Milwaukee and DeWalt dads go into cripping debt trying to one-up each other with home renovations every year
Ryobi dads sit at the back of the bus.
Makita dads fuck the other three dads wives
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Milwaukee and DeWalt dads go into cripping debt trying to one-up each other with home renovations every year
Ryobi dads sit at the back of the bus.
Makita dads fuck the other three dads wives
Do Bosch tools not exist outside of Germany? Here the professional (blue) line is pretty much on par with hilti and Makita in terms of quality if not better depending on the type of tool
Bosch doesnt really enter the chat in a lot of places because their range of (excellent) tools just isnt that big.
If you’re looking to enter a dad dick measuring contest with your tool collection Bosch isnt going to win, I swear Ryobi is about 3 seconds from bringing out a battery powered battery.
There’s some Bosch stuff in the UK. I’m a Makita person but I recently bought a Bosch glue gun and it’s the most solid feeling glue gun I’ve ever had.
Bosch os common throughout Europe. In the US it probably suffers from the not invented here syndrome. Or maybe just heavy taxes, or they don’t think blue is manly enough. Who can tell?
They exist in NA but definitely aren’t as popular. The Bosch evsk1617 kit is still the best value for a larger size (not palm) router kit.
Thing is I’ve only seen their cheap and really crappy line.
I’ve let the smoke out of a Bosch drill before, they’re not that great.
I work with Hilti tools at work. You just made me giggle, thanks!
Dewalt is still that well regarded? My dad fucking hates them lol we used to have a good amount of their stuff and then tool after tool broke on him and he won’t buy them unless he doesn’t have a better option (he and my brother are HVAC/plumbers). He likes Milwaukee but thinks they’re overpriced, and has a decent amount of Ryobi stuff now, along with Bosch. My grandpa was the Makita man.
Makita is honestly the way to go if you really work in the trades. The extreme top-range specs of DeWalt or Milwaukee’s tools could (and should, IMO) be easily surpassed with a cheap corded tool.
All of my DeWalt gear straight up fucks. Anything else is toys though my Incra router table swings a fat Makita and my mitering chop saw is a Rigid.
Festool is the dad who still says “My father will hear about this”. Sure people like him but he’s still an asshole.
Festool is like a Porsche. They are expensive, but once you experience it you understand why they are worth that price.
I was wondering where Festool gang was at
As a bisexual Makita dad, this describes me well.
Damn bro, we should hang. Makita dad meetup
Everyone except the Ryobi dads sound like they must be exhausted tbh…
You don’t know the half of the toolbox dick-measring contest that goes on at jobsites.
Love my overpriced German Metabo.
I have a metaboHPT Brad nailer and it was absolutely the most affordable I could find outside of harbor freight level, and at the same time one of my highest quality tools. Truly a joy to use.
Anyone buying Hilti for DIY work needs to be slapped.
Can confirm I’m in debt
Bosch in the meantime is just working working and working. No sex, no fun, just work.
This tracks.
DeWalt: high quality and good pedigree but overpriced = Slytherin
Milwaukee: basically the same as DeWalt, but less pretentious. Thinks they’re better and tougher though = Gryffindor
Makita: the smart choice for value, also best colors = Ravenclaw
Ryobi: I know it will break, but they’re just tools and I’m not serious about this anyway. I would rather spend more money on my family or other hobbies = Hufflepuff
Honorable mentions of other “houses” and schools in the thread.
Black and Decker/Craftsman/whatever. Used to be very impressive, but completely corrupted. Probably evil = Durmstrang (Russian school)
Festool: Beautiful, absolutely dripping with wealth signals. Still pretty amazing at what they do, but you might not want them on a job site = Beauxbatons (super wealthy French school)
Harbor freight: Simple, potentially the most powerful but also likely to break. Can probably accomplish what you need by using a wrench as a hammer, but you wouldn’t want to do anything delicate with it. Actually the biggest group of dad-wizards = Uagadou (the school in Uganda where magic was invented but they don’t use wands)
I don’t know where you shop but DeWalt is cheaper than Milwaukee and Makita. Project Farm tests show Milwaukee as usually best but trades wins against Makita.
So no, DeWalt isn’t overpriced. It’s cheaper and less quality. Neither is Milwaukee equivalent to DeWalt. Milwaukee/Makita are better, sometimes incredibly better than DeWalt but at a much higher price.
For example a drill with battery on Amazon is:
DeWalt: $99 Makita: $149 Ryobi: $73 Milwaukee: $144
At Home Depot and Lowes, the price difference between DeWalt and Milwaukee is even bigger.
I want to see model numbers on those prices you’re comparing.
Anything I go to an actual store, DeWalt is more then Milwaukee. I never look at Ryobi or Makita because they are not good professional tools and break much faster then DeWalt or Milwaukee
Could be, but there are also like 80 different impact drivers in each brand, so tough to compare apples to apples. I also bought all my power tools years and years ago, so just going off what I remember when I was doing my research. I actually own mostly DeWalt and some Makita and Harbor Freight, and my router stuff is all Bosch. The only Milwaukee stuff I own is their M18 yard tools stuff and it’s really shoddily built and quite shit, though it did look the best compared to the alternatives - so probably just a function of compromising on a multi tool. But hey, I’m just one dad.
The one thing I know for sure is there’s a silly amount of brand loyalty and sweeping generalizations (like the ones I made!), and it’s tough to cut through any of it since tool review websites and videos are probably the worst example of AI generated blogspam I experience in my daily life. Unless someone’s a professional tradesman, they probably don’t get to use tools enough to have well-informed opinions, and then their needs don’t even really match harry homeowner in the first place.
Yeah the only tools I’ve had die on me way too early is DeWalt and Ryobi.
FYI Durmstrang is from Hungary.
So Russia-lite
Ah, thanks. I haven’t read those books for years and years.
Is this canonical?
Depending on what you’re doing, you absolutely want Festool on a job site. A Rotex sander is fantastic for doing the edges when you’re refinishing hardwood floors, for instance. (Goddamn incompatible sanding discs though… You have to buy the Festool discs if you want the dust management.) For some jobs, there really aren’t any viable alternatives to Festool; no one else makes a domino joiner, which is somewhere between a plate joiner and a mortise and tenon joint. (You can get close by using a precision doweling jig, but the domino joiner is fast. Mortise and tenons are fantastic joints, but a mortising machine isn’t terribly portable, and cutting one by hand is far, far more skill than I have.)
I’m familiar, but does a domino go to a job site? Or does it stay in a dedicated shop full of fancy/specialized tools?
Also we should probably remember we’re talking dads getting sorted, not actual professionals, so if I’m wrong in industry - it’s because I’m coming from hobbyist dad-land. I don’t even know anyone with anything festool. At best I’m going off of forums and YouTube and guessing at what fancy dads want…though I wouldn’t mind a domino of someone else is paying!
What about snap-on?
Awesome characterization, I’m not following the Potterverse but what would Hilti be? Or Mafell?
We’ve reached the ends of my knowledge of both tool brands and Harry Potter unfortunately. Hilti I’ve got no idea - I only feel bad about leaving out Bosch.
Festool is not on this list because Festool owners NEVER GET ANYONE PREGNANT.
Because you have to choose: children or Festool. Only the few elite can have both.
Can confirm, had a vasectomy years ago.
Love the very, very few Festools that I have. But the price is painful.
My dad gifted me a Dewalt Impact for Father’s day one year and I’ve been unintentionally stuck in that ecosystem since.
How have power tool companies not figured out Gillette’s trick about giving you a free razor on your 18th birthday to lock you in for decades?
Dewalt has the juice to get it done but lacking g in specialty tools and their tough system sucks compared to Milwaukee. Coming from a guy with several grand of dewalt. Kind of wish I went Milwaukee but I’m in too deep…
I got my old man some DeWalt stuff. They’re excellent tools.
House DeWalt: The Builders
House Ryobi: The Slapjobs
House Milwaukee: The wishes they were house DeWalt
House Makita: Quality prevails regardless of how little I use my tools.
House Bosch: House Makita but doesn’t like Asians
House Metabo: House Milwaukee but green
House Rigid: wow these are fuckin cheap
House Worx: Tools take a backseat to Yardwork
House Metabo HPT: My wife says they’re great
You need to know that most power tools are ultimately owned by only a few brands
Milwaukee and Ryobi for example are both owned by TTI but the Marketing is strong.
I dropped my locking, variable speed, single direction, corded drill with the chuck key electrical taped to the cracked plastic cord on a board and the hole I needed formed naturally out of fear.
DeWalt gang, stand up!
You remember how Harry chose the house he wanted to be in, and it’s canon, that the sorting hat ward isn’t definite? When I was buying my first tool, I wanted a Ryobi. But they didn’t have it in stock and they did have Makita on sale and the sales guy told me that would be much better for the same price. So after that I’m buying only Makita, to fit the rest.
Quality-wise, Makita > DeWALT ≥ Milwaukee > Ryobi, at least, if you watch teardowns by guys like AvE.
Power tools are like cars; companies hold several brands and target them to different market segments, like Porsche and VW.
Ryobi is owned by the same company as Milwauki; it’s the budget line, Milwauki being their premium line.
DeWALT and Black & Decker are owned by the same company; DeWALT is their premium line.
The exception in this list is Makita, which is its own company. They’re also objectively more well-built than the others (here), and correspondingly usually more expensive.
The premium lines are better quality (not just more expensive) but also tend to have smaller battery-tool options. Despite being a budget line, I mostly own B&D because most of my tools these days are 24V and there are more tool options there. The few, select, DeWALT tools I have are noticably better quality.
I don’t use power tools enough to justify Makita, but also, their battery-powered line is comparatively tiny. As someone else said, there’s a lot of motivation to pick a (compatible) lane, whichever it is. For most home-gamers, the quality difference will probably not matter much. If I were made of money, though, I’d have everything Makita except for the things they don’t make.
I’m in that fifth house that no-one ever seems to talk about: BOSCH.
J/K, I’m mostly Bosch, but I look towards whichever manufacturer makes the best version of a tool I currently need. For example, my chainsaws and yard/orchard power tools are Stihl, my lawnmower is Husqvarna, my circular saw, worm drive saw and abrasion/steel cutoff saw are all Skilsaw (not Skil!), and my oscillating multi tool is Fein.
Plus, many of the domestics are vintage, from before production was outsourced out of America, which makes them much more reliable and robust than modern tools. Even some of the other tools are vintage – my Stihl 076 Super can cut through a 60cm log like a hot knife through butter. And I have both 36″ and 72″ bars to go with it.
20v to house DeWalt!
Couple years back I went to the graduation party of a kid my step daughter was friends. The dad had an entire wall pegboarded out with every possible Ryobi cordless tool. It was honestly impressive. And he had one Makita tool. Made me laugh.
But Ryobi and Milwaukee are both owned and manufactured by the same company TTI, they’re practically the same tools just with a different plastic shell
That’s because the batteries have become the printer ink of the tool world. They’re f’n expensive.
If you buy into a product system it makes no sense to have different batteries that don’t fit all the tools. If you keep the batteries all the same then you can be charging one or two sets vs having to buy extra sets and charger multiplied by the different tool makers.
I have one of the manufacturers shown in the image, and after I got a kit that had a charger, tool, and extra batteries included I got hooked in because they sell tools without batteries, but I have extra! So I bought same maker. The tools are all pretty good, so not much difference between makers, but that’s one way they hook you.
Project Farm on YouTube has great tests and reviews of products like this. Fully recommend his channel if you are in the market to buy tools or tool adjacent products.
We are a cheap garbage household 💪💪💪💪💪
GryffinDeWalt Milwauflepuff Ravenkita Slytheryobi
I love “the wire” scene on picking a power tool.
“Yeah. Cordless’ll do that. You might want to consider the powder-actuated tool. The Hilti DX460MX or the Simpson PTP. These two are my Cadillacs. Everything else on this board is second best, sorry to say. Are you contracting or just doing some work around the house?”
As a Harbor Freight guy, I’m offended.
Any Europeans? Where my Bosch brothers
I landed in DeWalt when their cordless devices became as good as/better than corded tools; I standardized on their battery platform only for them to abandon my battery and roll out a new (incompatible) one. Shortly thereafter my batteries bricked and it seems the business model is to force consumers to buy new tools every so often
FML I hate it that they’re all proprietary and incompatible
Went looking for my Craftsman brothers, but I’m afraid I may stand alone.
And if you’re a dad who has a woodworking YouTube channel and business: Festool.
Only Bosch! Only hardcore! 1 year ago
It is whatever you buy a battery and charger for first. Then you are unwilling to forfeit that battery to just buy another tool. So you get another tool of the same brand, even if you aren’t happy with the previous. Then at that point, you’ve gone to far. You’ve got several hundred dollars in batteries you would have to give up just to switch. It is the most blatant example of the sunken cost fallacy. 1 year ago
I found a set of Makita tools for 60% off last year and now I’m Makita battery dependent for the rest of my life 1 year ago
It 10 years you will have thousands of dollars in makita tools because hey, that hammer drill you needed was only $110, better get another battery too, your old ones are getting tired. 🤷♂️ and you will always have makita tools, forever. Even if you hate them. 1 year ago
I used to be ride or die for Makita as an electrician, but they’ve gone downhill lately and their battery prices are insane! Used to be a Makita could fall off a ladder onto the chuck and bounce. Last year my crew had two drills newly bought that year CATCH FIRE and one strip the gearbox. Embarassing performance.
I’ve pivoted to Ridgid with their dirt cheap batteries with lifetime warranty. And I have a couple Ridgid->Makita adapters to use my new collection of Ridgid batteries with my tough old Makita tools. Battery adapters will free you from that lock-in.
Honestly I’ve been impressed with the Ridgid tools though, same manufacturer as Milwaukee and Ridgid has always been a big brand with plumbers. The brushless tools I’ve bought have been powerful and robust so far. No regrets 1 year ago
Feels like something the EU would eventually work on settling: making all tool manufacturers have a non-proprietary connector. 1 year ago
Just fucking make it all XT90 or something. 10 months ago 1 year ago
I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for a Belgian or something to drop in here to say that they’ve had fully interchangeable batteries for the last twenty years, and then make fun of us for building houses out of wood because we didn’t clear cut our continent. 1 year ago
More people should know there actually are adapters for different brands of batteries on amazon, and thingiverse if you have a 3D printer 1 year ago
And if you don’t have a 3D printer, your local library likely does. 1 year ago
Dewalt battery on a Dyson vacuum as well 1 year ago
And if you don’t have a 3D printer, your local library likely does. 1 year ago
Looking for this comment, I’m still running my craftsman 19.2 volt tools, but with a 20v DeWalt adapter, saved my from throwing away 1 reciprocating saw, 1 light, 1 1/4" impact, 2 drills, 1 90° drill, and a circular saw. 1 year ago
Yeah Ryobi is dirt cheap and good enough for most things. When you need to add another tool, choosing between the one that doesn’t have a battery and the one that does but is twice the price has a big influence on your decision.
Also, I’m not a contractor, so I only use certain tools once every six months. Have yet to have anything fail on me. If it does, maybe I’ll upgrade. Certain tools have already paid for themselves in that they saved me from needing to hire someone else. Just getting a pole saw and hedge trimmer alone saved me probably $700. 1 year ago
Fucking Ridgid got me, because on paper, they have lifetime warranties on their batteries. But after buying an expensive combo, they made it an absolute hassle to register my tools, so I kinda doubt they’ll honor their warranty. Now I’m Ridgid + Dewalt. My corded tools and hand tools are whatever brand; harbor freight or walmart if not used often, Milwaukee, DeWalt, etc if I expect to use them often. 1 year ago
I really dislike Home Depot after a series of huge customer service mishaps with me last year, and actively avoid going there now.
Which is a shame because I have a lot of Ryobi One tools. They are perfectly positioned for weekend warriors…huge tool library, good batteries, affordable and of fairly decent quality (certainly well above “junk” and a good value for the money).
Shame that is a store-exclusive brand.
The worst part is I’ve bought into most of the cordless tools I’d really need. The day might come where I want a larger circular saw (mines only 5.5 and it is prone to binding if your technique isn’t perfect, and even then…) or find that some of the tools that I’m okay with having corded (like a jigsaw or an angle grinder) I now need a cordless replacement. At that point I’ll likely find myself buying into a better and more expensive battery system and, for quite a while, only having the one seldom-used tool for it.
Now I’ve got a dead 4Ah battery and I’m on the fence as to rebuild it, buy a new one, or take it as an opportunity to start going into a new battery system. 1 year ago
I actually did a lot of research on this when I bought my first battery tools, knowing this would be the case, and decided they had a decent range of everything I’d likely need.
I went with AEG. 1 year ago
Which is TTI, so the same as Milwaukee, Ryobi, and Rigid. I wonder if they are more of a non-US rebranded one of those 3 10 months ago
Milwaukee included a bag and floodlight in their drill package so I guess that did it for me. Most of my bits are Ryobi though. 1 year ago
Would there be a way to 3D print plastic part of a battery and just fill it with standard battery types (cylindrical batteries) and make them swapable? Because as far as i know there isn’t really any electronics in batteries, just different voltages based on number of batteries in series and different mounting mechanism. It just seems like a silly vendor lock-in. 1 year ago
One could go pneumatic, get a compressor and pneumatic tools. 1 year ago
That’s only good if you can bring your work to your garage.