- Comment on Why did/do sites such as the pyramids in Egypt or the Roman colosseum end up in an abandoned state, only to be "rediscovered" later? 3 days ago:
that the ottomans had plans to use the giza pyramids as a quarry
Close, Mohammed Ali had this idea who was independent ruler but on paper was still ruling under ottoman empire. Luckily A french advisor convinced him that it would be cheaper to get the stones from elsewhere.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles.
People do not choose to be pedophiles just like gay people do not choose to be gay.
Its the way your brain is wired and hating people because of something out of their control force them into the shadows, prevent them from getting the help they need and make the problem much worse.
As long as the pedophile did not commit a crime by acting on their desires, they don’t deserve to be hated
- Comment on Explains a lot... 5 months ago:
The ideal bug for any frog trying to go on diet
- Comment on What prevents Linux from being installed on mobile devices? 5 months ago:
Exactly Android also is “Linux based” period.
That’s my point.
- Comment on What prevents Linux from being installed on mobile devices? 5 months ago:
Android is maintaining a fork of Linux kernel that has since diverged.
Its like saying MAC is UNIX, technically yes but not really
- Comment on Anychance all the inflation were are seeing is foreign entities ditching the dollar after seeing the state of things? 6 months ago:
probably US
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 7 months ago:
I am a bit of a shy person and being on spotlight could make me uncomfortable. A simple thank you is enough to brighten my day
- Comment on I want to donate old work shirts, but I don't want people to be mistaken for employees there. How do I remove the logos? 8 months ago:
try soaking one of then in bleach overnight. That might destroy it but it also might remove all the colors including logo and solve your problen.
if that worked u can do the same with the other tshirts
- Comment on Is there anyway to have your subscribed communities on the side so I do not have to type them in the search bar? 8 months ago:
thanks but how do you know what interface is available where?
- Comment on Is there anyway to have your subscribed communities on the side so I do not have to type them in the search bar? 8 months ago:
wow. Wish I knew about this before. Is there a list of available interfaces?
- Comment on Hello world in C inline assembly (2020) 9 months ago:
neat idea but it didn’t work for me (Linux x86_64). code compiles fine but prints nothing
- Comment on Why do teeth don't regenerate? 9 months ago:
Your baby teeth and adult teeth all began developing before you were even born. Our DNA still contains all the genes that sharks use to grow their endless conveyor belt of replacement teeth, but in humans these genes are deactivated by the 20th week of foetal development.
The advantages of keeping the same teeth through adulthood is that they can be securely anchored in the jawbone, which allows us to chew tough plants and grains.…/why-cant-we-regrow-teeth
though a drug is being developed that could allow us to regenerate teeth
- Comment on EU doubles down on penalising privacy-friendly and encrypted messaging services 9 months ago:
Copying the top comment in HN discussion
avianlyric 1 hour ago | next [–]
The title of this article is very misleading, suggesting that EU governance is some kind unified body, and that these documents actually represent what “The EU” wants to do.
EU governance is far more complicated, and these documents only represent the view of one part of the EU governance system, the EU Council.
The EU council is basically made up of people sent by the state governments of all the members, and basically represents the views of those state governments. The council is the only legislative writing body in the EU, but it has no power to enact legislation. It can only write proposed legislation, and present it to the EU parliament for voting on.
The EU parliament is made up of directly elected MEPs and represents the interests of EU citizens as a whole, and not as individual member states. To get legislation passed, the parliament and council need to work together to get legislation written that the council is happy to write, and the parliament is happy to enact. The council is small body of 27 people, representing the interests of state governments, and the parliament 705 MEPs and represents “the people”.
There’s currently no evidence that these proposals by the Council will have any success in the parliament, if anything quite the opposite. The EU parliament has made I quite clear they don’t like this type of draconian legislation, and won’t vote to enact it.
Obviously that doesn’t mean we should ignore these proposals. It’s important to make it clear we don’t like it, and lend weight behind the arguments being put forward by MEPs to block this legislation. But to say this represents the EU “doubling down” on penalising privacy-friendly services is ridiculous. It represents the EU council doubling down, but that only one small part of the EU governance bodies, and the other bodies are actively fighting back.
- Comment on Amazing 10 months ago:
This based on what?
- Comment on StackOverflow is banning accounts that delete answers in protest against OpenAI 10 months ago:
Stack Overflow does not let you delete questions that have accepted answers and many upvotes
He tried to circumvent the rule so he got banned for 7 days
- Comment on unlimited power 11 months ago:
Cat-bread would keep rotatin ~and never falls~ as it falls to the ground
- Comment on The Ken Thompson Hack 11 months ago:
TLDR; its an evil attack where a compiler get modified to inject a virus/backdoor in apps plus be able to detect when its compiling itself (from clean source code) and add the part that inject backdoor
- Comment on *enhance* 11 months ago:
Should have rotated one of the images to match the other
- Comment on Northern star gang 1 year ago:
nah I need to check my compass every 3 seconds or I go crazy
- Comment on Solar energy storage breakthrough could make households self-sufficient 1 year ago:
TLDR; its a patented formula that uses solid hydrogen, no mention on how it stores energy, how efficient, storage density, whether it has limitations, number of charge / discharge cycles, …
- Comment on Xbox will block third-party controllers to "preserve the console experience" 1 year ago:
Another not to buy another XBox. PC Gaming is more sustainable
- Comment on Why not just let people use opioids? It's cheap. People like it. Arguably healthier than weed, alcohol or tobacco. Addiction isn't an issue if you can stay supplied. 1 year ago:
am not a doctor myself but from what i know, the reason you increase the dose in first place is that your body build tolerance. if a normal person were to take same dosage as a long time drug addict they would die in minutes
reasons for death of overdose:
- someone went to rehab and lost their tolerance then went back to drugs with same dosage they used to take
- someone missed a dosage and went through horrible withdrawal symptomps so when they finally got the pill they took too much
- buying certain drug without knowing it is laced with a more powerfull one
- Comment on Raspberry Pi 5 vs. Orange Pi 5 Plus vs. Rock 5 Model B 1 year ago:
Nothing about the open source status of those devices.
Can we install ordinary Linux on Orange / Rock Models same as we do with Raspberry Pi? Are we required to install priority kernel modules? Kernel source code is available?
- Comment on I deleted WhatsApp only for privacy! Am i stupid? Why ? 1 year ago:
I removed it for years but eventually had to get it back.
I used a spare phone though with non of my contacts in it and never connect it to my home wifi.
- Comment on Fake recruiter lured aerospace employee with trojanized coding challenge 1 year ago:
Just surprised people would do personal tasks on work laptops
- Comment on Worm that jumps from rats to slugs to human brains has invaded Southeast US 1 year ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on Worm that jumps from rats to slugs to human brains has invaded Southeast US 1 year ago:
I couldn’t find a single article about this worm let alone Wikipedia
- Comment on Tesla FSD Beta tried to kill me last night 1 year ago:
I was testing Tesla’s latest Full Self-Driving (FSD) Beta update last night
There, saved you a click
- Comment on Is the liquid inside a coconut ever white naturally? 1 year ago:
I second that. I haven’t seen coconut with white water and I’ve tried coconut in different countries
- Comment on MS to update Windows every 3 years 1 year ago:
Or fork it and make new distribution based on it minus the annoyimg bits