- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 4 weeks ago:
In the early days, the Bitcoin community was very ideological (and I guess a lot of it still is). Libertarian, Mises Institute, Ayn Rand, abolish the Fed types. People actively willed-it into having value (e.g. setting up a pizza delivery for 10,000 BTC). It’s specifically designed to be “digital gold,” where the amount that can be mined decays logarithmically over time, so supply is effectively constrained (very much so now), and the more people that want to buy it, the more it’s worth, because that means you need to find people willing to sell it at a particular price. If you were to think of it as a currency, it would be a disinflationary currency, or effectively deflationary (because coins get “lost”). This gave and gives people that hold Bitcoin financial incentive to proselytize Bitcoin so their holdings are worth more. Overall, it’s a pretty stupid idea, IMO, and the crypto space is full of mostly scammers and grifters now. A deflationary currency is a really bad idea under capitalism, since it encourages people to just hoard the currency instead of loaning it out, investing in new businesses, etc. Gold is also a horrible currency, which is why no country uses it as such, or even backs its own currency with gold anymore.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 4 weeks ago:
Marginal cost doesn’t always decrease. More people buying gold or whatever won’t decrease the price of gold. The cheapest way to feed cattle is to just let them graze, but there isn’t enough land on Earth for everyone to eat as much beef as Americans, even if using intensive agriculture to grow feed (which degrades the soil over time and results in large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions). I don’t think there’s enough land on Earth to maintain the current human population for very long. I.e. I think we are in the overshoot phase of a boom and bust population dynamic. Saw this graphic a while back, and it’s wild how much of the biomass we’ve took over:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Hmm. Looks like that was in Texas too. truthout.org/…/a-city-in-texas-just-put-10000-bou…, and they’re going to pass quite a few more bounty laws yhis year: prismreports.org/…/bounty-laws-texas-trans-rights…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Dunno, they’d probably have a hard time suing European instances, but they can’t outright block, as that would be unconstitutional. U.S. states have recently been using lawsuits to get around constitutionality. I.e. Texas also has a “bounty” law, where if you know a woman went out of state to get an abortion, you can report it, and the state will sue them and give you $10,000. I think another state has a similar law for if you see a trans person using a restroom that doesn’t match the genitalia they were born with.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
With the current laws on the books, Texas could probably sue Lemmy instances because they contain pornographic content and they don’t verify users’ identity.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
I think the ultra wealthy and powerful understand that revolution becomes more likely as the majority’s material conditions declines, so their endgame is to throw just enough crumbs to the majority so that they don’t want to risk losing those crumbs. Many of today’s ultra wealthy and powerful seem exceptionally out of touch with reality and dumb though, so idk. Some are accelerationists (i.e. e/acc), and purposely avoid taking into account possible negative consequences.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Lol. Bad joke. What I was getting at is people used to hang out at bars and drink more (alcohol use was worse). More generally, it’s a lack of third places and car-based city design. More, and more engaging in-home entertainment/Internet also probably plays a part. Though, it’s probably not a completely new phenomenon either, judging from art like Taxi Driver, Catcher In The Rye, etc. So, toxic or even plain masculinity likely makes it harder to make and keep close friends.
I’d bet female loneliness is also rising in modern society as well, due to modern phenomenon. Humans didn’t evolve to live like we are. We used to mostly live in small, close-knit tribes.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
DUI laws.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month ago:
I think it’s common where meat is sold in open-air markets. I read an article about the practice last year.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
CK2 - 400h Fallout NV (guessing most of this has been TTW) - 190h Stellaris - 180h Xcom 2 - 140h GTA 5 - 99h Cities Skylines - 95h Skyrim - 90h Civ5 - 85h Xcom - 83h
The other games I’ve played are pretty much the standard play-through times. (< 70h)
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
Looked it up, and looks like a local criminal justice reform non-profit bailed him out earlier this year. Looks like he’s still awaiting trial though, is on an ankle monitor, and they keep resetting dismissal hearing dates.
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
Yeah, the company I was working at got bought out and then they layed the entire tech team and pretty much everyone else. Co-founded a business with coworkers, but it’s not bringing in any revenue and not sure it ever will being in very much, so have been applying to jobs. Only got a few interviews, then ghosted afterwards. I’m guessing a part of it is I have a criminal charge pending, and the first thing you see on Google when you search my name and town is one of those mugshot websites. Maybe I should go into construction, lol.
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
Yeah, the criminal justice system in the U.S. causes immeasurable harm. From a probation system designed to keep you in the system, to cash-for-kids-like schemes that I’m convinced are more common than has been prosecuted, to coercive delay tactics. All of which I have personal experience with. I’ve currently been out on bail for 2 years, and someone else in my county has been in jail without trial for 5 years because he can’t afford bail. Not to mention the horrible conditions in many jails and prisons, slave labor, nearly complete lack of rehabilitation, and the system milking the incarcerated’s families for money. I can’t think of any other word to describe it than evil.
- Comment on Memories of a bygone era 2 months ago:
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 2 months ago:
Pipes are often in crawl-spaces or other outer extremities of structures indirectly heated by the warmth coming from the living spaces of the structure, so 55F is a good rule of thumb in some climates.
- Comment on Let people just use what they want, okay? It's their choice. 3 months ago:
I’ve seen this term on Mastadon. I’m actually confused by it a bit, since I’ve always thought replies are to be expected on the Internet.
I think women have a problem with men following them and replying in an overly familiar manner, or mansplaining, or something like that. I’m old, used to forums, and never used Twitter, so I may be missing some sort of etiquette that developed there. I generally don’t reply at all on Mastadon because of this, and really, I’m not sure what Mastadon or microblogging is for. Seems to be for developing personal brands, and for creators of content to inform followers of what they created. Seems not to be for discussion. I.e. more like RSS than Reddit (that’s my understanding at least).
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
I think I’ve heard there are a lot of genetically male, but born female people in sports. I wonder if the same people are against those people playing in sports.
Idk how many transphobic people just care about specific issues. There’s a lot of “groomer” rhetoric, hate, and general disgust. It’s easy to get people to hate what they don’t understand; and a lot of media is trying their hardest to cultivate hate against trans people to create an out-group, so they can control the in-group.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
Meh, I would’ve given 3/5 stars to U.S. democracy since the Voting Rights Act. Stars taken away for FPTP, gerrymandering, campaign finance, “lobbying,” and the electoral college. I believe we’re going to go to 0/5 stars with completely rigged elections rather than just manufacturing consent and lightly tipping the scales like they’ve been doing.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
Yeah, I think this could be the end of free and fair elections in the U.S., and there’s no coming back from that without a revolution. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think most of us will directly be killed by this change; our lives will just be shittier. It’ll be like living in Russia. Given how utterly incompetent the administration is looking, and the things they say they’re going to do (mass deportation of a significant part of our workforce, blanket tariffs, gutting social safety-nets), we may speed-run an economic and societal collapse. That could sow the seeds for a horrible and bloody revolution.
Or, maybe I’m wrong and the important institutions will somehow hold against a christo-fascist party controlling all branches of the federal government and a president with immunity. If there are still are free and fair elections, then congress could block a lot of things in 2026, and start repairing some of the damage in 2028.
Still, it does not bode well that the U.S. elected these people in the first place, and at best, the U.S. will slowly crumble for decades.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
I remember liking Opposing Force and Blue Shift too.
- Comment on Anon falls through the cracks 3 months ago:
Happens when you’re not proud of what you’re contributing to. Probably most workers, tbh.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
Idk. Maybe it’s because I learned OOP first that it makes more sense to me; but OOP is a good way to break down complex problems and encapsulate them into easily understable modules. Languages like Java almost force everyone on the project to use similar paradigms and styles, so it’s easier for everyone to understand the code base. Whenever I’ve worked on large non-OOP projects, it was a hard-to-maintain mess. I’ve never worked on projects such as the Linux kernel, and I’m hoping it’s not an unmaintainable mess, so I’m pretty sure it’s possible to not use OOP on large projects and still be maintainable. I am curious if they still use OOP concepts, even though they are not using strictly OOP.
I also like procedural python for quick small scripts. And although Rust isn’t strictly OOP, it obviously borrows heavily from it. Haskell is neat, but I haven’t used it enough to be proficient or develop good sense of application architecture.
I’ve done production work in C, but still used largely OOP concepts; and the code looks much different than code I’ve seen that was written before C++ was popular.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
Ok, yes, I support actions like these, and they are good for community defense against small civilian fascist groups. There are not the numbers to counter organizations like FBI, DHS, or national guard though. Things are a bit different when the fascist group you’re trying to counter is the federal or state government with the will to kill and immunity from their actions.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
The left is such a small population in the US, it’s irrelevant. If we are to believe Trump’s rhetoric, any group that becomes too much of a nuisance will be deemed “the enemy within,” and be shot.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
Things are quite different. While Trump was in office, he did multiple things that were worse than what Nixon did, and was never forced to leave office. I think our institutions were stronger back then. We didn’t have a very good democracy when Hoover was president, and it took many decades for the Voting Rights Act to get passed (which has recently been weakened by SCOTUS, and will probably be weakened much more). I think we’ll regress quite a bit. Republicans obviously want more of an autocracy/oligarchy. I think it’s a very real possibility we have Russia-style “elections” in the future, and I don’t even know how you come back from that. Assuming democracy isn’t completely destroyed, it may take many decades of fighting and changing the minds of the people who aren’t disenfranchised to get back to where we were. Hell, even civil war is on the table if Trump follows through on some of his more egregious promises (i.e. if he deems Democratic state governments as the “enemy within” and tries to use the military to depose them).
- Comment on Calculatable 3 months ago:
NCalc+ is pretty good. I don’t use it for anything complicated though.
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 3 months ago:
IMO, the U.S. will become similar to Russia. It’s not some sudden societal collapse scenario; just an oligarchy with high levels of corruption and incompetence. Most people will conform or keep their heads down to avoid the consequences of stepping out of line. If you’re in a possibly targeted group, you may want a valid passport though. And it’s always been a good idea to keep at least a months worth of non-perishable food on hand in case of supply chain disruptions. Possibly stuff like emergency propane heaters and a propane tank could be useful too (they’ve been useful for me in the past already without an authoritarian government or social unrest). Knowing your neighbors and helping eachother out in little ways is probably the most powerful thing though.
- Comment on If Trump wins the election thru fraud how can the democrats refute it and prove they won? Or will it just be like another Jan 6 and four years of whining like Trump? 3 months ago:
Source? First I’ve heard of anything like this. I’d imagine a lot of things would have to be settled in court given the US’s strange laws giving states so much leeway in how they conduct federal elections.
- Comment on Why don't we have cool vending machines in the US? 4 months ago:
Factories I’ve worked at had vending machines filled with microwavable food (burritos, burgers, sandwiches, etc). All of it was pretty disgusting.
- Comment on Artifical Intelligence 4 months ago:
AI image generators have been around for a fairly long time. I remember deepfake discussion from about a decade ago. Not saying the image in discussion is though. I remember Alex Jones making conspiracy theories that revolved around Bush and lossy video compression artifacts too.