- Comment on KING COLEOPTERA 4 months ago:
Probably George, maybe Ringo.
- Comment on Beware 5 months ago:
Larry is a serious dude, but it’s the Darrell’s you really need to worry about.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 6 months ago:
Svarte Daga in my ass
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 7 months ago:
Be white.
- Comment on Californians will vote on a $18 minimum wage. Workers already want $25 and more 7 months ago:
In the eastern Kansas city that I live in, a living wage for a single person with no kids is almost $20/hr. There is no way $18 is nearly enough in California.
- Comment on Cruisin' for Burgers 7 months ago:
Can someone build me an all electric Econoline? Preferably with a wizard painted on the side.
- Comment on Do we really want a leader who celebrates firing people? 7 months ago:
Trump’s out there making Sean O’Brien look more and more foolish every week.
- Comment on Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2024, creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford) 7 months ago:
It sort of seems like the Star Wars version of the last 2 Ghostbusters movies. Which I didn’t hate, but also don’t really think of as good. They were fan service, and Star Wars has been way too over saturated with fan service as of late. There was so little of that in Andor and I think that’s one of the reasons the show worked so well. That and the fact that they actually put some effort and thought into the writing.
- Comment on Living in interesting times 7 months ago:
He started smoking again after 911 iir.
- Comment on Artificial price increase so that you can post “discounts” on Prime Day 8 months ago:
I took a screenshot of my wishlist a few weeks before Prime Day. About half of the items had Prime Day discounts but only three of them where actually cheaper. The best discounts I found were on other smaller web stores trying to compete with Amazon on Prime Day.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
I see nothing that indicates that that is the front of the roll
- Comment on Faces made of living skin make robots smile 8 months ago:
Lady Cassandra…?
- Comment on Academia to Industry 8 months ago:
I can’t imagine looking at the world and thinking we need more industry. Also, I know a lot of PhDs. Knowing a lot of things about a particular subject in know way correlates with intelligence.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 9 months ago:
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
- Comment on My mom's doctor be like 9 months ago:
Shit. I didn’t realize that I was doing this to myself until I got diagnosed as an adult about 10 years after I quit smoking.
- Comment on My mom's doctor be like 9 months ago:
- Comment on My mom's doctor be like 9 months ago:
My grandmother started smoking after her doctor suggested that she take it up in order to help her lose weight after pregnancy. She smoked the rest of her life.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 9 months ago:
Capitalist bigot Christians complaining about false gospels is pretty rich.
- Comment on so dreamy wow 10 months ago:
Shouldn’t be just one super buff finger?
- Comment on League of Legends’ anti-cheat won't brick your PC, Riot insist, after adding Valorant’s controversial system to the MOBA 10 months ago:
Go home Xzibit
- Comment on League of Legends’ anti-cheat won't brick your PC, Riot insist, after adding Valorant’s controversial system to the MOBA 10 months ago:
Sure dudes. I think this is a pretty rich claim given that the League launcher is continues to be one of the buggiest pieces of software I’ve ever delt with, and that’s the most front facing part of their game. We’ve also seen these sorts of kernel level anticheat programs get exploited before, I’m sure the Genshin developers would have also insisted that that wouldn’t be possible with their anti-cheat either.
I uninstalled League after Vanguard went live on League of Legends. Its a shame too because Team Fight Tactics is the only game I’ve played consistently over the last few years. The roll of of the last set was the first time since I started playing that I did not pay for the battle pass and that’s because I knew that I would be done with it when Vanguard rolled out.
- Comment on Anyone else? 10 months ago:
Rampage is a way better movie than it has any business being. I talk it up to people all the time and they’re always so understandably skeptical.
- Comment on Never forget... 10 months ago:
I’d explain but it’s a whole Thing.
- Comment on But I want to meet the White Queen! 11 months ago:
I wonder if it mostly happens when people are looking down at their phones. There is a pole on my campus that I have seen multiple people walk into while texting. Then again, my cat has been trying to fight her doppelganger in the mirror for years now and she’s smarter than a few people I know.
- Comment on I'm his biggest fan! 1 year ago:
I have all of his albumen.