- Comment on At the airport. The TSA thought my daughter's Hello Kitty carry-on was suspicious. [More in body.] 4 weeks ago:
You might know this already but if not, people who have TSA Precheck don’t need to remove their laptops or take off their shoes. Sometimes TSA guys will remind people of this in the precheck scanner line. It’s not always super clear which scanner line is the precheck line vs regular though and perhaps you were hearing the precheck instruction instead.
- Comment on Anon airs out 1 month ago:
I know what fuck means too. Read the first sentence again… “all these early examples” are expressions referring to being lazy, with later meaning to include blunders. It was never actually an expression that suggested someone was fucking a dog or a degenerate, but instead just a vulgar expression of someone being lazy.
- Comment on Anon airs out 1 month ago:
Whether the action was feeding, walking, or fornicating, though, all of these early examples were used to mean “to loaf around” or “to waste time” (dogs have often been associated with laziness, as in the expression “dogging it”). Later on, possibly around World War II, “fucking the dog” and its euphemistic equivalents took on a secondary meaning of “blundering.”
- Comment on Anon airs out 1 month ago:
The origin doesn’t include actually having sex with a dog though. “Fuck the dog” was just an expression for being lazy and “screw the pooch” simply makes it more palatable.
- Comment on Would you ever have the nerve to do THIS? 1 month ago:
Why would you send an invitation to the unrelated “rich assholes” at all? Asking for a gift from people you don’t like just to somehow guilt them into “sending us expensive shit or a decent chunk of change” proves you’re just an asshole yourself, just not a rich one. It’s a “dick move” no matter who you send it to.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
Even if you, the programmer, are a complete fucking moron, by god javascript will try to make your program run as long as possible.
I mean it might not work as intended but it’ll run and not complain!
- Comment on I have no idea how to react to this. 4 months ago:
This guy has ALL the pride!
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
I think most parents get their kids in the car first because kids hanging around in the parking lot with cars pulling in and out is hazardous and kids can be don’t. Hard to keep an eye on them while you’re unloading things so you put them in first. Then of course if it’s warm out the car is hot and kids will be complaining so the parent starts the car to get the AC going while they secure the kids and then unload the groceries. Once done of course they have to decide… walk away from the running car with your kids inside and put the cart away, or not. I can understand why sometimes they dont.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
I wonder if those prior medical terms had precise definitions. Obese is BMI >= 30 and morbidly obese is >= 40. BMI itself has some issues but works ok as a general assessment for most people.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 8 months ago:
Uh oh… what did they do to Mr Rogers?
- Comment on Miracle cures 8 months ago:
Same. Suffered from chronic tendonitis in my shoulders. Cortisone shots helped tremendously but it kept coming back once I resumed lifting. 11 months off lifting and it immediately returned once I resumed and thought I was going to have to give up lifting altogether.
Read some studies about Tumeric and thought… what the heck, easy and cheap enough to try it out. Absolutely unexpected results taking 1000mg daily. Tendonitis gone and hasn’t returned after years now of constant heavy lifting. New PRs and blood work show extremely low inflammation (c reactive protein).
Later found our my friend, a house cleaner, thought she was going to have to retire early because of arthritis in her hands and she couldn’t afford to. She too tried it with low expectations but she swears by it like I do.
Maybe it doesn’t work for everyone and maybe they’ll figure out why someday… I don’t know. It’s absolutely changed my life though. Simple and fairly inexpensive, and for me at least it works.
- Comment on Miracle cures 8 months ago:
Thanks for trying to be rational and educated. It won’t appreciated by many, but thanks.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 10 months ago:
I takes abject poverty to lose weight though. Carbs are cheap and highly addicting. Poverty often brings a high bmi but poor nutrition.
- Comment on The Brutality of Sugar: Debt, Child Marriage and Hysterectomies 10 months ago:
Not even modern. Never been good but as they say, the dose makes the poison. Insidious really as we give it to our kids and ourselves, thinking nothing bad about it until a few decades later we realize how it’s ravaged our bodies and left us diseased. And then we get to watch our kids doing the same to their own.
- Comment on Why there are no "secondary" sports league that allow performance enhancement drugs? 1 year ago:
That’s not steroids… that guy literally injected oil - synthol - into his muscles to make them look ridiculously large. It’s not performance enhancing in any way.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
Just got the same update. If you can get a remote you can go into settings and turn off the new Home experience.
- Comment on a classic issue... 1 year ago:
It’s still a crap-ton of calories, at least the way I eat it. I’ve proven you can gain weight on keto. It’s harder but snacking on PB all day is one way to get enough calories to do it.
- Comment on Restaurant Bill 1 year ago:
You might want to read it again
Service Charges: A compulsory charge for service, for example, 15 percent of the bill, is not considered a tip under the FLSA. Sums distributed to employees from service charges are not tips, but may be used to satisfy the employer’s minimum wage and overtime pay obligations under the FLSA.
A place implementing a service charge cannot classify it as a tip, even if it’s 100% passed onto the employee… a mandatory charge is not a tip, even if the restaurant encourages you to treat it that way. Certain states and jurisdictions tax tips differently than regular wages, and service charges are wages, not tips.
- Comment on Restaurant Bill 1 year ago:
Except you’re wrong. Service charges are not considered tips under FLSA rules within the US. Many states and local jurisdictions have special rules for tipped wages, how they’re taxed and those taxes are collected, and service charges are not included in that definition.
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
Man I love how horrible this is!
- Comment on Where did the abbreviation "w/" for "with" come from? 1 year ago:
My guess is these became common with the telegraph. Since messages were expensive and the sender paid by the letter, abbreviations where commonly used to keep messages short.
- Comment on When a stranger ties their dog to your bike. 1 year ago:
Letting the dog free it might run into the road and get killed. Not a good idea.
- Comment on the internet is worse. 1 year ago:
The Atlantic often does long, in-depth stories and has proven to be a very reliable source. Their journalists have proven themselves in getting some great sources. Just in the last couple of weeks admissions by John Kelley and Gen Milley have proven stories The Atlantic broke 2 years ago with anonymous sources were accurate and credible.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
And part of his problem might be who he’s chosing to date. Bad partner choices aren’t necessarily going to give you helpful feedback.
- Comment on 31-year-old teacher quit her job. Now she works at Costco—and boosted her income by 50%: ‘I've never been happier' (these are not feel good stories, this is sad) 1 year ago:
It is a tough sell to place even more tax burden on people who will never realize the benefits.
But you will. We all benefit from a well-educated society. A poorly educated workforce isn’t competitive with one that is well-educated, and they attract employers with jobs that can take advantage of them. They provide the work for good-paying jobs and drive the economy we’re growing old in and hopefully retiring from someday.
Public education benefits everyone, not just the children.
- Comment on 31-year-old teacher quit her job. Now she works at Costco—and boosted her income by 50%: ‘I've never been happier' (these are not feel good stories, this is sad) 1 year ago:
Child students are a captive audience. The classroom should be a safe place for them regardless of the beliefs they’re taught at home. No teacher should be mocking or bullying students. Let the science and truth speak for itself.
- Comment on Nord VPN tv commercials are incredibly misleading 1 year ago:
It lets my internets 69??
- Comment on No one really understands our struggle 1 year ago:
I mean torches have been around a lot longer than Nazis. We’re not letting the Nazis take our torches.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Legal immigrants have rights and must be paid legal wages. Illegal immigrants will work for less, have no rights and won’t sue you.
- Comment on 100, here I cum 1 year ago:
Longer and healthier? Diabetes, obesity, heart-disease and auto-immune diseases are at all time highs.