its never about “loving everyone” its about “accepting everyone”. Those are different things. 6 months ago
Not sure what your point is, but I have a hard time imagining love and acceptance not going hand in hand.