- Comment on Bidenblast 5 days ago:
It’s already too long for a greentext story.
- Comment on Bidenblast 5 days ago:
it’s greentext that wasn’t written for 4chan.
- Comment on Bidenblast 5 days ago:
> 2025 > Trump's inaurguation day > Liberals are crying > Biden and Kamala just lets him become the president > Obama nowhere to be found > He suddenly appears flying > "I hereby deny the inauguration of Donald J Trump" > Secret services tries to stop him > He screams "Obama beam" and evaporates them with a laser beam from his mouth > "Can we stop fascism? Yes we can!" > He then Obama beams Trump, JD Vance, and most of the architects of Project 2025 > Biden's eyes glow red, screams the F-slur at Obama, and starts to fly > The two are fighting each other in the air, massive projectiles are damaging the capitol hill > Biden screams "When they go low, we go high! Just give them a chance and work with them." > Obama screams "This got us nothing but suffering, pain, and the rise of fascism! I shouldn't only put my own justice there, but greatly expanded the Supreme court!" > They get progressively slower, and fight on the ground > They barely can hit each other now > Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez jump out with hammers and sickles > They kill both of them with those > Bernie Sanders and AoC then takes power > They create the United Socialist States of America on the ruins of the USA > The USSA army then proceeds to publicly execute those who banned abortion for killing women
- Comment on Interesting analogy 5 days ago:
Hungarian ultra-nationalists: “Since your kind was under my ancestor’s rule, you have to rejoin my country and learn my language, or else you’re a [incoherent antisemitic screaming]!”
- Comment on Interesting analogy 5 days ago:
And maybe do something about the TERF infestation.
- Comment on Interesting analogy 5 days ago:
“Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his inbreeding levels?”
- Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 6 days ago:
Vegan cat food
- Comment on Literally c/THE_PACK 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anon reads the news 1 week ago:
Most ancaps/right-libertarians are often just right-authoritarians that like drugs, addicted to loli-hentai (although this one is falling out of fashion due to “nofap” reasons), weirdly “free speech extremists”, etc. Exceptions may apply.
- Comment on The design is very human 4 weeks ago:
Vlad Tepes likes this.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 weeks ago:
Expect /r/3dprintingincels (general place for incels that do 3D printing) and /r/dark3dprinting (3D printing nazi memoribalia) going live.
- Comment on Horse denier 4 weeks ago:
🎶Goodbye horses!🎶
🎶You don’t exist at all!🎶
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 5 weeks ago:
In a nutshell: If they hit one side of your face, turn the other cheek. Repeat it until both your face fucking hurts and they think it’s violent of you instead not kneeling down, not spreading your arms wide open, not putting your tongue between your teeth, not lifting your chin, so they could just kick your chin while holding you down, until you eventually bite off your tongue. Maybe after that, they will have remorse and not continue kicking you to death on the ground.
They already have “violent vigilante rhetoric”. They send bomb threats to anyone remotely pro-LGBTQ+, because some Jewish collaborant told them they’re grooming kids by their mere existence. The moral high ground won’t save any of us.
You know one of the reasons why they’re calling us “cucks”? Because we will take the moral high ground every time they hit a new low, including on positions we have never really hold. Remember all the “why are you so intolerant of intolerance?” posts? That caused many of us to just go full out tolerant of nazis, to not appear “anti free speech”, which for them means “free from criticism and with a guaranteed audience”, not “free expression until you don’t hurt others”. Hell, at the end days of my “nihilistic edgelord” phase, if I wanted to joke about Stalin alongside of Hitler, I got called out on the former, because the latter “only killed 600 000 (!) people”. (A number from a then common and dumb holocaust denialist theory of “they accidentally put one extra zero there”)
- Comment on Never forget 1 month ago:
Second best case scenario.
Best case scenario would be a military coup, that tries to salvage what is salvageable of the current Democratic party, and use them to course correct, including a massive constitution rewrite.
- Comment on Never forget 1 month ago:
Then that will lead to a civil war. The GOP won’t let that go easily.
- Comment on Yahtzee, Atheists! 1 month ago:
The one that the backers of Project2025 have.
- Comment on US Democracy 1 month ago:
They will extend it to mean anything outside of what their version of Christianity allows, which will include a lot of straight people
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 1 month ago:
Blame the news media. They sane washed Trump.
- Comment on US Democracy 1 month ago:
Some people define porn as the stuff corporations do, except they will side with anyone that promises a blanket ban on stuff.
- Comment on US Democracy 1 month ago:
Also say goodbye to internet freedom of speech, if even a small portion of Project 2025 comes into play. Anti-pornography activism sounds nice on paper, until you realize everyone has a different definition of pornography, and the people that want to ban porn the most have a rather interesting take on what constitutes as porn and what doesn’t…
- Comment on freddie mercury in that one song 1 month ago:
Peepee poopoo caca
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 1 month ago:
I meant expanding my anus to fit a pumpkin in, but OK…
- Comment on Heeeeeere's Luce 1 month ago:
Stop taking part of the rehabilitation fo the image of an international and dangerous cult!
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 1 month ago:
How can I expand it to that size?
- Comment on Tradition 1 month ago:
Now I want to see an animated series about nyan-cats turn others into other nyan-cats, then a great war between nyan-cats and advice animal characters breaks out.
- Comment on If only 😫 1 month ago:
The other kind of sticky, white, salty liquid unfortunately has an extremely bitter taste to it…😭
- Comment on WHAT 1 month ago:
Where’s the “Babby’s first shooter manifesto”?
- Comment on Targeting gamers 1 month ago:
There are way worse fates than execution. Such as having a pronoun selection screen in your game.
- Comment on Lack of D 1 month ago:
Vitamin D
- Comment on Big Ol' Beavers 1 month ago:
Bóbr kurwa!