- Comment on How is TikTok being blocked in the US? 2 months ago:
I believe thar they said in the news here in Europe, that any service that distributes the tok tok app to the USA market, will be fined $5000 per download!
It will not be illegal to have but it won’t be updated in the US market and new users won’t be able to download it
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
Is it only me who is surprised that they have a scout to optimise the process?
- Comment on (EVE Online, OC) If you understand even 1% of this video, it may be time to touch some grass 5 months ago:
The only reason why i am frustrated is also because i indeed had fun with it for quite some time. I even had multiple paid accounts at some time.
Now i feel its too pricy.
- Comment on (EVE Online, OC) If you understand even 1% of this video, it may be time to touch some grass 5 months ago:
EVE would have been great if CCP wrent so greedy. Its just too expel sive to be fun. Paying this kind of money, for a game every month turns a game into a job that you feel you have to play, even when you’d rather try something else, just to get the subscriptions worth out of it.
- Comment on Grounded no longer needs a Microsoft Account for multiplayer 5 months ago:
For now, or are they going to pull a ‘sony move’ on us?
- Comment on More 6 months ago:
I’d eat all and any of them and not notice anything wrong with them. Except the green one maybe
- Comment on MSc Mansplaining 6 months ago:
Its ok. He’s probably explaining how menstruation works
- Comment on Do I need to store this in the fridge when opened? 6 months ago:
On the freaking jar
- Comment on Stop making short men feel miserable at clubs! 7 months ago:
Account age, 41 min…
- Comment on The 4K Blu-ray remasters of "Jaws 3" and "Jaws: The Revenge" have been criticized for their heavy use of AI upscaling. 8 months ago:
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th 8 months ago:
I had the same issue actually! I was looking for a sensitivity or dead one setting when i fount their ‘motion sickness’ setting. It even has an auto option that guesses the best settings for you if you have issues with motion sickness ! It worked perfectly!
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th 8 months ago:
Sorry… autocorrect seems to not know of talos 🤦♂️
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th 8 months ago:
Just started the Talks principle and have just found this thing!
- Comment on Children is bugs 8 months ago:
LOL you are right!
- Comment on Children is bugs 8 months ago:
Sorry… this was a joke!
- Comment on Children is bugs 8 months ago:
Sorry: Am I The Butt Face
- Comment on Children is bugs 8 months ago:
I had to google that abbreviation and only came up with
Adventures In The Beetroot Field (booking agency; London, UK)
I eventually clicked on the reddit link though, after putting on some rubber gloves and taking a few anti-nausea pills. There i found the right explanation
- Comment on Children is bugs 8 months ago:
call it a day
If they were afraid that the name Moana might be bullied at school, then Day would maybe be even worse
- Comment on Children is bugs 8 months ago:
I got downvoted to hell for stating the same thing on reddit a couple of years ago!
Also, the choice was not just to avoid association with the porn star. The name Moana was not legally available to Disney in several European countries so they had to find a different name
- Comment on Annoying marketing practices 8 months ago:
If you dont meed it any more, just have your account deleted
- Comment on The problem 8 months ago:
Some of the heads of churches are multimillionaire too though, and dont have to pay taxes. Churches are part of the problem.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
How about the stick that is glued on top of her hand?
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
So the fire inside the tent would not give it away a few years back?
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
Did you miss the fire in the tent too?
- Comment on Whales 8 months ago:
Difference is, the whale is not a virgin though.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Wait. So if this i patented but has no specification about hanging it the other way, would that mean that one could patent toilet paper again, but hanging the other way?
- Comment on lemmy test how ur client handles long posts 8 months ago:
I believe is a setting on connect to either crop or show the whole image
- Comment on Nobody dare Pluto Pterodactyl 9 months ago:
Its like trying to explain to a Frenchman that they pronounce croissants wrong…
- Comment on Nobody dare Pluto Pterodactyl 9 months ago:
I didn’t know that that p was silent. Unless its not and its a word play like when Douglas Adams compares the flying abilities of ships to those of bricks?
The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t
Funny thing, pterodactyl is based on the two Greek words for wing/feather and finger.
Wing/feather:ftero, finger:dactylo
So the p should have been an f
- Comment on These notifications are bundled together for some reason. So if I want to be notified when my subscriptions renew themselves, I have to also be notified of random games going on sale, too. 9 months ago:
Yeah in Europe I’d send this to my local data authorities and the ombudsman