- Comment on Do It! 2 weeks ago:
More like “breakes”, amiright?
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 4 weeks ago:
Most of those problems would solve itself though. Things would just happen a minute too early, which might cause chaos for an hour or so, but overall nothing too serious. But IT people all over the world would try to find out how that mysterious gap in their logs and data happened for weeks afterwards.
- Comment on I got the money saved in my mansions safe. 1 month ago:
Reality: $1000/month and $40k minimum down payment.
- Comment on This time it's for reals 2 months ago:
The License To Kill
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
- Comment on Premium Ads 4 months ago:
Other options: NewPipe, Libretube, Grayjay
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 4 months ago:
All I am is disappointed, I ain’t pretending to be anything else.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 4 months ago:
As I am not eligible to vote in the US I certainly didn’t.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 4 months ago:
Are you a dead Palestinian Child? No.
Not voting is basically the same as giving Netanjahu Carte Blanche to kill more innocent palestinians.
While I understand not being happy with the Status Quo there’s also always a worse option. You now elected that “Worse Option™”.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 4 months ago:
The Democrats at least call for a ceasefire in Gaza, even though they send weapons to Israel. Trump openly admits that he would like Bibi to flatten the place with no regard for human life.
But I guess both parties are the same.
- Comment on Many TV stations put a banner ad in the picture these days 4 months ago:
Have you watched a game of Association Football (or real football) lately? They digitally alter the ads on physical LED banners for different broadcast regions.
- Comment on Being an already decided voter in a swing state is swell 4 months ago:
She’s born in Oakland, CA. Where did she illegally migrate to?
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 5 months ago:
Is the same true for a blue lives matter shirt, I wonder?
- Comment on Why do phone manufacturers use in-display fingerprint readers instead of fingerprint readers on the power button? 5 months ago:
I would hate that so much. The power button is for turning the screen off!
- Comment on And another 6 months ago:
Religion is such a great thing […] you almost say […] let’s not be good what difference does it make
- Comment on 👁️ 🌹 💨 💨 6 months ago:
60% of lightspeed, according to another commenter.
- Comment on Youtube is broken, again 8 months ago:
Jellyfin might be your way to go.
- Comment on Alignment Chart Shitpost 8 months ago: