- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 4 months ago:
I haven’t experienced this, but from what I hear if you start with cooler water in the bottom and have the heat set too high, you can overheat the pot and the grounds before the water comes to temp to actually brew.
The few times I’ve used my moka pot I’ve preheated the water in a kettle so it gets to brewing faster (based on coffee people recommendations online.)
- Comment on What metrics are deoderant companies using to calculate their "72hr protection" numbers? 5 months ago:
I’m bad about remembering.
Then again, I suspect I somehow may have ended up with the good gene as I have incredibly dry ear wax. On top of that I typically use antiperspirant instead of deodorant anyway, because I dislike feeling wet.
- Comment on Ok boomer 5 months ago:
“go to self checkout or wait forever.”
On the unfortunate days I have to stop at the store when myself and everyone else are getting off of work, I’ve seen the lines at self checkout as long or longer than the registers.
I’m use a self checkout if 1) there are empty checkouts and 2) I only have enough items that I can carry. Sure - then I’m getting in and out. But if I’m pushing a cart, I’m going to a cashier.
- Comment on every damn morning 5 months ago:
As a woman of an age dealing with unfortunate hormonal fluctuations, I’m holding myself to this. It’s almost frustrating in the way it’s paying off.
I’ve been riding the cycle of shitty sleep leading to excess caffeine, leading to shittier sleep even taking melatonin, leading to even more poor diet choices. I suffered through a day where I denied myself afternoon caffeine (stopping at noon, where previously I thought 3pm was close enough) and had a sucky day. But I slept slightly better that night. Holding myself to this, each night’s sleep has been slightly better, and I feel like I’m making smarter decisions again.
It’s still too early to say if it’ll be a long term solution, but this last week I’ve started taking small doses of l-theanine. It’s the stuff in tea that’s supposed to help you relax. I found 200mg chewable tablets that I break into 1/4-1/3 pieces. I take a little in the morning and some before bed, and am overall feeling more relaxed. I’ve slept beautifully the last few nights without melatonin, but with my track record I want to see that hold a good month before guiding the l-theanine all the credit.
- Comment on Follow this daily workout for huge gains 5 months ago:
That’s just focus. They caught him in his third minute of restaurant.
- Comment on Probiotics 7 months ago:
No, it sounds right. There’s matcha, but with the acid from the lemonade curdling the milk, it’s used to clump shit together so that the drink can be filtered and clarified. I’ve never tried it, but I’ve seen the technique used a number of times.
- Comment on The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found. 8 months ago:
The old Coke Zero was amazing! It tasted closer to regular Coke without the extra sweetness that sugared colas have (regular colas taste like pancake syrup to me.) I was disappointed a few years ago when they tweaked the flavor. I think they sweetened it a little more to bring it closer to Pepsi’s level of sweetness, which I don’t particularly care for. After a year of not tasting the old formula of Coke Zero, the new one is ok. So really it’s probably for the best since I drink less of it now lol (good goin Coke lol.)
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
Aka abbreviated “charisma.”
- Comment on chair.exe 8 months ago:
I know it’s the angle and I know I’ve seen this image at some point in the past and I’ve seen it correctly, but for some reason the chair legs on the near side are totally fucked and my brain won’t accept them.
- Comment on Get scattered 9 months ago:
Yep! That’s him!!!
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 9 months ago:
Through my teenage years I got wrapped up in an evangelical environment, but as an adult found my way to a non- denominational church. It was eye opening. The more I talked to the pastor, learned and read, I realized that people get wrapped up in their denominations like sports teams. And since the different denominations come about because of different interpretations of Scripture and the “rules” some group puts into place for their team, no wonder it’s the perfect environment for creating a culture of control and abuse for those seeking power.
This doesn’t make me not believe in God, this makes me not trust the motivations of people in power. On the day to day, I try to be the best I can to people around me, and share love, kindness, and respect. That’s my big take away from Jesus’ teachings at least.
- Comment on What have we done? 9 months ago:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?
I haven’t watched it in years but damn, the feels.
- Comment on Ant smell 9 months ago:
Celery tastes like that too me as well, but no allergy. I can eat it with no negative effects, other than the fact that I’ve had to taste celery.
- Comment on 5 Feep Deet 9 months ago:
Thank you for making me reread the previous post lol.
- Comment on Placeboz 9 months ago:
It’s been a while since I looked at this, but different color pills “work” better for different ailments. Also the size and numbers of pills effect results as well. Two pills are “stronger” than one, bigger pills over smaller as well.
- Comment on Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue 9 months ago:
Ham, pineapple, onions, green peppers, and jalapenos, no sauce. One of my favorite pizzas.
There’s enough goodness that you really don’t need pizza sauce on it, or at least I’ve never come across a sauce that works with pineapple. But the flavors and textures work well together.
- Comment on Refreshing 10 months ago:
This the cucumber water those fancy spas serve?
- Comment on Nurses with an overbearing manager, how do you pass time at work without getting caught? 11 months ago:
More like “how do you find a moment to catch your breath and let your brain reset after you worked through your breaks, haven’t gotten to use the bathroom, and feel like you’re going to punch your patient in the face if they bitch about not getting a hot meal at 11:30pm.”
- Comment on It's too warm! 11 months ago:
Weighted blankets can help with the transition too!
- Comment on Like a novelty 11 months ago:
Not my choice for chopping wood, but even this one as is could fuck someone up with a good swing.
- Comment on meow_irl 11 months ago:
About a year and a half ago I spent around $1100 on extensive dental work for my adopted cat. I told him that was his big expense, please don’t put me in the position to make a hard decision again in the future because I can’t keep doing that. Little fucker is worth it though.
- Comment on I'm guilty, lol 1 year ago:
Gen X here, and it’s a struggle to not do it lol.
- Comment on I'm guilty, lol 1 year ago:
Lol then I forget I added it at the beginning and end up making an awkward sandwich lol 🥴.
- Comment on Hunger 1 year ago:
Mom - “Stop playing your video game, it’s time for dinner.”
Son - “But I’m not hungry”
Mom - “Don’t tell me that, I can see your teeth are hard. Now go wash your hands.”
- Comment on play stupid games 1 year ago:
A friend used to say he was hung like a can of tuna.
You can still stack donuts on a can of tuna.
- Comment on The look... 1 year ago:
It’s been years since I looked at it, but there’s videos on YouTube showing just how awful most “self defense” techniques are. Sure, it’s great as long as you’re prepared and it’s a predictable attack by someone who knows the routine and cooperates.
- Comment on Anon learns to love the bath bomb 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t call it a flex. But sometimes openly admitting something even to strangers on the Internet can offer some ownership of the situation and start someone headed the right direction.
- Comment on Is it okay to wash hands with body soap? 1 year ago:
I support you on the moisturizing thing, but can’t follow you down the coconut oil road. I can’t stand the smell of coconut. Being someone who burns easily in the sun, I chalk it up to many years of smelling shitty fake coconut scented sunblock products.
As a massage therapist, I have to wash my hands constantly. During the colder months I have to moisturize or my skin cracks. Whatever unscented product that doesn’t leave me leaving greasy fingerprints all over the place is usually good enough until I wash my hands again in another hour.
- Comment on A true shitpost 1 year ago:
“Weaponed discomfort” describes this perfectly lol. It’s a skill my family members tend to apply to each other.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Overall? It’s poorly drawn. Occasionally you might come across a random “deep” toilet design, but most are much lower. As long as it’s deep enough so that my poop is submerged so I don’t have to smell it waiting to flush, I’m satisfied.