- Comment on Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - The First Preview 6 months ago:
Kojima dropped David Hayter like a sack of rotting potatoes, they can both get fucked.
The corpo can get fucked extra hard though.
- Comment on Bravo, Ridley 6 months ago:
It’s a simple life.
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
So my understanding of it is that one person who has a lot of followers made a video using the word in an arguably improper manner, a bunch of other people making more videos more or less using it ironically to make fun of it, and then a bunch MORE people just started using it completely wrong because it’s been a game of Shitty Telephone from the people who used it correctly (first persons teacher, or a book somewhere) and the end result makes absolutely no sense.
Or, if you will excuse the slanted metaphor, “Ai learning from Ai”
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
Step One Cannot Be Completed
Abandon Quest?
[X] Yes [_] No
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
Lol at least she just thinks they’re pretty instead of thinking it’ll balance her energies.
- Comment on Lucky to be alive? Come on now, thats a stretch. 6 months ago:
Another anecdote for the “Springs Be Scary” list, I was helping my brother in law put theirs up two years ago, and similarly had trouble with the last spring.
We were using the tool included in the packaging, a little T post handle with a small hook on the end, sort of like one of those livestock processing hooks they use to grab heavy things with, just a lot smaller. And not sharp.
Well the last spring was being pulled back when the metal hook broke out of the handle, and shot into the nearby house window and broke one of the bottom panes.
Nobody was hurt, but with all the kids excitedly sprinting around, that metal bit was flying at eye level to 3 or 4 of them… Someone could have lost an eye.
Springs under load are scary as fuck, ask any garage door tech.
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
No, because large weddings are a waste of money and stress, neither of which I make enough money to afford.
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
No, I made the ring from sapphire (birth stone) and silver. Jewelry is easier than you might think when you’ve been doing small metalwork for knife handles, pommels, and guards.
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
One day at work, I found out a work friend actually believed the whole “crystal energy” thing.
Since she was the first person I had ever met who actually admitted to that, I wanted to know more about what her specific beliefs about them were.
At first she was super bubbly about it, on par with her personality. But then as I asked a couple common sense questions about why science doesnt find anything measurable, and first she got hostile and mad that I would dare question another person’s beliefs, but when I explained I was genuinely curious and had no interest in changing her beliefs she just kind of broke down because nobody ever takes her seriously or believes her about her “personal healing journey”
The way I see it, it’s for adults who like pretty rocks, but can’t come to terms with the fact that they like something “childish” (because for some reason a lot of adults call a rock collection cringe or childish or dumb, but clearly they’ve never met a geologist) so instead of having a pretty rock and mineral collection, they have “healing crystals”, and eventually it just becomes kind of like part of their identity the way a religion is.
I will however, 100% giggle at their expense with my wife, later. Because anyone who buys $50 polished selenite
drink coaster“charging plate”, and a $200 brass pyramid to “recharge” their $50 “healing quartz wand” while refusing to listen to real science deserves to be giggled at. - Comment on Etsy forcing arbitration starting Sep 15 6 months ago:
Land of the Fee*
- Comment on Don't joke about daddy 6 months ago:
Funny how quickly things turned to “no political violence is okay and joking about it makes you a terrorist” when only weeks before I was hearing and seeing “jokes” about certain politicians and death, assault (of varying kinds…), and all manner of “violent” things.
But suddenly after Ajent Ornj takes a bit of shrapnel, it’s “not okay”
And all the people who “hate Trump” who sit by day after day and say nothing about the other “jokes” because “we expect that from them” but jump in to lecture you about how you’re wrong… Well, are you hypocrites or just cowards? Why is it suddenly “not okay”?
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 6 months ago:
But you don’t understand, this time my DRM experts assure me it will take at least two days to crack this time! (for realsies this time)
- Comment on Picture Unrelated 6 months ago:
Last time I saw this, I was on reddit, and it said “from 4chan”
I wonder if I’ll see it say “from lemmy” someday?
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
Giant Sloths high as fuck… Would that make the super sloths, or go the opposite way and speed them up?
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
I hear what you’re saying, and I recognize anyone inside would be safe from being eaten… However, as with an elephant, I wouldn’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night having intruded upon their home.
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
Can you imagine being stuck in the dawn of human agriculture, and you seek shelter in a nice cave that you found… And then a Giant Sloth just lumbers in after a bit.
I mean, I imagine any Homo species of the time would know not to go inside one of these, but still.
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 6 months ago:
native Americans in spaghetti westerns.
I’m not sure how it is in Italy, but a lot of the older Italians I know absolutely love old westerns (of… Varying quality)
- Comment on B O N G 6 months ago:
It’s more of a tink, maybe a thunk if you’re feeling rowdy.
The only time I’ve heard the loud hollow BONG is from video clips and memes.
- Comment on pringles 6 months ago:
No, the shape hinders putting the far enough into your mouth. Luckily, I’ve got a big one.
- Comment on Quick Chat 6 months ago:
I am Transporter Room 3. Or I might just be an amalgamation of all the consciousnesses Chief O’Brien has
stored in the pattern bufferuhhhh beamed up… Yeah beamed up.You’d be surprised how much silver is in a transporter though. Vampires just slide right out.
- Comment on Kids 6 months ago:
Oh look, it’s buzz-Killington.
“Not on this planet… yet.”
Or if you want to go full crash course, “For now, but that hasn’t always been the case and might not be in another million years” and explain things like Oxygen Collapse/Great Oxygenation during the proterozoic when oxygen levels first shot up and killed off a ton of oxygen-hating things.
- Comment on Ryan Reynolds Tried to Get Nicolas Cage to Cameo as Ghost Rider in ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ 6 months ago:
Oh, you’re one of those.
“oh I’m so special because I dislike/don’t care for the popular thing”
You are the embodiment of the “stop having fun” meme
- Comment on Quick Chat 6 months ago:
Legitimately would invite them to shill with me on the porch. I’m not inviting them in though
Vampires ain’t gonna trick me a third time.
- Comment on Inconceivable Horror 6 months ago:
If this is a decades old screenshot, it’s in pretty good condition! Doesn’t seem too moldy to me.
I love ones that are so reposted they have no blank white space left, it’s all artifacts and noise.
- Comment on oh hi mark 6 months ago:
Anyway, how’s your sex life?
- Comment on Sharks 6 months ago:
This shark has more of a blue tint to its eyes. Not black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.
- Comment on Dutch toilets 6 months ago:
Well, I’d never want to rain on someone’s parade.
Lob away!
- Comment on Dutch toilets 6 months ago:
Pfffffffff he doesn’t know how the three shells work!
- Comment on Megacerops 7 months ago:
So many baby Megacerops needlessly slaughtered for humanity’s towel-hanging lust.