Islam allows abortion. Do you need details about that, or can you use the internet for more than just watching porn, video games, and lemmy?
Asking for an imam.
Comment on Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable. 8 months ago
Organized religion to young women: “Your role in life is to make babies, raise your children, and serve your husband, everything else is a perversion in the eyes of God! Oh and by the way if you get pregnant for any reason including rape or incest you have to carry the child to term, no abortion allowed, not even if the pregnancy kills you” <sarcasm>LOL can’t see why young women wouldn’t be okay with that!</sarcasm>
Islam allows abortion. Do you need details about that, or can you use the internet for more than just watching porn, video games, and lemmy?
Asking for an imam.
Islam, the so-called “”“religion of peace”“”, is responsible for the most agregious, brutal, violent offenses against women – and sometime even from woman (vis-a-vis 'female circumcision). Furthermore any religion that prohibits women from getting an education above grade-school level, and prohibits them from having their own money, having a career, and, for fuck’s sake, even from showing their faces and hair in public, is just more toxic patriarchal bullshit, and is right up there with the American Taliban, aka “”“christian nationalists”“”. Anyone LIKE YOU who defends “”“islam”“” in any way shape or form is just as bad as the rest of the fucking theists on this planet, you’re TOXIC and you deserve all the hate you get.
FGM is an African practice, regardless of whatever religion they’ve inherited.
Islam doesn’t prohibit women from getting an education. You got that from Afghanistan, when the Taliban temporarily banned women and young girls from going to school because the U.S. was injecting western values (degeneracy) into their curriculum.
Islam doesn’t… lmao prohibit women from having their own money. In fact, women who earn money, have no obligation to give that money to anyone. They can decide to for charity if they’d like. As for not showing their face, that’s cultural as well… because all that is obligated is for women to cover their hair (amongst other body parts), like the early day Jewish and Christian women. Boohoo… you’re mad because women are modest and not showing off everything they have like modernists.
In fact it is wester civilization that has sexualized women. Turned them into sex objects. The countless ads where women were used to influence views and sales.
Go ahead hate Islam all you want, all it does is create more curiosity, later, conversion to Islam.
Pssst… 9/11 is all it took to pique my interest. And alhamdullilah, God chose me.
Stay mad.
You’re a toxic piece of shit excuse for a man, emotionally stunted, stopped maturing at about 12 years old, you’re an embarassment to the rest of us actual men. Your “”“god”“” doesn’t exist, and we’re all going to point and laugh at you when you get what’s coming to you – and with any luck at all, you’ll get what’s coming to you from a woman, you piece of shit.
Uh... Like the other guy said FGM is an African practice with no origin in Islam. Like go get me a hadith where any early Muslim of note does it.
Furthermore any religion that prohibits women from getting an education above grade-school level, and prohibits them from having their own money, having a career,
Well good thing Islam doesn't forbid any of that then.
Islam punishes women for being gay. And don’t give me the “Well, ackchually, Muhammad never explicitly forbade…” bullshit because it is irrelevant. In most Muslim-majority countries, being queer is met with imprisonment at best and the death penalty at worst.
And? Homosexuality isn’t acceptable in any of the Abrahamic Religions. Why should said religion bend at the will of people, especially secularist? I simply pointed out the fact that in Islam, abortion is acceptable, of course within certain boundaries.
Red herring.
Yeah, no shit. My point wasn’t that Islam is the only religion that does it. My point is that Islam is a bigoted religion. Christianity also happens to be a bigoted religion. Judaism is a bigoted religion. They are all dogshit. 8 months ago
side note, I kind of like how we’re back to fake html tags. 8 months ago
Too many people claim to not see ‘/s’ so I have to resort to flashing neon signs. 8 months ago
Those would be valid HTML Custom Elements if they contained a hyphen like <tone-nerdy> the best practices defines:…/custom-elements.html </tone-nerdy> Brand new specs too.