Use UBlock, sponsorblock, firefox, etc. Recently it broke again, some stupid permission to connect youtube to other google services pop-up is permablocking it and I can’t be bothered investigating.
Go to FreeTube cause why not. Works rather well for how it works. Especially for listening to albums it is fine, for video it’s often too slow.
They found a way to inject bullshit in there too, now? And basically everywhere.
Albums are sometimes uploaded as 1 long video. Those are fun. Often they’re uploaded as all songs seperately and then there’s a playlist which makes it ‘the album’. They used to be okay too.
Not anymore. People started injecting bullshit videos within the playlists. No, Andrew fucking Tates bullshit is not part of this album. Fuuuu. ANDREW I CAN’T STAY FUCKING MOTIVATED BECAUSE SOME ARSEHOLE INJECTED YOUR BULLSHIT VIDEO INTO THE MUSIC PLAYLIST I’LD LIKE TO LISTEN TO WITHOUT YOUR BULLSHIT INTERRUPTIONS!
I need to work on permanently replacing youtube. It no longer serves its purpose (for me of listening to albums) reliably. 8 months ago
I don't understand. What google service permission?
And is youtube injecting andrew tate into playlists or is the owners of the playlists? 8 months ago
Google has to allow users to separate accounts on their services. It’s probably a popup that asks if you want to keep it all in one account or use a separate account for YouTube. 8 months ago
Yes, EU, they probably have to. Thing is i can’t see a thing on that pop-up, something somewhere is blocking it. Turned off ublock, still not showing, turned off i don’t care about cookies, still shows nothing. So it’s a white, empty pop-up on which i can’t click a thing and can’t get beyond it. 8 months ago
i think it’s whoever made the playlist i dunno. It’s mildly infuriating to me anyhow that someone would post a “full album …” and compose it with videos which all together do not form the album they claim it is in the title of the playlist. 8 months ago
Yeah but that’s not a youtube platform issue. Unless you mean to say they ought to block Andrew Tate content fully and anyone who tries to post it gets permabanned. Then yes, of course.