Why are you reading this? Go do something worthwhile.
- Comment on I've done it again... 1 week ago:
I always weigh my pasta. A really large serving of pasta is ~4oz.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Now that we have an executive order stating that everyone is a woman, this gets more interesting.
- Comment on Maybe next year 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
I remember watching an interview with some chef once. They were asked what common things they would see when they’re at someone’s house that would keep them from eating, just out of fear. Washing raw chicken in the sink was the instant answer. It splashes everywhere and is very likely to contaminate half your kitchen.
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 2 months ago:
Same! Without smart watch support, it’s a great game. With it, it will be incredible.
- Comment on Fully playable Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Wii build leaks online 2 months ago:
Still better than the new EA ones which aren’t finished and aren’t playable.
- Comment on PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery 3 months ago:
Ah, but there are also tarot cards, which is spooky Occult voodoo magic. Balatro backwards might spell “Satan is Lord” in some ancient druidic script.
- Comment on Hey is Sharing Luigi’s Manifesto on Social Media Actually "Glorifying Violence"? Because Reddit Said So 😭 3 months ago:
No, it’s not.
It’s an acknowledgement that there’s a massive problem.
These companies are literally willing to bankrupt you to death. Their behavior is inexcusable. They profiteer off of human suffering.
We live in a country founded by people who were unhappy with the status quo and were willing to pick up a gun to change things. We shouldn’t act surprised that it still happens. I don’t think we should celebrate it, because it’s sad that this is happening in the first place, that someone feels they need to do this. This problem is solvable, and it can be solved civilly, or it will be solved uncivilly.
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 3 months ago:
I am so confused by all this. It makes me feel old.
Funko is essentialy just plastic, shitty Beanie Babies, right? They do nothing original, from what I can tell.
- Comment on conditional probability 3 months ago:
But would you rather be alone in the woods with a statistician or a bear?
- Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 5 months ago:
Here’s the one I have:…/mx-ergo-wireless-trackball-mouse.h…
I have another Logitech one that cost about $25.
I really, really like it. They’re really durable, easy for a kid to use, and pretty inexpensive.
Only con is if you drop it and the ball pops out, it can roll under the couch.
- Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 5 months ago:
I use a HTPC. Using a traditional mouse is the worst. For a long time I used a Mac Mini because the Apple Bluetooth trackpad is the only external trackpad I’ve ever used that’s any good.
Then I got a Bluetooth trackball mouse. It’s by far my favorite. It’s rugged, easy to toss around, and it just lives on a couch arm.
The only steaming device I have is a Chromecast that’s exclusively used to turn on and off the TV.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
As a person who hates phones, I love this game. I got accepted into the beta a week or two ago and having a game that doesn’t require me to touch my phone all the time is my favorite thing.
The only thing that would make it better is integration with other smart device step counters. Being able to play (more like progress I guess) a phone game while not even carrying my phone would be hilarious. I am sure you’re getting hounded by people about this non-stop.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 7 months ago:
Poster shows the metric system giving Uncle Sam giant balls of steel?
Imperial emasculates.
- Comment on Halo on Paramount+ has been canceled after only two seasons 8 months ago:
Truly one of the worst adaptions ever made. It’s astonishing that people might have actually tried and worked hard to make this heap of garbage.
Usually, in trash movies/TV you can see the vision at least and understand how maybe studio executives, or lack of technology, or even lack of ability destroyed the project. The kernel of what originally sold it is still there. But with Halo, I didn’t see any of that. Everything was bad. Nobody cared, and nobody tried.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Obviously, we need to arm teachers with TOW missiles.
- Comment on Eat the rich? 8 months ago:
It’s an interesting stat. Is this individuals or households? Is it “head of household” or is it also counting minors?
Regardless, there’s enormous disparity.
The median wealth in India, according to Wikipedia, is $3755. There’s probably hundreds of millions of people there who fall into the less than $380 category.
Again, Wikipedia, but Africa has just over 700M inhabitants with a median $1242 wealth. That’s $879B. For everyone on the continent. 8 people have 1.5X more wealth than an entire continent full of people.
But maybe it’s not 3.6B people. Maybe it’s 3B or only 2B people. It’s still not OK.
- Comment on Ok. Now they've done it. 9 months ago:
I live in Tennessee. The number of lives that Dolly Parton has changed for the better is immeasurable. The two things you’re supposed to do as a Christian are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
She loves her neighbors more than she loves herself. Anyone talking trash about Dolly is the worst kind of person.
- Comment on Don't give me none of that jazz! 9 months ago:
Wow. We’d be lucky if that were true today. With slavery, it’s 3/5, but with things gerrymandered correctly, it’s essentially 0/5.
- Comment on Japan anon complains about Google 10 months ago:
So true. If I want to know how old a celebrity is, first result is something about their latest work that doesn’t mention age, and then the next 3-4 are usually some ranking articles, “top 10 ceberities you didn’t know were 50,” and then Wikipedia comes in with the answer.
- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
Tell me you’re a 44 year old man with a Messiah complex who spends his Friday nights trolling college bars for girls his estranged daughter’s age without telling me.
- Comment on Hmmm... 1 year ago:
So if a Cybertruck runs me down in a crosswalk, does my newly widowed wife sue Tesla or Apple?
- Comment on I have to pay extra to remove ads from Prime Video 1 year ago:
Are the ads to fuel future shows, or to recoup losses from the abhorrent money pit that is Rings of Power?
- Comment on The Jebus Said So. 1 year ago:
- Comment on What makes a bicycle so expensive? 1 year ago:
But even that was kind of cheating. I think May had the Mercedes 300D, which is probably the most reliable car ever made, and Hammond had an Opel that had already survived 50 years there. The only one who really struggled was Clarkson in the Lancia, which makes sense.
- Comment on Mike McMahan Calls On Fans To Help Keep ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ From Facing The Same Fate As ‘Prodigy’ 1 year ago:
To the room full of millionaires out there who think I’ll spend $14.99/month indefinitely on their shitty platform to watch a better than average Star Trek show:
Ahoy matey.
- Comment on 31-year-old teacher quit her job. Now she works at Costco—and boosted her income by 50%: ‘I've never been happier' (these are not feel good stories, this is sad) 1 year ago:
No, America doesn’t take it seriously, not just legislators. There’s a significant chunk of the population that thinks public schools are evil and liberal factories to send kids to hell because they teach sex education and science.
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Exactly. Every new game doesn’t have to be an instant classic that breaks new ground. But they should be functional, playable, and have enough polish to be considered finished. That doesn’t necessarily mean bug free, but we all know what a finished game looks like, and what one doesn’t.
The worst one I’ve ever personally played was the Lego Hobbit game. My wife and I used to line up kamikaze shots and play Lego games, figuring a child and a drunk adult were about the same level. The game stops when Smaug flies out of the mountain. Roll credits. I guess the last movie did so poorly that they never bothered making the rest of the game.