- Comment on I have to fly back home. My brother was forcebullay taken to the hospital for thirty days do to a mental attack. My quest is I have not carry on's or anything beside the ticket. Will the TSA target me 1 day ago:
Biltong is so damn good. I would be upset I couldn’t save any for later but hedonistically joyful in getting to engorge myself on biltong.
- Comment on We need a new Amazon 4 days ago:
Amazon is what it is because it creates an easier path for America to buy cheap, as Walmart and McDonald’s has done before to great microscopic economic success, due to the failures of our economic paradigm that shrinks wages and pushes manufacturing offshore for corporate profit.
We need higher wages, which create higher prices, which corrects for the misdeeds of our economic exploitation of foreign economies.
We have offloaded our economic burden onto other poorer nations, and that needs to stop. Pay a living wage and accept the higher cost at lower profits. Doing otherwise is an economic ouroboros that only swallows the easy part at the sake of the whole in the name of kicking an inflationary can down the road so that yachts can grow larger as the foundation of this country in undermined for icarian profits.
Fuck your CEO, pay us so they can pay us something and they can have less than everything, so they can keep from having nothing less than more than we can achieve through reluctant violence.
- Comment on Sovereign citizen. 4 days ago:
I think it was “in tow” I saw in second thought.
- Comment on Sovereign citizen. 4 days ago:
Aren’t there certain circumstances where you are suppose to write “in transit” on a vehicle? Like it is being towed somewhere without registration?
I seem to recall seeing something like that when a dealer or shop was moving vehicles elsewhere.
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t thing corpse borne explosive device(CBEDs) are a legal form of burial, but I am not one to stand in the way of someone’s dreams so long as nobody is physically harmed.
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t thing corpse borne explosive device(CBEDs) are a legal form of burial, but I am not one to stand in the way of someone’s dreams so long as nobody is physically harmed.
- Comment on Shape of the Heart 2 weeks ago:
Yes, in the way that Mengele was innovative in the medical field.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Who is the arbiter of death that decides when it is right on behalf of another?
- Comment on yo mama joke 3 weeks ago:
I did, but now it sounds wronger.
- Comment on yo mama joke 3 weeks ago:
I sometimes the ease at which the internet allows for ideas to spread is not a good thing.
- Comment on Supreme Court hearing case on definition of a woman 3 weeks ago:
There are 12 justices on the UK Supreme Court, or did you not read the article even a little?
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 4 weeks ago:
Not that it really matters as a legitimate cause to dislike trans people, but the 2023 Nashville shooting at a school was done by a trans person.
- Comment on Couldn't governments just remotely disable phones nearby to prevent evidence of police brutality from being recorded? 4 weeks ago:
A government could mandate that a company, like Apple, must install a remote deactivation and give access to that feature to the government.
There is no knowing if they already do, because there hasn’t been a good reason to use it, that we know of; it wouldn’t be impossible to make people disappear who have experienced such a thing.
- Comment on Where is he?! 4 weeks ago:
Relax everybody, it was only a slug and borderline unrideable.
- Comment on Trumps all 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know if it is this version, but there is one of those that a black dude sells and has done pretty well for himself.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 weeks ago:
When you are making everything from scratch, cooking becomes a hobby. You can make tacos and buy a salsa from the store and make some good tacos, but when you are making the salsa and thinking that you should add just a bit more of something, you are in hobby territory.
Smoking meats is a hobby. To get dinner ready, you start at 3am and tend the firebox all day. You try different rubs, woods, and techniques to make the product of your craft the best it can be.
Making pizza from scratch is a hobby. You make may make dozens of pizzas to just get the sauce, dough, or crust right.
Following a recipe to make something is not a hobby unless it is just a starting point in something you wish to refine and make your own.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 5 weeks ago:
Yellowstone has limited access by road, but you could hike into it.
The Grand Canyon has visitor’s centers and a few established areas with infrastructure for various activities, but you could hike to it, but getting into the canyon is another matter.
- Comment on I have been told ever since I was a little shit that when you die you go to heaven first wait in line for St Peter to judge you at the pearly gates? Is this in the Bible? I thought god did judging 5 weeks ago:
The seven heavens is an extension of the seven named heavens of Judaism. Islam also has seven named heavens.
There is a reference to a third heaven in the Bible and a reference of ten heavens in a book that was not included by the Council of Nicaea.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 5 weeks ago:
Nerves in the scalp.
- Comment on Jake Rule vs Mike Ruleson 5 weeks ago:
Akimbo Slice in his prime vs Paul would be more glorious.
- Comment on Jake Rule vs Mike Ruleson 5 weeks ago:
I want Tyson to work over Paul so hard that he talks like Tyson for the rest of his life.
- Comment on Yes, I'm a 45 year old adult. Why do you ask? 5 weeks ago:
How have I lived for this many decades and not realized what greatness I can project onto the ages? I have been putting “cum” this whole time.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
If the governor has done well by them, why get rid of them?
If the last for years were worse than the four years prior, why would you vote for the last four years again?
- Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 1 month ago:
If it was leftist tyranny, we would all get equal access to pet squirrels if we want them or not.
Fascism is denying squirrels to those who want them because the state has decided you can not have a squirrel.
- Comment on Is there a reminder bot on Lemmy? 1 month ago:
Not everybody’s brain works like yours and some may find it helpful to be able to do reminders within lem.
- Comment on ‘Game of Thrones’ Movie Being Developed by Warner Bros. 1 month ago:
Horse pâte anyone?
- Comment on Why do we all have mayonnaise in our fridges instead of béarnaise sauce? 1 month ago:
Same, not a fan.
What is annoying is I am working on a dipping sauce and it needs thickening and toning the flavor down, mayo is the right answer but I don’t want to.
- Comment on Faries are real! 1 month ago:
How could they give those examples and miss the woolley aphid?
- Comment on Biden apology to Native American children interrupted by Gaza war protester 1 month ago:
Brief summary?
The Germans killed Jews. Jews, having been persecuted since forever, wanted a homeland to be safe. They wanted their old homeland that was occupied by Palestinians since before electricity, the Brits didn’t see a problem and helped establish Israel in the lands that the Jews claimed God gave them and the deed is in the sacred scrolls.
The Palestinians didn’t appreciate that.
Both sides push back against one another, the Jews had everybody who wasn’t Muslim backing them and that means all of the military support from the leading name in military tech, America. Israel treats Palestinians like freed slaves in late 1800s America, they all don’t belong and are probably up to something. Good old segregation and restricting of movements.
The Palestinians form “militaries” to fight back against Jewish colonizers. They have different names at times but the big one now is Hamas. They are constantly in these build-ups and attacks, which then Israel beats the everliving shit out of Hamas. Hamas, not being a formal military, exists within the Palestinian population. This means Palestine gets wrecked when Hamas does anything because Hamas=Palestine.
Everytime Palestine gets all assertive about keeping their lands, Israel stomps them and takes more land.
Lebanon and Iran supports Palestine existing and their fight against being slaughtered. Palestinians flee to neighboring Lebanon when Israel is off bombing everything again because it is safer than dodging tanks and bombs. Hamas also flees to Lebanon because their whole thing is not wanting to die so that they can fight later.
Clearly Lebanon is also Hamas, so they catch Jewish hands throwing brass knuckles they got from 'Murica because America doesn’t have any major wars going on and we just get off on violence and our Military Industrial Complex gets so fucking feral when they don’t have something to hate-fuck for profit and fun for any length of time greater than a few years.
Iran sticks up for their friends, you guessed it, they catch hands too.
So why can’t we have peace? People don’t like it when you kill people and the only moral genocide is their genocide, it says so right here in the scrolls and it is funded by American Taxes.
- Comment on Eat lead 1 month ago:
Numbers are a terrorist plot confirmed.
We will not be afraid.