- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago:
Sexist piece of garbage
- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago:
You’re a toxic piece of shit excuse for a man, emotionally stunted, stopped maturing at about 12 years old, you’re an embarassment to the rest of us actual men. Your “”“god”“” doesn’t exist, and we’re all going to point and laugh at you when you get what’s coming to you – and with any luck at all, you’ll get what’s coming to you from a woman, you piece of shit.
- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago:
Too many people claim to not see ‘/s’ so I have to resort to flashing neon signs.
- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago:
Islam, the so-called “”“religion of peace”“”, is responsible for the most agregious, brutal, violent offenses against women – and sometime even from woman (vis-a-vis 'female circumcision). Furthermore any religion that prohibits women from getting an education above grade-school level, and prohibits them from having their own money, having a career, and, for fuck’s sake, even from showing their faces and hair in public, is just more toxic patriarchal bullshit, and is right up there with the American Taliban, aka “”“christian nationalists”“”. Anyone LIKE YOU who defends “”“islam”“” in any way shape or form is just as bad as the rest of the fucking theists on this planet, you’re TOXIC and you deserve all the hate you get.
- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago:
Yet in some places they manage to oppress and kill people over it.
- Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago:
Organized religion to young women: “Your role in life is to make babies, raise your children, and serve your husband, everything else is a perversion in the eyes of God! Oh and by the way if you get pregnant for any reason including rape or incest you have to carry the child to term, no abortion allowed, not even if the pregnancy kills you” <sarcasm>LOL can’t see why young women wouldn’t be okay with that!</sarcasm>
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
You can bugger off too.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
You got a lot of fucking nerve calling me ‘ignorant’. Bugger off.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
If we can’t even begin to understand how a biological brain like ours produces the phenomenon of ‘thought’ and ‘consciousness’, then how the fuck can you build machines and write software that does those things? Rhetorical question, we can’t, full stop. All we’ve got is fakery, the illusion of ‘thinking’, ersatz, not the real thing.
For fuck’s sake, I go round and round with people on this shit every fucking time because everyone believes the hype and are never told the facts. They watch TV shows and movies and think someone made that real. They take for granted what their brains can do naturally and effortlessly (…well, not so effortlessly in too many peoples case) and knowing nothing about software or hardware think it’s trivial to make machines that can do what their own brain can do. It. Is. Not.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
It’s crap, too many people believe the hype, they see TV shows and movies with total fantasy AI in it, they think this crapware is like that, they think there’s someone alive in that box, they’ll come to trust it too much, and they’ll get wrecked because of that. THAT is the real danger of this garbage.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
No, moron, I’m NOT. Go talk to neuroscientists; that’s what I did. They’ll tell you: an amoeba has more cognitive capability than the best of this crapware.
YOU get your “”“AI”“” information from media hype, who gets it from AI company marketing departments, who are told: “Sell this crap we created so we can get paid”.
You’re dumb. You’re so dumb that you can’t understand when someone who is actually smart tells you something, so you think they’re dumb. Get yourself a dog, name it ‘Clue’, so you’ll always have one.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
It’s all garbage and I consider all of it to be a fad and I just can’t wait until the world wakes up and realizes what utter crap it is and it just goes away.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
Here’s the thing: what they keep calling ‘AI’ isn’t really ‘artificial intelligence’ at all. It’s just language processing on a large scale. This type of software has no actual cognitive capability; it can’t ‘think’, it has no capacity to ‘think’ at all, but they’ve written it so it gives the appearance of ‘thinking’; it’s a trick, it’s fake.
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
The danger isn’t that it’s smart, the danger is that humans are stupid. FTFY
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
Long cow is loooooooooong.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months ago:
By all accounts I’ve heard she’s a really nice lady who’s done really nice things for many people and continues to do so, so I don’t at all understand the hate.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months ago:
IDGAF if you’re white black or purple with pink polka-dots, there’s not a single fucking reason for you to play the race card there, jackass.
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 8 months ago:
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 8 months ago:
All your data are belong to Microsoft
You don’t own your computer anymore, Microsoft just allows you to use it.
- Comment on Can a judge sue a defendant for slander/libel? 8 months ago:
Possibly, but they can also just find them in contempt and theoretically jail them indefinitely.