- Comment on This fucking bot is still out there messaging 5 hours ago:
Ah. Gotcha. It’s super annoying. I wish there was a way to block messages based on keywords, but this isn’t really the purpose of Lemmy. I guess, neither is scamming people, but here we are.
- Comment on (Blog) How I'm Building a Trump-Proof Tech Stack Without Big Tech 5 hours ago:
Made me think of this scene lol
- Comment on This fucking bot is still out there messaging 5 hours ago:
What’s the purpose of such a message?
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 6 days ago:
Seemed to work, but required gmscore, which I don’t want to install just got yt. I already have standard microg, which I also didn’t want, but needed something for work apps to work. I really appreciate your assistance in all of this. This process was relatively painless (minus the gmscore requirement), and you made it easier, so thanks!
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 6 days ago:
Ok great! I’ll give that a try then. Can it patch the apkx, too? Or just the apk?
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 1 week ago:
A trusted source, then?
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 1 week ago:
It tells me “download is not available at this time”. I can download from apk mirror, but would rather not download from a random source.
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 1 week ago:
I got the Manager installed. I tried getting the YouTube apk from Auroa, but it gives a zip. Do I use the base apk for revanced? Or… how do I get an official YouTube apk?
- Comment on NewPipe was failing me today, so I reverted back to the YouTube app. After the first ad (20 seconds), the app gave me a permanent blur. 1 week ago:
From where to download the yt apk? It keeps downloading a zip.
- Comment on Layoffs every 2 years 1 week ago:
I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m going through a similar experience. Here’s what I learned from it: Generally, the higher the risk, the higher the pay. Corpos pay more, because your job is at risk from day 1. Find a job at a small company; a mom/pop, if possible. Eventually, if enough people do this and don’t get €€ in their eyes with the higher (but much riskier) pay, the corpos will catch on and adjust their layoffs practice or die.
- Comment on New Youtube Web Update Requires HTML5 Canvas 2 weeks ago:
Sure sounds like it’s just an excuse, since it worked swimmingly before the canvas claim.
- Comment on New Youtube Web Update Requires HTML5 Canvas 2 weeks ago:
Wait… so the red lines are added ON PURPOSE to deliberately degrade experience, and are not a side effect of having Canvas disabled?
- Comment on Got these (notes) provided by my school.. 2 weeks ago:
Pretty sure even Llama would provide better information than this twat.
- Comment on Spotify Premium "Ad Free" plan 2 weeks ago:
They’re trying (and failing) to be cute. Like saying “all two of us”. “everyone in the couple”, because it’s called Duo. Personally, if I had Spotify, this ad would be the last straw to make me cancel.
- Comment on Deepfake videos are getting shockingly good | TechCrunch 3 weeks ago:
Pretty sure china won’t be the only one…
- Comment on Deepfake videos are getting shockingly good | TechCrunch 3 weeks ago:
Trained on 19,000 hours of video content from undisclosed sources
I’m gathering their “undisclosed sources” are social media (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.) and copyrighted content (DVDs, BRDs, etc.), all without permission or legal rights. I wonder when pirating becomes just another brick in the wall…
- Comment on Mozilla's New AI Detector Add-On for Firefox 4 weeks ago:
I read about this DM. What’s the purpose of those messages?
- Comment on "Please fill out this survey about how we didn't hire you." 4 weeks ago:
I got the same request last week. Wankers
- Comment on YouTube not loading half the time. 5 weeks ago:
That’s one of their antiAdBlock features, actually, and it’s working as designed. Hard refresh doesn’t work for me. I stopped using yt site on desktop, and only use freetube now. If a video doesn’t play on that, I yt-dlp it.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Coward? Not the right word. Survivor, would be the word I would choose. Are you old enough to get a job and ride a train alone? Can you get tf out of this? If not, keep surviving until you can get out, then run and never look back. Change your number, your usernames, everything else he can use to track your whereabouts. Block his number on the new phone, and just run. At that point, he died to you. Don’t even think about him. Don’t let him live rent free in your mind. Shove him out of your mind, and lead the good life you deserve. If you ever see him again in the future, pretend you don’t recognize him, pretend you’ve never seen him before, pretend he’s a complete stranger—he’s dead to you. This type of behavior he’s showing from the main screenshot and your other comments on here, leads to a manchild who never grew up, and this is not your responsibility to get him to grow up… that’s his responsibility, which he’s failing. Your responsibility is to survive, get tf out, then thrive. Good luck, son.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
**sirs who die alone in retirement homes
- Comment on I made a short film! 5 weeks ago:
That was pretty good! Good use of white space, great angles and framing, riveting story, smooth editing. Super enjoyable to watch.
And, thank you for posting on Vimeo and not YouTube (YouTube is janky sometimes).
Did you shoot this on a Canon? The greenish tint reminded me of the the Canons I used to use. What did you use for the special effects and for general editing?
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 month ago:
This is where we’re headed: Image
- Comment on Ordering coffee in the USA triggers me 1 month ago:
Go to a real coffeeshop. Even we know Dunkin isn’t real coffee.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 1 month ago:
They see it as a status symbol, like the iPhone tone when the original iphone was released. Idiots.
- Comment on Google is now forcing gemini in their gmail app 1 month ago:
Gemini: “to create a folder, right click on the desktop, select new, them select folder. When the folder icon appears, type the name you want for your new folder.”
Me: No… in Gmail!
Gemini: “Gmail is a google service for emails”
Me: No! How do I create folders in Gmail??
Gemini: “Email folders are a great way to sort and organize your emails into easily searchable categories.”
Me: Never mind. Thanks for nothing.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Your friend needs to read Good to Great by Jim Collins, and reassess.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 1 month ago:
Not an April fools, but it might have been a plan they (whoever it was) chose to later not follow through with.
I vaguely remember the Sony fiasco.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 1 month ago:
Both of these were in the USA. The first was with a friend’s purchase, the latter was an article he sent me. It’s been a little while, but I know one was Samsung, but can’t remember the other brand or which was which.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 1 month ago:
Not all tvs allow you to do that. Some require you to be online. Some took it a step further and are equipped with 4/5G modems to bypass your network restrictions.