- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
As you said, most people hate pedophiles. So by constantly labeling trans people as pedophiles, transphobes are trying to get most people to hate us.
- Comment on Sure buddy 2 months ago:
It’s from experience. This meme was exactly how I felt before I realized I’m trans. You’re never going to come to that realization yourself if you’re never exposed to the possibility that that’s an option. If someone is confident in their gender identity, they shouldn’t have any problem being called an egg.
Are you going to say gaydar is offensive? We just have a knack for identifying our own.
- Comment on 🎶 Let it snu, let it snu, let it snu 🎵 2 months ago:
Le tit snu
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
- Comment on Great opening movie shot 3 months ago:
I don’t think it’s perspective, but that it was captured WS the camera was falling
- Comment on House of Flesh 4 months ago:
Orange his house, with an orange little window and an orange corvette
- Comment on Dreams come true 5 months ago:
AI as a technology is fascinating and can be extremely useful, especially in places like the medical field. AI as a product in its current state is nothing more than dystopian plagiarism.
- Comment on Poggers 5 months ago:
Looking through an archeological lens, sheep bone games and cult practices probably look the same. Imagine thousands of years from now, they’ll probably see like football fans as a cult.
- Comment on Sorry to be a bother... 5 months ago:
Let me translate that.
If you get overworked at an exploitative minimum wage job, then that’s definitely on you
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
I’ve been using Philips Hue bulbs with Zigbee in Home Assistant for years without issue.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Something like BookWyrm feels like it’d be perfect to adapt to business reviews
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Now that this project exists, I’m sure it’d be relatively trivial to implement in the app
- Comment on UPDATE: Here is the final design of the Humorless Toaster, that this wonderful community helped me pick yesterday! (Needless to say one of the previous versions was unintentionally problematic) 6 months ago:
It’s perfect!!
- Comment on Some rows of videos have different padding 6 months ago:
Icky, Steve Mould, and Swell Entertainment? 10/10 Youtube feed
- Comment on I'd like to thank my supporters... 6 months ago:
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 6 months ago:
Get outta here with your actual helpful answer
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 6 months ago:
Isn’t that ideally what the government is supposed to be? We can’t all individually fight for ourselves, so we vote for people to represent us and work to protect our interests. That is, if politicians actual represented their constituents and not the highest bidder.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
This is exactly why we should have 4 day work weeks. Especially when you replace “shop” with “doctor’s office”
- Comment on U.S.: Digital License Plates and the Deal That Never Had a Chance 7 months ago:
Can we stop making everything digital? I can’t see a single benefit of turning my license plate into a screen
- Comment on Picture Unrelated 7 months ago:
Aka Google’s AI
- Comment on Borderlands film goes from disaster to farce as the guy who rigged Claptrap says neither he nor the model artist are credited 7 months ago:
He’s one of those actors who doesn’t play characters, he just plays himself with different names
- Comment on 8 Minutes 7 months ago:
I think that’s just the wording. My interpretation of that is any satellite or space probe sending back readings to Earth wouldn’t be faster than the sun visually disappearing from the sky. Even with the information being transmitted at the speed of light, there’s always going to be some sort of processing delay, along with the limited bandwidth of the transmission.
- Comment on obesity 7 months ago:
They’re behind just about every negative stigma surrounding autism. Mainly that it’s a debilitating disease that ruins the lives of everyone around them and needs to be cured, as well as that autism is caused by vaccines.
- Comment on Science is Magic 7 months ago:
Yeah, for sure. To me, the intellectual and physical challenge is the magic.
- Comment on obesity 7 months ago:
The reason is bigotry. If you really want to get into it, a big reason for the stigma against autism is the damage done by Autism Speaks.
- Comment on Science is Magic 7 months ago:
As someone else who was crazy about magic as a kid, I feel like that just made magic even more magical. Having an understanding of how magic tricks work lets you really appreciate the art and be truly wowed when you see a trick you can’t figure out.
- Comment on Ding Dong KOSA’s Dead (For Now) 7 months ago:
KOSA is the one thing that the “both sides bad” group have going for them. The Democrats true colors really shine with their support of it. I’m well and truly shocked it’s the Republicans who killed it, though I suspect that’s because it wasn’t “rules for thee, not for me” enough for them.
- Comment on Applied for a job and was asked to do a live interview. But all I get is this. 8 months ago:
I have a family member who works for AT&T. Run far far away and consider yourself lucky you couldn’t get an interview.
- Comment on Brat summer is dead RIP 8 months ago:
There’s a difference between being a brat and being brat
- Comment on "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild 8 months ago:
Ngl, I still do the modern version of this. I tend to leave GPS off on my phone, so I’ll use Google Maps or OpenStreetMap to plan a route beforehand and then just use road signs to navigate.