- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 month ago:
Unprofessional conduct alert indeed… It’s like he was putting up a trigger warning for his own post
- Comment on This happened today at a company in India. Better keep a smile on your face 2 months ago:
Sounds like their leadership team could use a few adjustments.
- Comment on Post-election blues 3 months ago:
A general strike? Protests? Before this election I would have agreed with you. Now… half or more of the workers you’d need to pull that off voted for Trump.
A general strike right now would basically just be leftists self-blacklisting themselves and doing the fascists work for them.
If there’s anything this election has shown, it’s that there’s no unity on the left. Who are we organizing with since it’s clear that the cultists are a lost cause and the left can’t be relied on to show up when it matters most?
- Comment on Post-election blues 3 months ago:
The left couldn’t be bothered to vote but you think they’re going to riot?
It would have maybe been mobilizing if the election was closer, or if the Dems at least won the popular vote by 5 million again… but this defeat was thorough enough to absolutely crush the morale of anyone who leans even a little bit left. Why should I waste my time and money supporting progressive policies when some people won’t even do the bare minimum to prevent Republicans from establishing a stranglehold on our government and institutions?
If the accelerationists thought that sitting out and handing the election to Trump was going to mobilize the left I’m afraid they’re going to be disappointed. You say there’s still time, but is there? I used to think the “Trump is a fascist” rhetoric was hyperbole until J6 happened, now the proof is on video. Just engaging with these posts on a leftist site could be getting me onto a McCarthy-style blacklist that would prevent me from getting a job.
There’s also a chance that the DNC still won’t get the message and we will do it all again in 2026, 2028, and so on. I guess beatings will continue until morale improves.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
MA had a ballot initiative that would have gradually brought the minimum tipped wage in line with the state’s minimum wage over the next 5 years or something.
Restaurants posted signs at their door to vote NO and that 90 percent of tipped workers opposed the bill.
A bartender I know told me that I should vote no because if it passed then restaurants would have to reduce headcount and servers who were bad at their jobs would get paid just as well as servers that offer good service.
So it seems like the restaurants just threatened people with losing their jobs and so they voted NO and convinced others to do the same.
The measure didn’t pass.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
People handed the election on a silver platter to a guy who refused to concede in 2020, and shills are on here saying that Harris is incapable of leading because she took a while to concede?
And I bet those same people complain that Gore concerned too soon in 2000.
What’s this about the Dems having control of the house? Another person that needs a civics lesson? It’s like the cultists saying that “Kamala had 4 years to fix these problems” because they don’t know how our government works.
The Dems have had control of the government for exactly 2 years since 1980. I don’t understand how anyone can blame the Dems for the state our country is in.
The silver lining in all this is that now that Republicans have complete control, it will be impossible for shills and cultists to blame the Dems.
- Comment on It really is tedious 4 months ago:
Crazy that people paint around switches and smoke detectors instead of unscrewing them.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Probability of a freckle on any limb is going to increase with age. I’m 4/4, maybe 8/8 if you count both sides of each limb. So yeah, pretty good chance that others born before 1990 are going to have a freckle there.
- Comment on Delicious 5 months ago:
I’m not sure how else it would hold together
- Comment on Suddenly it all makes sense. 6 months ago:
It seems like he is just puffing out his chest to hide his belly. Probably because he knew he was on camera.
Source: have beer belly
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
There doesn’t even need to be any kind of cap, they just need to pay more taxes and be prohibited from buying politicians.
- Comment on A new Resident Evil is in the works 8 months ago:
I liked the remakes of 2 and 3, and 4.
5 and 6 were fun to play co-op. I generally prefer third person games, which is why I haven’t played 7.
5 was over the top, and I like how in 6, there was a marked difference between playing as Ada, Leon vs the more action heavy Chris playthrough.
They could do another game like 6 but go harder with that concept of picking your play style.
- Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer 8 months ago:
This late in the Switch’s lifecycle, I’d argue that the existence of a new game as big as a Prime sequel is good to remind people of. Haven’t touched my Switch in a while, but will likely be picking it up again for Zelda and Prime.
- Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer 8 months ago:
They did great with Metroid Dread, putting a new spin on an old classic.
I have some faith that they won’t just be rehashing an old formula and that this “Beyond” aspect will have some gameplay twists.
This trailer seems meant to reassure those of us who have been waiting decades for a true successor to Prime that “yes, in fact this is it”.
I expect we will see more trailers as it gets closer, teasing some of the new story and gameplay innovations once they are more polished.
- Comment on everything actually important is already metric 8 months ago:
Sold in grams for small amounts, then back to Imperial for larger amounts.
- Comment on I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about? 9 months ago:
This was my initial thought, but it’s not clear from the post whether this is a work-related rant or not. It certainly could be a rant about issues that do affect work.
- Comment on How Journey Was Made and Why The Developer Went Bankrupt 10 months ago:
I remember it looked really good for a PS3 game, I think the physics of the sand was a tech demo for the PS3’s dedicated physics chip or something like that.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Metroid 10 months ago:
Replayed the Prime series a bunch, most recently the switch remake of Prime.
Great series, I didn’t like some of the dialog/cinematics of the third one but the gameplay was great.
Dread was really good, exceeded expectations. Final boss was hard I’m not sure I ever beat it.
Super Metroid was great but I’m not sure whether I ever beat Ridley.
I think I completed the remake though. Really hoping to see Prime 4 at some point, maybe on a new console.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I haven’t seen an AWD EV more affordable than the M3 yet, and the last I checked the nearest supercharging station is only for Teslas.
For me NOT buying from a scummy car dealership is also part of my criteria.
So it looks like it’s basically a choice between Tesla and Rivian for me and there’s a big price difference.
Would be interested to check out some other options though.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
20v to house DeWalt!
- Comment on What game did you last finish? What did you think of it? 1 year ago:
Pikmin 4 was great. 10/10. Especially since 3 was so short, was good that this one took a lot longer to 100%. Mario Wonder is OK.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
People should really stop conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Unfortunately it’s very common and even part of the official classifications used by some countries. To me it seems obvious that this is another attempt to cut off any criticism of the state of Israel by labeling critics as anti-Semitic. Here’s an interesting read about how flawed that logic is:
- Comment on 1 year ago:
The idea that discussing Zionism is a sign of an anti-semite is a shit take. The Zionist movement worked very hard to establish a colony in the middle east, in an area where they knew there were already natives and those natives were hostile to being colonized. It’s impossible to truly study the founding of Israel without learning about the Zionist movement.
This isn’t about religion, or even very much about race. It’s about the powerful asserting their will over the powerless. To some extent you could argue that the Zionists were used by the British to screw over the Arabs, but that doesn’t make the Zionists innocent.
Equating discussions of Zionism with anti-Semitism is part of the Israeli propaganda playbook for dismissing all criticism of Israel’s founding.