- Comment on Does not the constitution say something one should not be charged or something to vote? If so then why does my home state charge 50$ to get a regular id to vote? Is that no illegal? 1 week ago:
It’s not a regular ID to vote. It’s a regular ID.
You need an ID to vote, but you can use it for many other things too.
If getting an ID is a barrier for you to vote, then talk to your representatives and they might be able to help you out.
- Comment on Is it asshole behavior to hate someone for saying "Hi, how are you?" 1 week ago:
I feel like a chunk of the population of Lemmy is people who got banned from Reddit.
And a portion of that chunk got banned for being too young according to Reddit’s T&C, lol
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
She calls him “big bro”, and then calls him “mom and dad”
I love you, mom and dad!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
For me? Shaving makes me feel like I’m putting effort into that area, and I just like how everything feels when it’s smoother.
For my partners? I don’t like getting hair in my mouth. Lol
- Comment on What is the minimum number of words needed to communicate 2 weeks ago:
The minimal amount of words to communicate is 0.
If you want to be functional in a new country, you’d need to figure out what kinds of things you want to say and how functional you want to be.
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 3 weeks ago:
I have another friend who could imagine dating a woman and also didn’t find them attractive. She was straight.
I could imagine being a bumblebee, but that doesn’t mean I have any intention of transforming into one or anything! Haha
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 3 weeks ago:
What’s the desire to date women, then?
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 3 weeks ago:
If you aren’t attracted to them but you want to date them, what would you end up doing that you wouldn’t do with a friend?
- Be in an exclusive relationship that doesn’t involve sexual activity?
- Get jealous if they hang out with or say they love anyone else?
- Engage in sexual activity but not enjoy it?
- Comment on How is Arcane the series based upon League of Legends, a tower defense game? 3 weeks ago:
How was World of Warcraft, an MMO, based on Warcraft, an RTS game?
- Comment on Katamari creator's new game about a teenager stuck in a T-pose gets a release date (May 28th) 3 weeks ago:
Oh man, if they have a cross as a wearable, this is GOTY
- Comment on Katamari creator's new game about a teenager stuck in a T-pose gets a release date (May 28th) 3 weeks ago:
The game needs to be modded to make Jesus and his cross the main character
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, I say designed, but it’s not in the “something planned it” sense. We ended up this way because of a series of random chances that just sorta’ worked in allowing us to live long enough to have more successful offspring.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 3 weeks ago:
Most mammals (if not most animals) breathe through their noses.
People complaining about humans being designed poorly don’t know that this design “flaw” is what allows us to be able to speak.
Yes, this increases our risk of dying by choking. But despite that, being able to speak has been so evolutionarily advantageous that our increased risk of dying is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
Back in the day, people hated Intellisense/auto-complete.
And back in the older day, people hated IDEs for coding.
And back in the even older day, people hated computers for games.
There’ll always be people who hate new technology, especially if it makes something easier that they used to have to do “the hard way”.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
I remember we used to refer to enemy logic as AI. The 4 Pac-Man ghosts each had different “AI”. The AI of the enemies in this FPS sucks. This kind of stuff, lol
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
Tools can be used to make art.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
One of my favourite games used procedural generation to create game “art”, “assets”, and “maps”.
That could conceivably be called (or enhanced by) ML today, which could conceivably be called AI today.
But even in modern games, I’m not opposed to mindful usage of AI in games. I don’t understand why you’re trying to speak for everyone (by saying “people”) when you’re talking to someone who doesn’t share your view.
This is like those stupid “non-GMO” stickers. Yes, GMOs are being abused by Monsanto (and probably other corporations like them). No, that doesn’t mean that GMOs are bad in all cases.
- Comment on ‘Pokémon Go’ Maker Nears $3.5 Billion Deal to Sell Games Unit 4 weeks ago:
Some people say Pokemon Go is already P2W. But as long as Community Days/shinies are still as available as they are with F2P, then I’ll stick around and even give them some of my Google Play money, lol
- Comment on Why do people from Western societies always seem to complain? 4 weeks ago:
For the majority of the last century, life has been pretty great for Americans, essentially putting them on top of the world. Generations have seen nothing but life improving for their children and grandchildren, with no indication of it slowing down. For most of this time, many people haven’t even needed to really sacrifice much for it the way that previous generations have.
This is finally starting to change.
Decades ago, we were told we’d finally have to start sacrificing to make a better life for our children. That didn’t sit well with some people.
Millions of people are coming to the West (not just the US) for a better life, and have been for generations. While we’re getting more tax dollars, resources are being spread more thin.
As well, it’s been harder for people to earn a living. Before some time in the 1970s, company earnings were tightly coupled with employee earnings. Since then, company productivity and earnings have skyrocketed, while inflation-adjusted employee earnings have stagnated. Of course, employee productivity continues to skyrocket with advances in technology.
Nowadays, the “current” generation is feeling the pain.
Before, a person could graduate high school and find a good job to be able to afford a house, a car, and a family. Sometimes their spouse needed to work, too.
Nowadays, two people working in a household often can’t afford to own a home. Yet the companies they’re working for are making more money than ever.
Long story short, the US has been on top of the world for decades, and for the last half a century, they’ve been funneling their wealth upwards while taking away from the working class. There was so much money to go around that it wasn’t enough to notice for generations. But now, people aren’t just noticing – they’re feeling it.
And there doesn’t seem to be any agreement on what needs to be done to make it better. (Partially because it’s cheaper to fund media-based distractions than to fund social programs that would help people, or to tax corporations and the rich!)
- Comment on ‘Pokémon Go’ Maker Nears $3.5 Billion Deal to Sell Games Unit 4 weeks ago:
That sounds bad. I like Pokemon Go. What kind of ruining are we talking about?
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
FWIW, this was the same thing that homophobes were doing to gay people.
It’s not based in evidence or logic.
Could be that phenomenon (illusory correlation?) where there are a few rare examples of someone who is [sexual minority aka. gay/trans] is also a pedophile, and that particular example of a crime becomes prolific…but the general population doesn’t have any experience with [sexual minority] people. So they assume that being [sexual minority] means you also have pedophilic tendencies because that’s the only connection they know thanks to that prolific crime.
- Comment on Where did Captain Planet go when he flew away? 5 weeks ago:
Some would say that’s what’ll happen when the human population is down to zero
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 5 weeks ago:
The correct thing to do with a swing and a miss like that is to apologize. If there’s no apology, it’s the asshole thinking they have an actual excuse.
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 5 weeks ago:
Interesting! How would “deadzone” be used, in that case?
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 5 weeks ago:
Ah, I usually type website (especially since we say websites, so the conjugation is at the end of the compound word). I tried to be careful with typos! Haha
Username was another cause of debate. Should the field be “username” or “userName”? Well, the username represents the identity of the user (e.g., “otp” or “Yaky”). userName would represent the name of the user, which could be their first name for example. So then we might want userFirstName or userPreferredName.
Filename is one of the weird ones where I think it should be filename but it looks too long to be proper.
- Comment on Most Civilization players don't finish a single game, going by Civ 6 data, and perhaps that's the best way to play 5 weeks ago:
I often have to push my way through. But especially for a domination victory, there’s a lot of time wasted on mopping up when victory is already completely guaranteed.
Kind of like Monopoly.
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 5 weeks ago:
Deadzone feels right to me. Dead zone feels like it should be a zone that died.
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 5 weeks ago:
I did get the joke, but I didn’t make it clear. My point stands that monolingual English speakers tend to make these mistakes more than German-speaking English learners, haha
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 5 weeks ago:
loic.suberville on Instagram does a whole lot skits about how weird French is (and English, too). You might enjoy some of his content!
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 5 weeks ago:
French is in a different language family. One nice thing about French is that, even with all the silent letters, it tends to be more consistent than English. The same letters should make the same sound (or the same silence) in any context…at least more often than English.
So if you know how “llon” in papillon is pronounced, you’ll probably be able to pronounce bouillon.
Whereas if you know how “ough” sounds in “rough”… you’re fine with “tough”, but might have trouble with:
- through
- thought
- though
- cough
- thorough
- dough
- drought
- bought
Those have all stopped looking like words to me though. <== This one too