- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
It’s very basic ‘think of the children’ rhetoric.
Our emotions are more easily manipulated in this way, because generally people are hard wired to protect babies and children.
So by associating trans people with paedophiles, right wingers are able to more easily hijack into what would otherwise be rational people. It also makes it more difficult to debate against because nobody wants to be labelled as someone who wants to hurt kids.
- Comment on Day 164 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
I’ve been playing Control on and off since 2019… I finally completed it this week.
There was always something that halted my progress… Frustration with the map, boredom with progression, unfixable crashing. Decided to give it one more go on a new gpu and finally it clicked :)
Now I’m doing all the awesome post game content.
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
It’s a hard question to answer I know! Racking my brains here, the most novel thing I can think of is Portal.
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
You make excellent points. Personally, I rarely have a problem paying for proper DLC (and buy proper DLC I mean, additional story content that wasn’t obviously cynically cut from the OG game). Notable past examples for GTA, stuff like ‘The Ballad of Gay Tony’ were amazing expansions.
Also sticking with GTA, they’re a good example of bad practice nowadays (imo). They pivoted to online-only DLC once they realised how lucrative a pay-to-play system can be when leveraged against not being bullied by players with more disposable income. There was amazing single-player content in dev for GTA5 and they cut it to focus on MP. Worse, they left the dregs of that content in the game, allowed a ‘GTA5 mystery’ concept to flourish and left people hunting for the mystery thinking they were going to find something like GTA4’s bigfoot. Knowing all along it didn’t exist. But of course, happy that people were still playing and hoping they would get bored and try online mode.
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
Yep, it’s a real quandary. I’m not sure what the solution is, or if there is one from our perspective… it’s no point voting with my wallet when there’s millions of others who won’t.
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
This was what I meant. It’s these smaller devs that seem to be innovating to any extent at the moment!
Maybe I’m just a bit jaded due to being an old fart nowadays… I remember playing the original Doom / Wolfenstein so especially FPS feel so overdone to me. When was the last time you saw a truly novel game concept? I’m sure I’ve seen a few over the last few years but can’t remember (see, old fart).
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
This is the big problem with modern gaming. Too many companies are now in hock to investors and publishers. To those at the top of the hierarchy, making a game is an investment, a bet. Innovation is stifled in favour 9f ‘safe bets’, no wonder gaming is stagnating.
It’s not all doom and gloom, there are still exceptions to the rule. But it’s certainly not looking good for fantastic single player games.
I’m expecting gta 6 to have a much shorter single player campaign with most of the focus towards online (and more obscene earnings from shark cards 2.0).
- Comment on How do you like this, sexists? 1 year ago:
I find talented / strong women to be hot as hell, is that sexist? I’d happily date a woman who can bench me.
- Comment on Game devs should follow the BG3 development footprint 1 year ago:
I’m cautiously optimistic for Light No Fire. The main thing I learned from the NMS initial launch experience (am a day 1 player) is not to allow myself to get too hyped for games (this knowledge was cemented by the launch of CP2077 haha). And, you’d hope that Sean / HG learned also not to overpromise in terms of feature set… would hope they learned a hell of a lot from the long cycle of updating NMS.
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
That’s almost as far away as the moon! Therefore, the only logical explanation is ALIENS
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
Don’t worry I got what you were putting down. People can be very reactionary with their downvotes here, if your joke is too subtle it can fly over their heads.
It made me smirk! For my reference, how many zeros is that (I’m shit at maths but want to try and imagine such a long lever protruding into deep space)?
- Comment on Brexit backer Dyson says hypocrisy claim over HQ move to Singapore 'incredibly harmful' 1 year ago:
Didn’t know they were made in Somerset, my love for them grows
- Comment on Brexit backer Dyson says hypocrisy claim over HQ move to Singapore 'incredibly harmful' 1 year ago:
If I knew you irl I would SO be making a baby hoover and hiding it next to your current hoovers
- Comment on Brexit backer Dyson says hypocrisy claim over HQ move to Singapore 'incredibly harmful' 1 year ago:
Smiling sucky boi, everytime
- Comment on Brexit backer Dyson says hypocrisy claim over HQ move to Singapore 'incredibly harmful' 1 year ago:
Yeah, incredibly harmful to his profits and chance of further peerages. Fuck off to Singapore and stay there ye blustery old cunt, no one wants your overpriced vacuum cleaners.
Henry Hoover for life
- Comment on Wife Material 1 year ago:
You know, having a preference is completely normal. I don’t think many bi people have their preference split 50/50! Not sure if you’re familiar with Kinsey Scale, worth looking into.
Interestingly, my ‘type’ for women is almost completely the inverse for guys. Similar to you, I have a preference towards women / trans women, though I sometimes wonder if that’s still some inbuilt shame from society.
- Comment on Wife Material 1 year ago:
It’s sadly extremely common. Women who say they are allies imo are often just accessorising, they’ll go to pride and ‘have a gay friend’ but vomit at the thought of dating someone pan / bi.
I made myself more than a little sad the other day, reading the comments under an article about this issue written by a bi man who married a woman. Just an absolute reel of angry, ‘personally attacked’ women completely confirmimg the articles points.
- Comment on Wife Material 1 year ago:
Sorry to hear about your experiences. It does provide some small feeling of solidarity to know we’re not alone!
Well done for accepting yourself. I do have the privelege in some sense that if I wanted, I could pretend to be straight. Maybe that’s an aspect that riles some gay people up. I can confirm I don’t repulse women :) until that is, they figure out or find out that I’m not straight. Then it’s almost always the instant evaporation of attraction.
As far as I understand it, for some women, their idea of attraction to a man is still (despite the clamouring for equal rights) tied to how macho the man is. Sex with men, or trans people, destroys that machoness. Then you’ve got the insecure ones who assume because you also find another gender attractive, they can never be enough for you, or that you will cheat. I’ve never, ever cheated on a partner. Finally you have the ones who assume that not being straight, you’re highly promiscuous and therefore riddled with STIs. I can’t speak for other guys but before I realised I was pan I used to joke I’m not bi, I’m bi myself. Very much not promiscuous, and very much take the necessary precautions whenever I sleep with someone (which is rare).
Notice how just speaking about my experience caused someone to downvote my comment. We can’t even exist without offending some people.
- Comment on Wife Material 1 year ago:
Been single a loooong, long time. 99% of women I talk to / been on dates with find bi / pan men disgusting. It got to the point after one date, when she’d told me she’s bi, then literally recoiled in disgust when I said I’m pan, I just gave up.
Moved to a new area, been on one date, she is bi and doesn’t understand why so many women think that way. She’s awesome, we had an amazing time so I hope it grows into something special! Good luck with your relationship :)
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
I’d say that’s significant. Your liver is probably kinda creaking under the combined strain.
Have a serious think about your drinking, as if you are actually alcoholic / addicted then it could actually be harmful to go cold turkey instead of reducing gradually. I know from experience it’s really hard to say no especially if your social life revolves around pubs / bars & clubs. But it’s certainly not impossible, you’ve got this.
- Comment on I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal? 1 year ago:
It’s fairly normal to suddenly find hangovers are a big problem as we get older… it feels like one day you’re able to go out, knock back a hideous amount of booze, then bounce back the next day ready to do it all over again… and all of a sudden those two pints of beer create the hangover from hell.
Not sure about tolerance though. What country are you in… is it easy / cost effective to get a liver test done? It might be down to lots of perfectly natural factors… if you lost weight; if you have a different diet (some foods ‘soak up’ alcohol better than others and cause it to be absorbed more gradually, if you’re drinking on a salad instead of say, pasta you’ll see a difference); you could be drinnking different beers.
Also, if you’ve had significant weight gain, this causes your liver to get fatty, which puts a strain on it; I’m not a medical professional but would think that could have an effect too.
- Comment on Tory candidate shared post using foul language towards struggling parents 1 year ago:
That’s disgraceful. Got to feel for the people working there, knowing that their jobs are on the line with pretty much no control over the outcome.
- Comment on Tory candidate shared post using foul language towards struggling parents 1 year ago:
Yeah I was going to say, most libraries have free internet that you just have to register to use (my current library even has a few workstations for unregistered), then remembered how many libraries have closed due to funding cuts imposed on councils by the tories.
- Comment on I just got a pop up ad from Windows, for PC gaming and buy their Xbox controller. 1 year ago:
It’s absolutely insane how many things need turning off to gain some modicum of privacy with win10, I refuse to upgrade but imagine it’s worse in win11.
Totally understand the love for Linux. If my audio interface & DAW were compatible I would investigated switching way back. There are other interfaces which appear to be compatible, and other DAWs, but I am highly proficient in the one I’ve used for ~15 years and don’t want to invest time learning a new one; and my audio interface lets me use very, very high end emulations of hardware (UAD).
Seriously considering Linux for potential future live PA work though. Stability is appealing for live stuff!
- Comment on When a stranger ties their dog to your bike. 1 year ago:
Yup. Just chucked it into google image search.
TBH I’m not against reposting content from reddit, we need more content here… content is content. I would prefer if people were more clear that they’re not the OP though!
- Comment on Disney Mocked for Ludicrously Fake CGI "Actors" in Crowd Scene 1 year ago:
Perhaps they didn’t use the right words. Iirc the correct term is ‘fiduciary duty’. A publicly traded company has a fiduciary duty to create value for shareholders.
The duties of some fiduciaries have been codified, for example, the statutory duty of skill and care which is imposed upon trustees by section 1 of the Trustee Act 2000 (TrA 2000) and the relationship between company directors and the company under the Companies Act 2006
- Comment on Duolingo focusing on the important phrases to learn 1 year ago:
I’ve been learning Finnish for nearly a year. The first phrase it taught me was “Sinä olet velho”. I thought it was madness to teach me “You are a wizard”. Like, when am I ever going to use that?!
Later that year, I was performing at a forest festival in Finland, and a guy staggered past wearing a wizard hat. The way his face lit up when I yelled “Sinä olet velho!” was priceless!
- Comment on Why Is Britain Retreating from Global Leadership on Climate Action? 1 year ago:
Because being ‘tough on the green crap’ has emerged as a slim lifeline for the conservatives to avoid utter annihilation at the next election.
That’s it. Nothing to do with ethics, morals, economics. Just pure desperate lust for power.
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
Dungeon Keeper. I can still hear the sound FX of a slapped imp, or the Dark Mistress’ scream
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Mirage vs The Future 1 year ago:
clunky to control.
This was my main frustration with Valhalla. Assassins should move fluidly and responsively when controlled by the player, not lumber about.