- Comment on Why Titles Are Written Like This? 2 days ago:
I wonder if people were never taught this, or if they just forget everything. Third grade for me…
- Comment on how tf do you warm up plates? 2 days ago:
Some have heated shelves or dispenser thingies too
- Comment on Why did/do sites such as the pyramids in Egypt or the Roman colosseum end up in an abandoned state, only to be "rediscovered" later? 3 days ago:
Reusing stones from ancient ruins used to be a widespread practice. I remember hearing a story, not sure how true it is, that the ottomans had plans to use the giza pyramids as a quarry. The practice of grinding up old mummies is almost as ancient as the mummies themselves. Used mainly for fertilizer I believe, and I think it was in vogue as a paint pigment for a while.
I know there are places, especially around the Mediterranean, where you can see foundation stones still etched with ancient hieroglyphic/whatever scrip just thrown in willie nillie.
I won’t condone everything the British museum has done, but a lot of these artifacts wouldn’t exist if they weren’t shipped off. Caring about the past and the artefacts left behind, while by no means new thing, most people for most of history didn’t seem to give two shits. Probably more concerned with not starving etc…
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 5 days ago:
I’d watch a spinoff of just those two scientists. They had such good chemistry together.
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 5 days ago:
- Comment on I'm gonna need more red colored crayons 1 week ago:
I always thought the British got a slightly worse rap than they deserved there. When the Ottoman empire collapsed, things were chaotic to say the least. Rising nationalism in an area where ethnicities are all over the place. A pocket here, a few villages there. Political systems that had been in place for a thousand years disintegrating. Large groups of nomads who are notoriously difficult to fit into ordered nation states.
Huge demographic shifts underway. People tend to overlook just how much more crowded the world is now than it was in 1920. What worked in 1890 was a nonstarter in 1990.
I don’t think any line on that map would have substantially changed things one way or another.
- Comment on Not today 1 week ago:
Cautionary Votive Spiri
- Comment on Redditors told me to go to a therapist but I can’t afford one nor pick one from thousands available. What now? 1 week ago:
Some ancient Greek dude said all men should aspire to be like feral dogs, or something like that. Hope that helps.
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 1 week ago:
Well, if I know my lore, the fediverse, Lemmy included, was created by self avowed communists.
And if the Luigi shenanigans, that is to say the censorship brought to bear on any discussion of the man or his alleged come, have shown us anything; it’s that the powers that be very much fear a class war. Besides commies have long been a favorite windmill to tilt at.
I think it’s safe to assume anything posted on here gets logged and analyzed.
That having been said, eat the rich, free Palestine, and healthcare for all!!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Dude I would homestead the shit out of that. Better be careful or he’ll have a bunch of lemmings (Lemmy nerds?) show up with a trowel and high hopes.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Depends on where they were and what they were eating. Humans are really amazing in that we can eat almost anything that’s not a straight up tree, and we’ve existed across the planet in just about every ecological niche. I remember reading somewhere they could estimate the age of desert burial/skeleton remains on how worn the teeth are due to the sand getting in the food. But I’m sure no processed sugar is pretty beneficial tho
- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 2 weeks ago:
Do you care so little about your friends you need a picture to remind you of what they look like!?!?
- Comment on Tea time 2 weeks ago:
Honestly dealing with tankies is far easier than having capitalism shoved down your throat in the form of paid posts and ai “engagement” comments. I never get the feeling anyone is trying to sell useless shit or running some half-assed psyop on me.
I even got a new polish gf named Nichole!
- Comment on Bad cat 2 weeks ago:
HBO was ruined. Their quality definitely took a dive after that merger/enshitification whatever.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
No, much later. Transmissions in trucks work differently and have to withstand so much more stress. Wasn’t till the early 00’s that anyone got serious about them.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
I drove one of the first semi trucks with an automatic transmission, and that thing was dangerous. It would pop me out of gear going down hill, thank fuck the brakes held out. The reverse gear could either roll the rig back at 10 inches per hour, or 10mph, and not much in-between.
Was nice being able to sip a coffee through traffic tho
- Comment on Egg prices likely to remain high as shortage tipped to last until 2028 3 weeks ago:
Lol they’re never getting cheaper. We’ve departed from regulated capitalism. We’re now in a pseudo-fudal model. You think for an instant the bourgeoisie have any interest in providing food? Only profit and power.
- Comment on The eyes creep me out. Even I wouldnt be able to focus on the job 4 weeks ago:
That’s really fuckin disturbing…
- Comment on Meow 4 weeks ago:
Such sweet kitties!!!Image
- Comment on Rate my breakfast 4 weeks ago:
Lol. Marijuana and choices were made.
- Comment on Anyone Please Help me Find This Wallpaper 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on on owls 5 weeks ago:
I always wonder, if I lead a good and virtuous life, if I could get reincarnated as a resort dog. Just a chill lab that wanders from cabin to cabin, receiving love and snacks, all before taking a nice nap. Then maybe a nice swim.
- Comment on I watched Arrival (2016), there was a lot more to it than I was expecting 1 month ago:
This was a good one. Definitely recommend
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
I was looking at that game. Looks really cool. I’m interested to see a more historically based rpg game without mages and whatnot. I think it’s based on some section of polish history?
- Comment on To whomever invented LED bus advertisements: I despise you. 1 month ago:
We for real need to start legislating and enforcing brightness laws. These headlights are out of control.
There is no rhyme or reason for anything beyond a reasonable street lamp and headlight. We kept asking could we, it’s time to ask should we? If nothing else I miss seeing stars at night
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
- Comment on Finish your reds or you don’t get your camel crush for dessert. 1 month ago:
Fuck I miss smoking. I have a literal pang in my chest seeing those smokes all lined up. Either cancer or heartbreak. Maybe both idk
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
Phone calls used to be better when they were analog land lines. The fidelity(idk if that’s the right word, but go ahead and catch my drift) was amazing.
You could hear every breath, every intonation in voice, every shift in body language. I think our subconscious works on stuff like that a lot more than anyone cares to admit. Every phone conversation you’ve had in the past 10 years has been digitally compressed.
The headsets themselves were ergonomic. Easy to use, fit the face and head alot better than the phones we use nowadays.
- Comment on My wife found this in the archives of the library where she works. 1 month ago:
Like fine wine.
- Comment on guys... :( 2 months ago:
They sent a fuckin poet!