- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 11 hours ago:
A lot of the prices have corrected, just not all the way down to pre-pandemic level. I remember that primers were flat-out unavailable for a long time, then they were breaking $.10/ea for really cheap SPPs. 9mm ammo was >50cpr for a while, too. Both are down now, but not down to the $.03 for primers, or 20cpr for 9mm. Some of it is inflation in general. Some of it is that there are more people buying guns and ammo now, and there’s a pretty sharp lag between demand and production, since no one wants to build new factories for temporary demand spikes; increased demand is driving up prices. Also, fun fact, a lot of companies that make AR-15s are getting very close to insolvency right now. Each person only needs so many AR-15 variants, and the market is super-saturated. That’s less of an issue with ammo, since it’s a consumable, but it still worries the companies that would be building new plants.
Yeah, I still wish ammo was a lot cheaper, but it is what it is. Instead of high-volume shooting, it means more time dry-firing.
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 1 day ago:
One of mine doesn’t watch, she jumps into my lap and curls up.
I think my cat is a perv.
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 1 day ago:
Also, armadillos tend to carry leprosy. So, maybe don’t touch them.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 1 day ago:
If I was going to guess, the actual numbers killed are far, far lower than that. Especially since there are a lot of very large private hunting preserves that intentionally try to keep their feral pig population high so that they can attract paying hunters.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 1 day ago:
Man, I wish good .308 ammo was only $1/round… Even if I’m loading it myself, good 6.5CM ammo (defined as sub-MOA performance) costs about $1/ea. with Hornady 147gr ELD-M bullets, and that’s only if I ignore how much I’ve sunk into a press and case prep.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
The problem is that there are not nearly enough people that hunt to even keep the population stable through hunting. The fact that hog hunting has become a business is the reason that real solutions to wiping out feral populations aren’t making headway.
- Comment on Which is the cheapest way to manage my body after death ... 3 days ago:
Have your corpse wrapped in a tarp and weighted down with concrete blocks from a construction site, and have it tossed in an abandoned quarry. That’s probably about the cheapest way; should only cost about $10 for the tarp, and then gas money.
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 3 days ago:
Allow encryption.
I don’t want to talk on open air with anyone and everyone able to listen in.
- Comment on Are old people usually attracted to other old people? 3 days ago:
[…]if you’re male and your partner is female then I’m surprised that she has any interest in things like Thundercats or He-Man regardless of her age.
First, I wouldn’t suggest assuming that.
Second, the point isn’t that a partner has to like these things, but they do have to have some kind of awareness of them. You could substitute Smurfs, Family Ties, Michael Jackson’s breakout album Thriller, or watching the Challenger explode on live television because everyone in the school was watching Sally Ride go into space. Or George Bush’s famous “Read my lips: no new taxes” speech. There are a million events that are foundational to who you become. When the person that you’re dating–or in a relationship with–don’t share any of those cultural moments, it’s much more difficult to build a lasting relationship. Not impossible, but harder; that’s true with any cross-cultural relationship as well.
Common interests are nice, yeah, but they aren’t everything. Shared values—and values are very strongly shaped by the things you were exposed to growing up–are probably the single biggest thing; if you don’t share core belief systems (morals, ethics, what is important, meaning, etc.), then it’s unlikely that a relationship can survive.
- Comment on Are old people usually attracted to other old people? 5 days ago:
I’m… Unfortunately older than I wish I was. I am very solidly Gen X. I still find young people physically attractive. But I also find people my own age attractive; I most certainly would not have found people my age attractive when I was in my 20s. Even though I may find younger people attractive, I have zero interest in relationships with them. Not only do I already have a partner, but I simply have nothing in common with most of them. If I make references to Thundercats or He-Man, that shit is going to go entirely over their heads, and I’m likewise not going to understand any of their cultural references.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 week ago:
The precise opposite is also true though; bans simply don’t work, period.
Yes, people should have the right to abortion. I think that there are some ethical issues surrounding things like sex-based abortions (which are a huge issue in Asian countries in particular), but that’s not really relevant to the US for the most part.
Yes, I support decriminalizing marijuana. And most drugs in general. I also support single-payer healthcare that would, among other things, make drug-addiction treatment available to anyone that wants it, since forced addiction treatment almost always fails, I also support other social programs–paid for with a highly progressive tax–that would reduce or eliminate most of the root causes for addiction.
I see no issues with drag shows. It’s not my thing, but I also don’t like hip-hop or historical romance films. So what? My preferences aren’t a rational basis for legal bans.
I think that immigration is complicated, mostly because we live in a capitalist society where the capital-owning class always seeks to reduce the value of labor in order to extract more value for themselves. Immigrants can usually be exploited to reduce labor costs, because undocumented migrants have very few legal protections against sub-minimum off-the-books wages or wage theft. I think that legal status and strong, universal labor unions would help with this, but I don’t know what the absolute solution would be.
You literally can not ban trans kids; kids are going to be transgender whether or not they’re permitted to express it. The entire idea of banning trans kids defies all logic and reason. At best you would be making trans children feel more isolated and alone, which would lead to higher rates of major mental illness and suicidality.
Banning dialogue on racism is a clear 1A violation.
Banning books by LGBTQ authors is a clear 1A violation, as is preventing minors from having access to them. You get into some grey area when it comes to pornography, but given that I could have checked out 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade from my local library as a minor, I don’t think most written works would realistically qualify as ‘lacking artistic or literary merit’.
And, finally -
Yeah, I 100% oppose gun bans, magazine bans, feature bans, and so on. I think the National Firearms Act of 1934 should be repealed as a clear 2A violation. I oppose the parts of the Firearm Owners Protection Act that prevent the transfer of new machine guns to citizens and resident aliens. The claim for gun bans is that they prevent violence; that’s stupid. The way to prevent violence isn’t the elimination of the tools, but the elimination of the cause. Democrats want to ban the tools, but don’t seriously attempt to address the root issues even when they have a supermajority in a state (see also: MA, NJ, NY, CA, etc.). Republicans neither care about the tools nor the causes.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 1 week ago:
That was a pretty roundly panned movie.
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
Fun fact: alprazolam (Xanax) also has a ridiculously high LD50, about 1220mg/kg in female rats. For a human that weighs 57kg, that works out to 69.5 grams, or about 2.5oz of pure alprazolam. The maximum dose for prescription is 4mg, or .004g; you would need to ingest >17,000 4mg bars of Xanax to consume a fatal dose.
Almost all of the time, “fatal overdoses” of Xanax are in combination with other drugs, like alcohol, which can act as a synergist and depress respiration. But most of the time, you’ll just black out for a few days.
(But. We don’t know that actual LD50 in humans, only in rats and mice. It’s possible that the human LD50 is either lower or higher.)
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
Chicanes are the best part about riding a sport bike! I get to drag knees on public roads!
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
Europe pulled a good one on us […]
No, we did that to ourselves, by always cutting taxes instead of raising them to pay for things that are public goods, like single-payer health care, public transportation, public education, and so on. Our taxes are too low, and as a result we pay far, far more for the same things as private services rather than public. You can complain that the gov’t is inefficient, but there’s no profit; profit takes a far bigger bite than waste, inefficiency, and fraud does.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
Start by taxing the shit out of the CEOs and board of directors, with a mechanism built into the taxation so that any increase in their compensation is entirely offset by an increase in taxes. Then offer incentives to on-shore labor again.
- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 2 weeks ago:
The first two links that you posted don’t appear to cover electron microscopy at all. The last appears to show a potential method of attack–which is noted in the link that I posted–but does not seem to show that it’s actually been successfully implemented. (“Using SEM operator-free acquisition and standard image processing technique we demonstrate the possible [emphasis added] automating of such technique over a full memory. […] The technique is a first step [emphasis added] for reverse engineering secure embedded systems.”)
- Comment on For everyone who voted for Trump, are you satisfied ? 2 weeks ago:
Essentially, the last ruling–which will surely be appealed–is that the irrevocable trust is irrevocable. That means that Rupert’s empire, when he dies, will be controlled jointly by all of his children that are part of the trust. And the children that are part of the trust skew strongly left/center left, except for the son that Rupert was trying to transfer all of the control to. So when Murdoch dies, it’s highly likely that Fox will very quickly change course because it’s no longer going to be controlled by someone that’s as conservative as a Nazi.
- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 2 weeks ago:
A 2 piece puzzle is likely quite solvable even today.
No data has ever been successfully recovered from a broken NAND chip. It’s not expected to be possible in the near future. It’s MUCH more complicated than you thing.
- Comment on For everyone who voted for Trump, are you satisfied ? 2 weeks ago:
Good news on that front. Have you been following the news about the Murdoch empire and the irrevocable trust Rupert set up?
- Comment on When fighter jets are scrambled to intercept a plane for security reasons, what can they actually do? 3 weeks ago:
Point of fact: the stall speed of any fighter jet that isn’t VTOL is way higher than the maximum speed of most private prop planes. They can do a fly-by, but they can’t really pull along side them.
- Comment on 👨🌾🚜👩🌾 3 weeks ago:
To be fair, if farmers ain’t happy, ain’t nobody gonna be happy.
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 3 weeks ago:
Probably heterosexual, biromantic.
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 3 weeks ago:
Last I knew, nurses were still in pretty short supply, so there’s no good reason not to quit and pick up a job with better pay and working conditions.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 3 weeks ago:
I note that they state their thesis–conservatives are more susceptible to believing lies–but they only talk about lies conservatives believe, without anything to compare to. That is, they state specific misinformation that conservatives are likely to believe, but they don’t say anything about whether they’re actually more likely to believe lies, overall, than liberals/progressives/leftists. Everything that they seem to be citing is anecdotal; they have specific lies that are believed, but don’t talk about the over rate of believe of lies.
I dunno, feels low like low-effort dunking rather than actually dissecting the why.
- Comment on How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.? 3 weeks ago:
I forgot about sterilization. I had no problems when I was sterilized; my doctor said that he didn’t do them, but he referred me to another doctor in the practice that did. That doctor asked a couple of brief questions, and then made the appointment for me. There was very little hassle. But I was married to my ex- at the time, and they went with me to appointments (esp. surgery, since they had to drive home). So even without kids already, it was pretty clear to the doctor that they were not wanted by either of us. I’m sure it would have been a lot more of a hassle if I was AFAB.
- Comment on I always love Casino movies. One thing they all have is if a person is screwing up cheating being beligerant and other stuff they take them to a room. And their face gets messed up is this real? 4 weeks ago:
Mostly a movie trope now. Casinos are full of video cameras, and are owned by large corporations; they’re not going to want to pay a large legal settlement because you got beat up by a security guard. And, BTW, most large chain stores with security usually tell their loss prevention officers to not get physical with shoplifters for the same reason.
You’ll usually just get thrown out and banned for life from any of their properties.
When casinos were largely owned by organized crime? Probably pretty accurate, if you were lucky.
- Comment on How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.? 4 weeks ago:
No, sometimes it’s actual doctor shopping, because they know what their underlying problem is, and doctors refuse to treat it.
Example: a number of post-menopausal women know that the correct way to treat their symptoms is with hormone replacement therapy, which must involve an estrogen, a progesterone, and sometimes (often, really) a small amount of testosterone. Due to overblown studies from the 80s about certain risks from HRT–including breast and endometrial cancers, heart disease, etc.–a large number of doctors will flatly refuse to do HRT, or prescribe older/less effective treatments. So post-menopausal women with the means to do so will shop around for gynecologists until they find one that, first, takes their symptoms seriously, and second, is appropriately aggressive in treating it.
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, that sucks. I’ve had the same thing happen with one of my (former) gay friends; he just wouldn’t drop it. It was really uncomfortable, and I eventually dropped him as a friend because he refused to respect my boundaries.
I mean, yeah, I get it; you don’t really have a choice over how you feel. Some people experience limerance, and it’s not a choice, but how they act is. I’ve had the displeasure of experiencing limerance a number of times, and each time I’ve found that it was more productive to cease contact with the person than to, well, do exactly what your online friend is doing.