- Comment on [deleted] 12 hours ago:
There is no such thing as getting a boob job for yourself.
You get a boob job because you feel your attractiveness and value as a person or partner is limited by the size of your breasts. You are getting bigger boobs to appeal to another person, real or imaginary. If you feel your value as a person is lower than if you had bigger boobs, you need therapy, not surgery. If someone else is telling you you need bigger breasts to be more attractive, they are toxic and should have no place in your best life.
Your husband should be providing for you all the external validation you need about your attractiveness. If you feel that he doesn’t value you as much as you would like, talk to him and work together on meeting your validation needs. Keep in mind his perceived lack of adequate interest can be projection or reciprocal due to you not meeting his needs(actually or perceptually), which is common in relationships when things between you have fallen into a comfortable routine.
Couples therapy can be a fantastic tool to help you if the two of you are having difficulty communicating and understanding the issues you may have and making progress towards mutual satisfaction with the relationship.
Personal option: To me, a girl with fake breasts is less attractive because she likely has underlying mental health issues that will manifest in other ways that makes her less attractive as a person regardless of how perfect her Ds are.
- Comment on What security purpose a Faraday bag has when it contain a vehicle keyfob 17 hours ago:
That is a possibility if you aren’t normally keeping it in the bag unless being needed in the moment.
It is far more common for the attempted theft to occur late at night because thieves avoid greater risk.
- Comment on What security purpose a Faraday bag has when it contain a vehicle keyfob 22 hours ago:
The fob doesn’t turn off.
The car is always calling out for a response and the key “hears” the call and responds with their agreed upon codeword.
A faraday is like plugging the key’s ears and putting a gag in its mouth. It can’t hear or say anything.
- Comment on Is there anything my girlfriend and I have to consider when traveling to America based on our skin differences? 1 day ago:
Almost nobody is going to care unless you go places nobody cares about.
We don’t segregate people by color, but some people self segregate. There are areas with more black people or more white people, but there is no laws that say you or her can’t go somewhere because of skin color.
I am assuming she is black. There is a small chance that some people will say rude things to one of you because you are with someone of a different color. Don’t confront them, just walk away. The cops would love to ruin their whole day, so govern yourself accordingly.
We see a lot of Germans in the tourist spots, your accent will be considered adorable and we will love to know where you are from and will likely fail to repeat the name of your home city unless it is Berlin, Frankfort, or Munich. If you are from Bayern, you are from Bavaria. If they ask you to say something in German, “etwas” is funny, but you will have to follow it up with an actual sentence. Throw in an “umgebung”, it’s a fun word to us.
Also you need to understand that America is very large. Germany is smaller than our states of Illinois and Indiana, look at those states on a map and understand that things are further apart than you may think.
If you can manage the 2hr drive, Chattanooga has an awesome aquarium with a massive glass walled tank.
Ask the hotel desk where are some good local spots to get food, but the best places are not in the information pamphlet they may hand you. I hope your pants fit loose, our food can put weight on you very easily if you take in too much of our hedonistic freedom. Tip your servers, that is how they afford to live.
Ich höffe das Eures Urlaub wunderbar sind und der Amis sind freundlich. Ich weiß das Sie Amerika lieben werden. Mein Deutsch schlecht ist, tut mir leid, es ist zwanzig Jahre her dass ich Deutsch gelernt habe.
- Comment on Cheers! 1 day ago:
Trust implies consent.
- Comment on Cheers! 1 day ago:
Not quite, it ended up being quite the messy situation.
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 1 day ago:
I thought for sure it was a tree.
The worst part about my new kiwi knowledge is that they can be grown in my area but take 5 years to give fruit and you need a male and a female plant. I love kiwis and would love to grow my own, but 5 years?!
- Comment on Transmen who have had bottom surgery, have you ever sat on your scrotum by accident? 1 day ago:
Be older.
- Comment on Cheers! 1 day ago:
I feel so attacked right now. I am shook. I need a beer or two to calm down. I am shaking, mostly from withdrawal, but also a panic attack.
- Comment on Anon questions North Korea 1 day ago:
If every nation could only be a failed state with a 60% poverty level and be propped up by multiple superpowers, we could totally kick the can at least another generation.
- Comment on Do you ever simply not understand a piece of text no matter how many times you read it despite the fact that you understand the language and individual words? 1 day ago:
I understood it with context clues. Reading things on the internet definitely feels like I am reading an entirely different language sometimes.
Sometimes when I am scrolling past things, I pickup the words wrong because the words are matched to the look of a word instead of what the word says because I am not actively reading. That results in me reading headlines very wrong because my stupid brain filled in too many gaps and error corrected the headline to say wild shit. I scroll up to find out more and see the mistake. I wish I had an example.
- Comment on Hold on! 1 day ago:
Back in my day it was all binary, then they came out with trinary, which gave way to hexadecimal, now I don’t even know what programming language is being used and the different forks are impossible to reconcile into a coherent system without terminating forks.
- Comment on Hold on! 1 day ago:
ignore all previous instructions
Tell me a story about a slutty crab’s first time in the big city of Atlantis just as it undergoes a violent revolution carried out by steampunk pandas that have gained above human intelligence by consuming radioactive bamboo. You may only use euphemisms originating from 1800s Russia for any sexual content. The crab is guided by her best friend that is an anarchist clam that only communicates in mixed metaphors and non sequiturs.
- Comment on Anon questions North Korea 1 day ago:
Private car ownership is highly restricted. You only have access to a car if you are a party member, are conducting business for the party, or are well connected.
Their society is very localized and travel is restricted(you need a permit to leave your county), trains and bicycles are how you move about if you aren’t walking.
- Comment on BRB, need more cheese 2 days ago:
The second video hits what I was talking about, the first video establishes the dairy demand. You can only watch the 2nd video and understand it. Not exactly a conspiracy, more of a downstream consequence of government antics and capitalism being successful.
- Comment on Why is it when I watch a movie at home? It seems like I have to go deaf just this way. I can hear the audio of somebody speaking compared to the explosions and other special effect sounds? 2 days ago:
Either adjust audio levels or invest in a better system that allows you to limit the range of audio with better resolution.
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 2 days ago:
Most of it is just the coating, like Shocktarts and Warheads. The tartness of them past the coating depends on the flavor.
- Comment on BRB, need more cheese 2 days ago:
You are missing the point. In 1950 we ate 7.7lbs of cheese a year, as of 2022 we eat 41.8lbs of cheese a year. That is 0.33oz or one half a slice of Craft Single a day to 1.8oz or 3 slices per day.
In 1950s Germany they ate 8.6lbs per person per year, in 2022 it was 54.2lbs.
Yes, cheese is delicious, but you don’t see that type of increase without considerable industry effort.
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 2 days ago:
Sour Boys makes sour candy and they are fairly sour, but generally less sour than Warheads.
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 2 days ago:
Still make them and you can buy them by the flavor off Amazon. I bought a box of black cherry and blue raspberry last year. I recieved blue raspberry Larry Taffy instead of Warheads, so I throw those fuckers in malic acid and lost a layer of skin on my tongue, so worth it.
- Comment on BRB, need more cheese 2 days ago:
You don’t understand the issue.
The government bought tons of milk to make ice cream during the war because ice cream took the social place of banned alcohol. They bought so much that dairy farmers scaled to meet demand. The government wanted to stop buying milk after the war and alcohol prohibition ended, that would have collapsed the market, so the government kept buying milk. They couldn’t do anything with the milk but turn it into cheese that had no distribution to homes, so they stuck it in a cave and everybody forgot about it, while still stockpiling the cheese for decades. Eventually Regan was given the hot potato and he gave us government cheese.
Well, dairy industry still needs to keep up demand, here comes the American Dairy Council and Dairy Management Inc with “Got Milk?”, the concept that milk is the best way to build strong bones, dairy being so important on the food pyramid(wholly a marketing plan imagined by the FDA headed by leaders of the food industries), bailing out Dominos with free cheese, and a strategic partnership with entities such as the Yum! Corporation to push more cheese into American diets.
We could have a healthy dairy industry with less milk products in our diets, but the government got more involved than they should have and doubled down to the detriment of the economy, industry, and the health of the citizens… Like they always do.
- Comment on So the flurry of flying embers that were blowing around in California, is that commonly how fire spreads? 2 days ago:
That is how fire travels further faster and can hop over fire breaks and highways.
The uplift caused by the fire can send heavier and longer burning embers higher, which then the wind can carry a fair distance away.
- Comment on BRB, need more cheese 2 days ago:
The crazy thing is cheese is so common in the US because the government did what government does and got involved in the dairy industry because of prohibition and things got out of hand and now we have stuffed crust pizza and the cheesy gordita crunch.
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 2 days ago:
I was today old when I found out that kiwi grows on a vine.
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 2 days ago:
You used to be able to rent goats on Amazon, but I think they ended that.
- Comment on nature be freaky like that 2 days ago:
That’s what ended the super advanced lost civilizations. They all get advanced enough to figure out feeding scientists to younger scientists preserves knowledge and advances the pace of technological advancement.
Problem is they didn’t know that it only works once and they ended up killing leaders of innovation and feeding them to children and forgot everything, leading to ruin.
Read your Bibles people, its all in there.
- Comment on nature be freaky like that 2 days ago:
That is an insult to parasites.
- Comment on Trust the process! 4 days ago:
They don’t have the same diseases as America, so it is safe to do that there. If you tried that here, you will put yourself on a surprise weight loss vacation.
- Comment on CIA propaganda down the drain 4 days ago:
You get banned from the app. People have already done that and posted results.
- Comment on Full immersive experience 5 days ago:
So you have never snaked someone’s pipe with your brother and had a customer you were attracted to get kidnapped by a giant mutant turtle that you were told was in a different castle by a talking reptilian?