Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months agoAs a non-Dolly music fan, I agree with you wholeheartedly… for now.
But later, if it comes out after she’s dead, that she was secretly harvesting puppy blood in her basement or abusing handicapped kids for decades or some other crazy awful thing, I’ll have to re-evaluate. And though I’m not hoping for this to be the case, it just seems like that’s exactly the type of shit this timeline would do to us. Guys I think I’m losing hope for humanity. Dolly save us all. 8 months ago
A little bit of hope for you: people have been trying to tear Dolly down for years; if anything like what you fear existed it probably would have been dug up by now. 8 months ago
She’s 78 years old and she’s been in the public eye for almost 60 years, and she’s been pretty upfront about her views and the good that she wants to do the entire time, and putting her money where her mouth is, and somehow some awful people still try to smear her and still can’t find anything to smear her with.