- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
@surph_ninja@lemm.ee Just pointed this out. We already see the horror every day. Aint nothing going to happen.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
Yup. I’ve seen in my own family. Started in November with the anti Nazi talk. Then around Christmas the Biden whataboutisms started: Yeah but Biden is actually doing stuff Trump started so they are both bad. Now I am hearing the same points @alteon made. Anything to keep from doing the right thing and fight fascism bc I have an early meeting, the kids have soccer practice, well I don’t see any of it so its not as bad as the internet makes it sound, blah blah blah.
- Comment on I'll take the job! 4 weeks ago:
You said what you said. And now I am telling everyone at the office.
- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 1 month ago:
Sit down with them on their new gaming machine and sign them up for Steam or GOG. While they are doing that, slyly buy Steam or GOG credits on your phone and gift them to your buddy. Have your buddy go through the automated recommendations and gently inform your buddy whether a game is worth their time or not. And then watch as they add games to their wishlist thinking that they are going to pay a bunch for it.
I mean, they will eventually. No one in the MPCR escapes spending a fortune on their wishlist.
- Comment on The Holy? bible 4 months ago:
Goddammit! Jesus H on the Donut Cross of the Dumbassrealites Christ. You might be right.
- Comment on The Holy? bible 4 months ago:
Great. Now I have food poising, I am hallucinating because of dehydration and malnourishment, AND I no longer have sense of self. So…which god do I thank for all this? You gave me a list.
- Comment on Has anyone let David Icke know about this? 5 months ago:
🤨 …How much money?
- Comment on In 2019, Microsoft tried a 4-day workweek in Japan. Productivity jumped 40% 6 months ago:
Or me! Let’s jump in a convo and discuss this. Post this in our Kubernetes or have one of our interns do it. Let’s say “this afternoon and I will cancel anyway”-ish?
- Comment on Oregonian driving 6 months ago:
I took the starlight, too. Same. Took the bus on the return trip, also awful experience.
- Comment on Oregonian driving 6 months ago:
Because you are not important. I am very important. I have places I need to be yesterday. And, yes, it IS a truck. I have never used the bed of my truck or it would get dirty. /dont drive //dont have a car ///but I DO have a DL! Has my picture and everything
- Comment on It's so bad. 6 months ago:
I’ve studied this. And I have decided I like the idea there is a salami slice in the cart slot. Therefore: it is a salami.
- Comment on Povertymaxxed and bolognapilled 7 months ago:
*high fives…and misses!
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
I mean, that’s just a minor detail. And Deliverance taught me how to prepare for south of Market clubs in my 20s. IYKYK.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
Dang, that is pretty spot on! When I go camping, I often find myself contemplating a pretend fire in front of me while I prepare for carbon monoxide poisoning in my tent…but I keep my flaps open! Safety first!
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
Yeah. I dont get it. It’s not my thing but I don’t judge if it doesn’t hurt anyone.
- Comment on CEO pay is rising faster than it has in a decade — and 3 times as fast as worker wages 8 months ago:
I know my value, too. So when I leave my retail job, I KNOW the company is going to give me a gazillion dollars because of the value I brought to it…I steal your /s and cry into it like a pillow
- Comment on Perfect weapon 8 months ago:
Get out. We don’t use that kind of talk in our house.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months ago:
I hope these people have IBS for a couple of weeks. And during times on the can, use that quiet time to reflect. Praise Dolly. Amen.
- Comment on Why Jeff Bezos wants Amazon employees to ‘wake up every morning terrified’ 9 months ago:
I up arrowed your comment but I disagree a little. You couldn’t reach a capitalist apex like Bezos et al without that kind of ruthless drive. However…I would like to think you and I “could” build a modest empire that treated everyone well and the employees felt valued and validated. And the products were something to be proud of. Good service but not at the expense of shaming. Look at, say, Trader Joes up until a couple of years ago or Patagonia. (Side bar: notice how there was a sudden uptick in unionizing at TJs in the last few years at the same time there is explosive growth in stores? Hmm?)
- Comment on Which one? 9 months ago:
I upvoted. But I also banned u/sjmarfx. Take from that what you will.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
sips my cocoa and says absolutely nothing
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
Hang on. Are you saying we are doing it wrong?
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
That was my take away. It was funny that way. But if you extrapolated from other interpretations, it’s kinda sad or kinda fascist. I prefer the funny.
- Comment on Refreshing 9 months ago:
Hold on. Are you saying you can get bread that is…“pre” cut"? Like, I don’t have to drive over to grandma’s whenever I do my shopping so she can slice it for me? All that labor cost, it probably costs like $100.
- Comment on Admit, who of you is this? 10 months ago:
I don’t get it. Like…I’m not a toddler. I need to get down low to check on those cakes. Also, I wish I had that ass.
- Comment on I'd just be glad they were happy together 10 months ago:
Are you complimenting or complaining? Hard to tell.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
Very heather.
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
sup. /the ‘p’ is silent and the vowel becomes elongated with a drop; off. “SUh h”
- Comment on it was my dogs birthday today! (He is a pinscher) 1 year ago:
Damn. Went there. And I am conflicted, do I appreciate it or do I condemn it?