- Comment on At what point in the relationship should I move in with my girlfriend? 3 days ago:
If I were writing a character play, I’m still not sure how this would go. I’m sure there are stories out there, though.
- Comment on At what point in the relationship should I move in with my girlfriend? 3 days ago:
I cannot even fathom how this happened.
Glad you two are happy, though. <3 - Comment on Got sum Zucc? 4 days ago:
Holy shit that’s scary
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 days ago:
You know, maybe one day I’ll do it again. The only people I would have play Drakengard are those with extreme patience, and unfortunately, I’m one of those people.
It does have a really good story.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 days ago:
Nooo, wait who actually plays Drakengard? I love that game to bits, but I would never tell someone to play it. Was I just bad? That game is truly awful, haha.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 days ago:
Fuck I miss SSX. I need to make sure I have a good one in my rom folder.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
> calls people media illiterate
> says other people are being too hostileMy god, that was a good laugh.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
Elon actually hands these out to people who don’t want them because they were unpopular and an easy means of telling chuds apart from… uh, chads? There’s a good chance hers is a forced advertisement and not something she’s actually paying for.
- Comment on Funny this never made it into a James Taylor song 2 weeks ago:
I don’t want any. :(
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
but I justify it by pointing to things like splatter or fluid acrylic painting.
The counter I would give here is that those are just techniques. The challenge, then, is whether the generation machine can be made to do things that are interesting and meaningful. I know it can produce spectacle, but spectacle and meaning are different concepts.
I don’t know much Pollock, but isn’t he valued largely for his process and expressionism? I’m not making this accusation of you, you do seem to actually care, but a lot of people who bring him up seem to think that his work actually is random and unintelligible—I don’t think that it is.
I will concede that the process of interacting with the generation machine to produce something is a creative one, I just don’t think it’s anywhere near what a lot of proponents claim it be.
I’ve used Suno, and my lasting impression of it is that it was fun, sometimes really funny, and overall kind of soul sucking. As a musician, there were essentially no times that I felt anything produced there was mine. It was just novelty. Some of it sounded really cool, but none of it was an expression of me or what I was really looking for.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I think that ultimately my push back is on the folks that argue that it can’t be art.
I’m not really jumping in on this discussion, but I did want to add one thing:
I can believe two things at once.
AI generated media can’t be art … because the whole purpose of a generative AI machine is to alleviate the burden of decision making. The fewer places you let something decide for you, the more “art” you can imbue into your project. Art is a communicative effort.
Artists can use AI generated media … but the points of interest, the meaning, would not (necessarily) be the decisions the machine made.
An example above, I forget if it was you or someone else, shows a pen sketch of a scene then filled in by the generator, and I think the artist there can be given credit for the perspective, the framing of the subject, the mech-suit, the sci-fi aesthetic; but I wouldn’t credit them with the tally marks on her left shoulder, or the shape details of her eyes, or the various light-up displays that dot the walls.
There’s also something to be said for choosing as opposed to creating outright, but I think we’re losing ourselves in myopic details at this point.
The bottom line is that, aside of any ethics issues, I’m not that upset about AI media that’s honest about what it is. I watch youtube channels that depend on AI for their performance art. But, AI proponents love selling this technology as a replacement for people, which is a sentiment I find… disgusting. Inhuman.
And, I find it really sad the way a person who spent the better part of their life perfecting a style and technique can be essentially shoved out of their own niche by the 10,000 style-copy images a generator can make in an afternoon. This isn’t like photography, where painters and camera-snappers can coexist in separate styles of image production: AI generators can replace both.
Sorry, I thought all that was going to be just two paragraphs.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
It doesn’t even make sense. Conservatives love, love, love AI.
Hey, does anyone remember that 500 billion dollar infrastructure package Trump wants to give AI companies? You should, it was two weeks ago.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 4 weeks ago:
I say this again: never having to deal with us is actually very simple. She’ll never make fun of your toys.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 4 weeks ago:
No, I think the bitcoin nft metaverse gooners of yesteryear have found a new thing to pretend is the future.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 4 weeks ago:
And this is the… only other option?
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 4 weeks ago:
That’s true! They’re very stupid.
Since this has been proven twice, it is now a known fact, what should the democrats do next time to enrapture these very stupid people and ensure a decisive victory against the enemy?
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 4 weeks ago:
You’re free to show your AI images to your AI friends who will give you AI congratulations. I’m not sure why I need to be a part of this masturbation.
- Comment on my escaping the matrix moment was when i stopped being ashamed of my anthropomorphic wolf porn obsession 5 weeks ago:
Ah, fuck. Pot of Greed.
- Comment on 'The Brutalist' criticised for its use of AI 5 weeks ago:
I’m a busy man with a busy schedule, so I had chatgpt summarize all that for me:
The comment argues that the value of art lies in the artist’s choice to elevate an ordinary object, criticizing modern conceptual art for being vulgar and unoriginal, while also questioning the value placed on handcrafted items over machine-produced ones.
Uh, my guy, people love handcrafted things. You ever seen E t s y?
- Comment on 'The Brutalist' criticised for its use of AI 5 weeks ago:
If they didn’t care enough to do it authentically, why should I give a shit about their actor-accent auto tune.
- Comment on 'The Brutalist' criticised for its use of AI 5 weeks ago:
Hand-made slop will always be worth more than whatever comes out of google’s big pachinko machine. Art is communication. AI can’t communicate.
or I shall be referencing urinals on pedestals.
Why, because it’s vulgar? Prefer your pristine statues of roman soldiers, do you?
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 month ago:
Okay, but debate pervert is really funny, though.
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 1 month ago:
Yeeeeess. I need to install something that auto-removes google’s AI answer at the top of every page.
- Comment on Just because you're a slob at home do you have to be an inconsiderate slob in public 2 months ago:
What’s their excuse?
Uh. A life of freedom and happiness?
- Comment on Motivational, inspiring 2 months ago:
Here you go, buddy.
- Comment on Day 135 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
If we count other people playing the game in front of me, I swear I’ve “played” this remake like 7, 8, 9 times through.
- Comment on Anon falls through the cracks 3 months ago:
Gah, a 4-day work week would be wonderful. I might actually work on my side projects.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Ayy, how apt.
- Comment on Calculatable 3 months ago:
I don’t know the specifics, but there is such a thing as keyboard rollover. MOST KEYBOARDS—whoa, sorry. Most keyboards support up to 6 keys at once, but it might be that they’re still divided into sections with lower rollover numbers, such as the arrow keys and space. Some “gaming” keyboards support up to 25 though, so your best bet if this bothers you is just upgrading to a spiffier typer.
- Comment on Calculatable 3 months ago:
I do try.
Not very hard, but still.