- Comment on There Have Been Times I Liked The Villain Dynamics Better 1 day ago:
Kinda like It’s Always Sunny, but better
- Comment on I ask you this 2 days ago:
Make them meet in the middle
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
It really doesn’t. I have both hyperhydrosis (sweating a lot for no reason) and sweat activated psoriasis, so I have to keep my public area as dry as possible because psoriasis on your scrotum is fucking awful.
Being clean shaven means that more of my skin can come into contact with my underwear to remove the sweat, while being hairy means the moisture is trapped between my hair and my underwear.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
You usually don’t stick your tongue in a guy’s beard when you kiss him.
- Comment on Little Man is chubbed 5 days ago:
Kinda. It depends on the rabbit and they don’t always use it.
- Comment on Little Man is chubbed 5 days ago:
It’s clearly a sugar glider.
- Comment on Controversial question 5 days ago:
Clearly not, since there were votes for other candidates.
- Comment on Controversial question 5 days ago:
Yes, the numbers work when you intentionally leave some out.
- Comment on Controversial question 5 days ago:
The definition of majority is a percentage over 50%.
49.8% is less than 50%
I’m sorry if this is a difficult concept to grasp.
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 1 week ago:
Do you know people like this? Dating someone you’re not romantically interested in is basically just being friends.
- Comment on How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.? 2 weeks ago:
No, doctors can’t pass info between each other without your written approval, due to HIPAA. If you’re drug seeking, you won’t sign the release forms.
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 2 weeks ago:
You mean singular circle?
- Comment on The science is divided 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, colors are just whatever the simulation decided it should be
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 2 weeks ago:
The funny thing is I bet he’s also the kind of guy to call a straight woman a lesbian if she rejects him too.
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 2 weeks ago:
That’s just narcissism. Can’t comprehend someone not being into them.
- Comment on Psychology 2 weeks ago:
The biggest issue is that every brain is different, and you can’t slap absolutes on that. One study may be completely accurate, but with their specific sample.
- Comment on I still got it 2 weeks ago:
Reminds me more of Musk
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 2 weeks ago:
People who are very knowledgeable in their field often have trouble “dumbing” things down. They make a lot of assumptions of base level knowledge that genpop doesn’t possess.
I admit that I was that way for a while with IT, but I guess my mother being a teacher left me with the skill of being able to relate my knowledge to something they’re familiar with.
It got easier once I realized that if everyone possessed the knowledge that I do, I’d be out of a job. Also made dealing with tech illiterate people much easier.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 2 weeks ago:
He wasn’t aiming at Trump. It was all for that photo OP
- Comment on What Did William Burrito Mean by This? 3 weeks ago:
They also have amazing food
- Comment on Cue badass music 3 weeks ago:
I always chuckle because “only a sith deals in absolutes” is an absolute.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 3 weeks ago:
Because children are almost always used as an excuse for hating something you don’t really understand. They’re a group that can’t speak for themselves, so it’s easy to frame everything as “think of the children”.
- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 3 weeks ago:
Instead of answering your question, I’d like to ask one.
What would be the purpose of faking pictures of the earth from space?
If there is a massive conspiracy to flood the internet with fake pictures from space, someone has to stand to gain a lot from it.
- Comment on Inspirational 3 weeks ago:
I mean, I’d let him show me his penis for $250k.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
That’s an amazing response from a conservative.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 3 weeks ago:
They’re usually also angry and abusive people too
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 3 weeks ago:
Yes, anger problems are a turnoff for pretty much everyone but a handful of people with psychological problems.
You need to address your anger issues, because no one should be asked to ignore being abused regardless of your reasons for it.
Until you fix you, it’s unfair to expect others to deal with it.
- Comment on Be safe out there 3 weeks ago:
Something tells me that there are more people/New Yorker interactions than people/shark interactions.
- Comment on WHY 3 weeks ago:
What about a dryer?
- Comment on Erasure 3 weeks ago:
They intentionally missed the point