- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
It’s always this. History has borne it out.
- Comment on "Captain America: Brave New World" has received a B- on CinemaScore, the lowest score for an MCU film. 5 weeks ago:
He’s an ensemble character actor. He would be terrible on his own, and I think he’s gotten worse with each appearance.
- Comment on USA Question | How much is a dozen large eggs near you? 1 month ago:
$3.99 CA Bay Area
- Comment on I met someone who had this tattooed 2 months ago:
I think anywhere we still use butter is still great. It’s where we replaced it with the “various hydrogenated oils of mysterious origin” that we lost our way. Once we could no longer believe it wasn’t butter, we lost the plot.
- Comment on I met someone who had this tattooed 2 months ago:
How someone thinks of America and not France when thinking of butter is beyond me. I just assume they’re unfamiliar with their respective culinary achievments.
- Comment on UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Suspect left New York City by bus, police say 3 months ago:
They are in this instance, since I didn’t aid them.
- Comment on UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Suspect left New York City by bus, police say 3 months ago:
We are just going to disagree on the little details here. It seems you are capable of seeing circumstances where people can have sympathy with the killer if their victim is atrocious enough. We’re just quibbling over details now.
- Comment on UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Suspect left New York City by bus, police say 3 months ago:
Of course I do. You know it’s possible to justify murder without having a personal dislike of the person?
I’m against institutionalized violence, but I can get behind a victim seeking retribution. The rule of law is not applied evenly, as you can plainly see with the manhunt for this shooting victim vs countless others. Because of that, I don’t pretend to be a believer in letting the justice system handle the dispensation of justice solely.
Maybe you should stop viewing it as a murder and start seeing it as mob justice. That wouldn’t have to happen if our institutionalized justice system functioned correctly.
- Comment on UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Suspect left New York City by bus, police say 3 months ago:
OR they actually dislike the CEO and don’t feel bad about seeing the cumuppance of someone who’s decisions while performing their role has caused an increase in suffering and death.
You don’t need a gun in your hands to bring death and suffering to those around you. Sometimes all it takes is a pen, callous disregard for others and a desire for self enrichment.
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 months ago:
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 months ago:
There are as many houses as people want but not all the the quality or location they want. Manufactured homes can be dropped on lots for a fraction of the price. People live in the central valley and commute so they can have a home for much less. The world will never have everything everyone wants the way they want it. Thats not this world.
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 months ago:
If them buying it denied other legitimate buyers with the same purchasing power from doing so, then yes. A home is too unique a purchase to be scalped though. It’s like art in that the house is the only 1 one available exactly like it. The same exact house built on a corner or further in on the block have different values.
2 pairs of the exact same sneaker treated the same from the same production run are practically identical. Market manipulation through scalping is the only method to raise it’s price at the time of market sale.
Tickets have a limited duration they hold ANY value so their prices can be manipulated through scalping too.
Houses just shouldn’t be in the same conversation.
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 months ago:
A home is 1 form a shelter. The luxury form. Much in the way a Ferrari is a form of transport vs a bike. The meme doesn’t show shelter in the context of a basic right. It’s showing a luxury good among other luxury goods.
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 months ago:
What the hell does that have to do with luxury goods? The house is the only thing you Might not consider a luxury good because you need housing but, owning your own property and not sharing walls with a neighbor is in fact, a luxury.
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 4 months ago:
Wow that was a blast from the past! Still a bit of a banger too!
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 4 months ago:
That only applies in shit states that allow that wage fuckery. There are several states where the minimum doesnt change based on whether the job receives tips.
This is one of the problems with the argument online. Too many off us have different realities around them. Where I’m at they get a pretty healthy minimum (~$17/h) + tips.
Being a waiter at a decent restaurant is quite lucrative in my area. I don’t want to change that for the person, after all, the waiter is getting a cut off every check. It’s like a form of profit sharing! However, I’d rather just have the prices on the menu reflect reality and the business handle all the dispersion of pay without me and my feelings getting manipulated for an extra 5% (after the previously established 18% tip standard was deemed too low by people who get tipped that for decades.)
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 4 months ago:
To be fair, that’s not the actual alternative for the waiter. The waiter either accepts their income as it is with some people not providing a tip, or they can opt for other employment like the rest of the workforce that isn’t tipped. They don’t have to sit at home waiting for things to change like helpless puppies.
I’m in California though so we don’t have any of that wage fuckery where they can be paid less than minimum wage if tips make up a significant portion of their income. It’s $17.55 hour minimum plus tips where I’m at.
I’d really rather see tipping outlawed along with all other obscured fees and just pay what you need to pay to have waiters and charge what you need to charge to have a business transparently printed on the menu.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
I watched Last Action Hero a few years ago for the first time, and it honestly didn’t even feel that dated. It held up!
- Comment on Know Nut November 4 months ago:
Would filbert also be an acceptable answer?
- Comment on Snoop Dogg working on 'Planet of the Apes'–like movie, but with dogs 4 months ago:
Snoop has felt so over exposed the past few years that most of his projects just look like ridiculous cash grabs. This is no different, but I really want to subject the Red Letter Media guys to this and watch their review more than I want to see whatever movie is actually made.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
He’s a self professed degenerate, and wealthy to boot. He doesn’t give a shit what any of us think.
It’s nice his dad called and gave him shit though, since his audience is more toxic than he is and he shouldn’t be feeding them like that.
I’ve seen enough of his content to know he’s usually pretty quick to shut down talk just like what he got in trouble for so I don’t know what got into him that day.
- Comment on Do you actually care about your friend's new baby, vacation abroad or similar life events or are you just being nice? 5 months ago:
As i got older, I cared more. I uses to listen politely, then I started to look forward to hearing about my friends and family lives. Now I’m one of those guys who calls to ask for updates. 😆
- Comment on How do you ask for a haircut? 6 months ago:
#2 on the sides, tapered up to finger length up top. Leave me some extra in the front
- Comment on Anon pregames 6 months ago:
Yup that’s what he said to her alright…
- Comment on Smoking PSA 6 months ago:
I’m generally against “sin taxes” but I have to admit that the $2 bump per pack after I quit smoking made it easier to not look back. It’s now about $5 more (I think, I haven’t actually looked for a while.)
After 18 years of smoking, I am glad I quit.
- Comment on Anon pregames 6 months ago:
Unfortunately they don’t actually state their reasoning. They just state what they told her while trying to reason with them to go to sleep.
You are probably right, but its just an assumption. It their position I would also be attempting to reason with them by reminding them of their existing relationship instead of “No, I don’t want to rape you. You cannot consent.”
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
As a person with 3 cats, I get what you’re saying. You’re getting down voted, but we all know cats can devistate local wild life populations.
Rescuing them and making them indoor cats is the responsible thing to do, but I don’t think any vegans would argue with that.
I think its after those establishing facts that the discussion is taking place.
I personally am not a fan of any breeding programs when there are so many cats and dogs available to rescue, but that’s just me.
- Comment on Why do boomers hate squirrels so much? 6 months ago:
They eat hella fruit off my fruits trees. And when I say eat, I mean take 3 bites and drop it on the ground to grab a new one and take 3 bites.
They waste 50 apricots to eat 3 apricots.
Until I started taking all the ground fruit and boiling it in a pot to make fruit juice for brandy distilling, it was a complete waste. Now it’s still wasteful, because I’d rather eat the fruit, but at least I recover something from it.
Fuck squirrels.
- Comment on Final Fantasy Creator Reveals Which Entry He Thinks Is 'Most Complete', and It's Not Final Fantasy 7 6 months ago:
I totally agreed when I was younger but over the years I’ve grown to appreciate when the game makes me play a “suboptimal” class/job. I learn to love some of the quirky characters because they make me try them.
When I’m given all the jobs I compulsively try to level them all because I’m broken that way.
- Comment on ‘Hold them captive’: Australian billionaire boss aims to end staff going out for coffee 6 months ago:
Because he’s gonna open little free cafes in all his offices right?.. right guys??..