- Comment on Voting Third Party this year. Don't try to stop me. 5 months ago:
So we know who to blame if its close and democracy goes to die in a Mar-a-Lago shitter.
Thanks for the disclosure.
- Comment on Donors 5 months ago:
This exactly. If you really want to stay anonymous then use a middleman and do it anonymous to the recipient as well.
Everyone involved with the institution, students, parents who pay tuition, teachers, authorities who financially support the institution (…) have a right to know in whose pocket they are.
- Comment on 🙋🏻 me! 5 months ago:
A sexy lace bra would be quite the statement piece. Im not against it.
- Comment on Smart 5 months ago:
You’d need the great Robin Williams for that and he is sadly quite unavailable.
- Comment on Margot Robbie and Jacob Elordi's Wuthering Heights casting fails to impress fans 5 months ago:
Yeah, I can’t see it either. I don’t think the target audience is those people who love the Brontë books. And then I have to wonder, if they will be true to the atmosphere of the book, the essence.
And then I can just watch any random romantic drama. You don’t have to butcher a classic for that.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
That’s the plan. Unfortunately I wasn’t in a situation to say no or be picky when my dad offered to buy me a new printer.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
I hate this so much.
My hp printer doesn’t do shit, if I’m not online and logged in to my hp account. For what if not for collecting datathey have no business collecting.No advice, just shared frustration.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Ha, now I wanna watch it. Might be fun if you treat it like it’s Cunk on Earth.
- Comment on Climate change 5 months ago:
So they gain a Mediterranean sea. Doesn’t seem so bad to me.
- Comment on Baby bat Sunday funday 5 months ago:
That point should be everyday, every week.
- Comment on i am hella indifferent to humans of any gender taking shits 5 months ago:
And yet here you are, making a shitpost about people and their shit…
- Comment on That explains it. 6 months ago:
“…because I objectify young women and I like it.”
- Comment on (Religious) What would i be labeled? 6 months ago:
Not the answer to your question, but I find it important to point out, that atheist and non theist are not necessarily the same.
A non theist isn’t necessarily a non believer who rejects all religion like the general understanding of an atheist.
The Dalai Lama for example calls himself an non theist and so do I as a Buddhist. Buddhism is a believe system, a religion, that does not believe that there is a god or gods. Some subdivisions of buddhism believe in divine beings you can turn to and pray to, but they all used to be ordinary humans, same as the Buddha, who obtained enlightenment and transcended into a higher form of being.
- Comment on Stand your ground 6 months ago:
will be SHOOT…
- Comment on Stand your ground 6 months ago:
Aww, how proud they are, the little green shits. Bless their hearts.
- Comment on Is Trump Made of Teflon? 6 months ago:
You know old Teflon is toxic… sounds about right.
- Comment on Big Penny! 6 months ago:
Yeah, I thought how frustrating that must be for the people who live there if that road is blocked time and time again because of the same thing.
- Comment on Big Penny! 6 months ago:
That’s why bridges have the hight written on it.
I think it is resonable to expect someone to inform themselves about the hight of the vehicle, especially if they are not experienced in truck driving.
If you are not experienced and do not inform yourself that’s just careless.
- Comment on Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See 6 months ago:
Great list. Very balanced in origin, time and genre.
Gonna go hunting down some movies…
- Comment on unwatchable!! 6 months ago:
Thank you for your thorough explanation.
It’s always a bit confusing when your language has one word for something another language makes distinctions within.
- Comment on unwatchable!! 6 months ago:
As a non native English speaker, where does toxic fit into the poisonous/venevenomous question?
- Comment on What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean 6 months ago:
What kind of advice even is that?
- Comment on What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean 6 months ago:
Put them in the glass recycling. This might be different from your general recycling bin.
To recycle glass they break it down into tiny shards, it gets industrially cleaned and then melted and formed into new glassware.
Glass doesn’t has to be clean to be able to be recycled, just mostly separated into colours.
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 6 months ago:
It’s the same argument than if you provide social security people don’t want to work anymore. Its classist and racist.
Congrats. You hit two right wing propaganda points with one scentence.
Feel free to prove me wrong with reliable sources and real numbers.
- Comment on The Science of Storytelling 6 months ago:
Now I wonder how this graph would look like Stephen Kings “The Stand” during the pandemic.
Did people want to read a book about a flu-like pandemic wiping out humanity or rather not not?
- Comment on The Science of Storytelling 6 months ago:
If the tower falls you loose.
- Comment on What happened with active users on Lemmy? 6 months ago:
Did lemmy do something in the meantime to keep bots out?
If a lot of them can’t operate anymore like before they wouldn’t count as active users anymore either and would explain discrepancies, or not?
Not that I know anything about how bots or websites work tbh.
- Comment on So professional looking it must be true 6 months ago:
Yeah, no. They don’t. Whoever told you that made that shit up or heard it from an american.
- Comment on American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it? 6 months ago:
You know that all these things are vastly different in different countries.
Switzerland is very different to Slovenia and Iceland is not comparable with Italy. Every one has their own healthcare system, police, internet providers.
And while the US is also big and diverse, you still can’t compare one federated country with a Union of independent countries.