Transphobes aren’t using logic. They try to brand us as pedophiles to try to get rational people on their side and to normalize hate, but it’s a distraction. We’re obviously not pedos.
It also serves dual purpose because most transphobes look up to politicians who are literal pedos 5 weeks ago
There is an ongoing attempt to create an equivalence of Trans Persons (and anyone exposing youth to LGBTQ+ ideas in any form, including loving families) to pedophiles through CONSTANT repetition, despite any lack of widespread evidence. There is also a simultaneous attempt to strongly advocate for death penalty for pedophiles. I’m sure you can see where this is heading … 5 weeks ago
Also, pedophiles are not all child molesters and vice versa.
In fact, most child abusers are not pedophiles. They victimize children not because they are children but because they are easy prey.
It’s about the power and control. If their victims weren’t children, they’d be called sociopaths or psychopaths.
Pedophilia can be easily treated but because of hate-mongers who have conflated these two things, many fear they’ll be arrested if they seek help. Even if they’ve never done anything wrong. Some do become abusers because they feel like they have no safe way of dealing with their feelings.
Trying to equate LGBTQ to pedophilia is using misinformation and lies to hurt and scare.
It’s the ultimate in hate and ignorance. 5 weeks ago
The question I want answered is was the (fake) word “pedosexual” made up by them or by trolls making fun of them? 5 weeks ago
“Pedosexual” was a false flag operation by 4channers to try and make people think LGBTQ folks supported pedos.