- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
What are muds?
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
It took me a few years to figure these are D&D related.
- Comment on The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss 6 months ago:
Has it always been Beanz with a Z?
- Comment on Smoking PSA 6 months ago:
I really wish it wasn’t unhealthy. It looks so cool in old videos. And also the esthetics of a lit sigarette in an ash tray producing a line of smoke rising to the ceiling.
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 6 months ago:
I interpreted it as a 4 pound tv dinner. But maybe I’m reading it wrong.
- Comment on So sick! 6 months ago:
And then they cost like 50 bucks. I wanna support you but I can buy at least 5 shirts for that.
- Comment on It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation 6 months ago:
Is it really or are we assuming it is because publishers do this?
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 6 months ago:
Gearbox founder? Is this about greasy Randy?
- Comment on Pizza 7 months ago:
Lol. Haven’t head that name in a while.
- Comment on Pill bottle 7 months ago:
Lol. What?
- Comment on Never store gerbils up your ass, we went over this! 7 months ago:
I hate to say it but your boyfriend is having sex with his chair.
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 7 months ago:
Oh, now I get it.
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 7 months ago:
They absolutely look different from the original.
Colors seem to have shifted a bit. And they symbols are harder to see. But for me I can still see all of them.
- Comment on Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum? 7 months ago:
I’ve heard someone say that if we pay people working at restaurants a living wage, it would become more expensive to eat out.
I personally only eat out a couple of times a year, so that wouldn’t matter to me. But what’s your take on this?
- Comment on I'm all of them 7 months ago:
Remember PS2 where pressing the X harder actually made you go faster in racing games?
- Comment on Really helps with the cravings 7 months ago:
I only like the Knoppers wafers. Other ones are just disappointment cookies.
- Comment on Really helps with the cravings 7 months ago:
But why?
I will not be taking any questions. Damnit!
- Comment on Purrs like a kitten 8 months ago:
Pulling hot air out of the case makes perfect sense to me. The case probably has grating and/or fans at the top.
- Comment on "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild 8 months ago:
What is this snowcrash you’re referring to?
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 8 months ago:
Reminds me of a song about tinnitus called Push It by Garbage
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 8 months ago:
I misread this as what song you would hear when you did this.
- Comment on Youtube is broken, again 8 months ago:
Thanks for the update.
I’ve ReVanced patched the official YouTube app currently.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 8 months ago:
Yes I’ve always referred to them as Compaq screws but mainly because I personally saw them on Compaq first. Could be HP first started using them but they are on all HP PC’s as well these days.
I would have rather had they just used Phillips screws but as far as weird screwheads go these aren’t too bad.
- Comment on Youtube is broken, again 8 months ago:
Maybe there’s an update for newpipe. I had to update freetube on my tv.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 8 months ago:
Didn’t Compaq use to have those torx with a slit in them where you could put a flathead screwdriver in the slit part?
- Comment on Oh sweet, my old Empire Earth box! 8 months ago:
I wonder how long that price will last. We might be living in just the right time to buy a boatload of optical drives.
- Comment on We cater any event! 8 months ago:
Catering companiee would love to bring you food for 10 people and the plates to keep it warm for your quiet night alone. All you gotta do is pay.
- Comment on We cater any event! 8 months ago:
Where is the catering in this thread?
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
Made me realise I’m aging. Damnit.
Take this old man. Your eyes blink automatically. Have fun blinking your eyes manually for the next few minutes.
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
I hate how they have taken that redpill term to make it all uncool instead of how cool it used to be in the Matrix.