- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
It’s actually a very simple ploy they’ve used since before I was born (I’m not young). Anything they can paint as sexual, or that actually is out of the sexual “norm,” they will use as a scapegoat. They used it against blacks (coming after their white women), gays, and now trans. Pedophilia and rape are the two Worst Things, and if they can tie the Bad Guy du jour, that equals fear-votes. The best kind of right wing votes in all the land.
- Comment on Don't put it in a crazy 1 month ago:
I guess there can be at least one upside to sticking your dick in crazy. Or, I guess, letting crazy stick its dick in you.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Don’t bother. They won’t believe it until they are sent off to the camps. That’s how it works. The people calling it out are made to look like fanatics while the real fanatics solidify power.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Those inspections are carried out by federal inspectors. The incoming administration wants to severely cut funding for pretty much “the government” (except the military). That means fewer inspectorsand less thorough inspections. That’s how things like the Boar’s Head thing, and listeria outbreaks in spinach happen. They’re happening more and more because of industrial farming processes coupled with more relaxed federal inspections.
- Comment on Am I the only one who does this? 3 months ago:
You sure you don’t mean a 737-MAX? They don’t make the 747 anymore, AFAIK, or is that just the passenger model that ended?
- Comment on Am I the only one who does this? 3 months ago:
Exactly. If two people are making competing compelling arguments, they’ve both earned an upvote. Using Up/Down votes as a means to siding with someone is a good way to build an echo chamber.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
Spoon? You mean knife?
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
I used to get them confused until a visit to Luray Cavern. The tour guide explained that one “held ‘tite’ to the ceiling while the other just ‘mite’ reach it.”
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
Just because they don’t ticket you for it, doesn’t mean it isn’t legally considered reckless. Cops often exercise a bit of discretion when deciding which ticket, if any, to write up. Some people just get out of tickets. I’ve never been that lucky, and I’ve never really driven particularly fast. A quick search suggests reckless is considered 15-over in CA, but I can’t find the specific statute.
To answer your question, I’ve lived all up and down the east coast and TX.
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
Some places are sticklers about the speed limit, and other minor offenses. If you’re local, you tend to know where they are, either from word-of-mouth or local news. Most places won’t ticket for going 5 mph over because a lot of judges will just throw the ticket out, especially if you come with a receipt saying you had your speedometer calibrated. In seemingly more and more places, 10 mph over is the norm. Some of that’s due to shrinking police forces. Pretty much everywhere, 20+ mph over is considered reckless driving.
- Comment on Reagan is the Worst Movie of the Year: Review and Breakdown 5 months ago:
Didn’t realize Dennis was a nut job.
- Comment on Statue of John Lewis Replaces a Confederate Memorial in Georgia 6 months ago:
Gotta wonder what the guy in the foreground thinks of that. Stereotyping, I know, but still.
- Comment on (Yikes) 7 months ago:
Came here for this.
- Comment on Depending on how you count 8 months ago:
Is there any other way?
- Comment on Do memes from 1911 count if they're still true? 8 months ago:
The military level should swap places with the one beneath it.
- Comment on Maths 9 months ago:
There’s a certain irony in using a Douglas Adams quote to support saying something is reminiscent of Terry Pratchett.
- Comment on I this a firm and polite way to tell an opinionated coworker to stop pushing his agenda I don't care about? 9 months ago:
I think this is the best answer. Think of it in terms of what would the boss (a good boss, that is) say? I can actually hear my managers say this. Many of the options here could be taken by the other person as you thinking you’re “better than” them. This is a fair and accurate response that doesn’t get personal.
- Comment on apex predators 10 months ago:
- Comment on have a little help from my friends 10 months ago:
Assistant to THE branch manager.
- Comment on I'm loose bottom, tag yourself 11 months ago:
And Penistone.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
For me, it kind of depends. If Rogan is interviewing an actor, comedian, or MMA/UFC fighter, he’s more in his element, and the interview can be alright. The problem is he’s kind of an “all sides” show and he doesn’t really understand all the stuff some of his guests pedal. This is problematic when he has folks on pedaling stuff where he doesn’t recognize and call out the potential toxicity. A good example is someone like Jordan Petersen. A guy whose credentials would seem to indicate he knows what he’s talking about. In reality, a lot of the MRA-adjacent BS he spews sounds somewhat reasonable, if a bit “edgy,” on its surface. Petersen knows it isn’t actually backed up by any research (which is where his credentials are), it’s just his musings that he’s found an audience, and quite a bit of money, espousing. This is a problem because Rogan doesn’t usually call this stuff out for the dog whistle that it is, and he has a massive audience.