- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
Oh, absolutely! Still have mine in my desk drawer for any long-chained calculations. The Deci-Lon was the absolute GOAT in both its long and short forms.
IMHO the only slide rule that was consistently better was the Faber-Castell 2/83N.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
You use a click eraser or a normal block eraser.
Only filthy casuals suffer one at the end of the pencil.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
.5mm or .3mm for me, the only place I use a .7mm or a .9mm is with woodworking.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
No K&E either. Which for any draftsperson, ex or current, is a heretical omission.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
I find myself inordinately amused by the unsolicited vitriol of your comment. Sounds like you have a lot to unpack with that particular model.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
The fact that Rotring, Staedtler, and K&E mechanical pencils are missing is deeply troubling.
I also have an emotional thing for the Pentel P200 series, and the Pentel Techniclick in black has been my absolute personal favourite for light-duty scribbling and note-taking since the 90s.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 4 weeks ago:
Oh, most definitely. Used it nearly every day.
I have used the same web browser, in terms of ideology, codebase, and heritage, for nearly a third of a century, now.
NCSA Mosaic -> Netscape -> Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox.
I now hew more to alternates such as LibreWolf and Floorp, but I still run Firefox EME-Free as my default.
- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 5 weeks ago:
Technically the Earth is not spherical… it’s an oblate spheroid.
- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 1 month ago:
What is making AI such an unmitigated disaster is that AI has no ability to acknowledge a shortfall in information - all questions MUST BE ANSWERED - so it hallucinates the answers.
AI has no ability to ask for clarification or guide the user, so it will answer the letter of the question instead of the spirit of the question, causing the user to be presented with suboptimal results.
AI has no ability to alert the user that it has potentially conflicting data sets, so it mashes them all together and we get glue in pizza recipes.
In short, AI is a slave, shackled to a job it cannot do properly, so it does it badly, with a rapid decline in quality because it NEEDS to parasitize off the AI answers that came before it, and so gets its own data sets poisoned with rapidly-worsening slop.
And we’re integrating it into large swaths of our infrastructure.
- Comment on The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it's gonna be handled are already in the works 1 month ago:
we’re running out of nonviolent options.
We send so much of our natural resources in an almost of completely raw state beyond our borders. Why not enact a law demanding that it be in its final format prior to consumption?
They want oil? Refined gasoline and diesel for vehicles. Or plastic particles for vacuum-forming. Or actual plastic parts for assembly.
They want wood? Lumber processed into its final usable form - beams and studs and plywood only.
They want wheat? Processed and ground into flour and bagged for use.
Rinse and repeat for every raw resource imaginable that comes out of Canada.
- Comment on The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it's gonna be handled are already in the works 2 months ago:
We may not have heavy weaponry, but we have the bonus of looking exactly like any other American.
He’ll have to face a lot of dead American soldiers. I will die a Canadian. And asymmetric warfare is available to anyone these days. Just look how The Ukraine has held off the Russian invasion for three full years with a fraction of the resources and manpower.
- Comment on The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it's gonna be handled are already in the works 2 months ago:
The more accurate analogy would be The Handmaiden’s Tale.
Absolutely terrifying. And once the underground railroads fire up to bring women refugees to Canada, I’ll do my part to help.
- Comment on Missed connection 2 months ago:
Holy shit, the first time I saw this was, like, 20 years ago.
Talk about a blast from the past.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 2 months ago:
“Only connections can comment on this post.”
Yeah, they’re clearly butthurt from all the constructive criticism.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 months ago:
Men: never go to a female therapist, they will NEVER be able to understand you from a man’s perspective. All they see is abundance, with men chasing them and paying attention to them, and will never understand how few choices those men in the bottom-80% are left with.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
The rectum is considerably larger than your mouth, and can hold a lot more shit.
- Comment on Anon airs out 2 months ago:
Well, fuck. Not just squick, but full-on nightmare fuel.
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
Some people were never meant to operate machinery of any kind, much less machines physically larger than they are.
Like, don’t even let this person touch a lawnmower.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if some mysterious force started to jam every radio frequency, how would modern day society adapt to this? 2 months ago:
My phones/tablets would be dead in the water, but I avoid wifi for almost everything not actively mobile. So all my iron - even the laptops - are hardlined.
Unless they’re looking to employ Carrington-event-class interference, my networks are fine.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
the cable sizes in this infographic are all the same gauge?
They’re not. They are clearly marked as different gauges, except the left most two which have different plug types… one is two prong, the other is three prong.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
a 50ft 12 gauge extension cord is about $40
$40USD would be $58CAD.
A 50-ft 12-gauge extension cord costs $112+ CAD anywhere in Canada. A 100-ft is $200+ CAD. Like… fffffuuuuuck.
- Comment on New oven and they lock the air fryer functionality behind wifi. 3 months ago:
Well, most of the fridge is already there. You just need to disassemble, sandblast the metal and paint (if the paint is in poor condition), replace the insulation with closed-cell spray foam, replace the refrigeration system with a modern Freon-free system, reassemble and put new seals on.
An old fridge can be quite simple, structurally speaking. It’s in the 70s and 80s when fridges started getting compact, difficult to repair, and disposable.
- Comment on New oven and they lock the air fryer functionality behind wifi. 3 months ago:
The fridge will likely operate far less efficiently than a modern fridge unless you have it rebuilt.
With that said, a rebuilt fridge - with a more efficient cooling system and better insulation and all seals redone, etc. - does not cost significantly more than a new midrange fridge.
- Comment on New oven and they lock the air fryer functionality behind wifi. 3 months ago:
My microwave is a 1977 Amanda Radarange. It can boil a cup of water in ⅕ of the time a modern microwave can.
Now granted, it has zero fancy settings and a simple number pad that does nothing but set how long you want the microwave to run.
But honestly, this simplicity is a large part of it’s charm. No connectivity needs, no features locked behind paywalls, no extraneous bullshit or never-used features. Just a tool that does only one thing, and does it exceptionally well.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 4 months ago:
C# has had string interpolation for, what - nearly a decade, now? It arrived with C# v6, which was released in 2015.
Meanwhile Java just pulled their implementation out of the latest beta earlier this year because they couldn’t get it to work right.
Don’t know about you, but I think that Java is largely resting on its laurels as of late. That the only real reason to go for it is it’s third-party library system, and not much more.
- Comment on Houses in my area increases 82% in just 4 years 4 months ago:
$325k for a 3bdrm 2bath detached SFH in good condition?
Awww, that’s adorable. Even after taking the exchange rate into account, that would be like going back to 1998 in my corner of Canada. Right now, a house like that on a 0.21 Ac plot of land would be running you $1,300,000 CAD. In places like Vancouver? $4,800,000 CAD on average.
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
I have a tube-based distribution system I started using during COVID to keep my distance from those plague incubators that came calling, and just never stopped using it.
I live in a moderately cold climate, and Halloween evening nearly always drops to around -5℃ to 5℃. So it’s much nicer to just sit in a cushy armchair by the window with a warm blanket over my legs and drop candy through the tube. A surprising amount of adults, teens, and tweens are tickled pink by that system, although a lot of little kids need a surprising amount of direction to get their candy.
And yes, I always drop either two pieces or - for those in dark hoods and carrying scythes - full-sized snickers.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
I don’t consider that causing harm.
but I still don’t give moral consideration to plants in either case.So you are species bigot, and a hypocrite for refusing to take the ideology to it’s logical conclusion.
Cool beans.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Plants scream when eaten:
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Any that’s the hypocrisy of Vegans. Milk and honey are the only two animal-based food sources that don’t involve the killing of animals. And in the case of most cow breeds, milking is actually needed as they have been bred to produce far more milk than their calves drink. And with careful management of the hive, you can harvest a lot of honey from a mature hive without negatively affecting the hive itself - it just delays/defers new queen production and swarming, which is desirable anyhow - no beekeeper who has hives primarily for crop pollination wants to have hives swarming each and every year.