So let’s assume that radio waves can control your mind and that tinfoil can stop the radio waves… what good is covering just the top of your head? Couldn’t the radio waves strike the mind from a lower angle? This defense is basically useless.
Not to mom shame...
Submitted 8 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
You’re asking them to think. That’s your first mistake. 8 months ago
I think it’s dumb to assume they don’t think at all. It is just that their thinking is seriously flawed 8 months ago
Also if you do wear a tinfoil hat, there is no brain worth protecting in there. My favorite paradox 8 months ago
Your teeth are natural mind-control blockers. Dentin is the best radiation-absorber this side of lead paint! 8 months ago
Lead teeth? 8 months ago
I took some antenna theory courses back in the day and yes, you are correct. Some frequencies reflect off the upper atmosphere so there would be a longer effective range at higher incident angles (going into the top of the head) but it wouldn’t completely block radio waves. Going from memory, the wavelengths that reflect off the upper atmosphere are long enough that a tin foil hat wouldn’t cause much interference anyways.
TLDR: Fashionable, but not practical. 8 months ago
Just to add - this “hat” would also likely improve reception. 8 months ago
Lower frequencies (like the HF range) can propagate further due to reflection/refraction with the earth and the ionosphere. Increasing the frequency can lead to e-skip and troposhpeheric ducting. But even the HF range has shorter wavelengths than our brains, which operate in much lower frequencies (Hz vs MHz). So you would think that our brainwaves would pass through tin-foil much more easily
But it’s the tin-foil’s electro-conduction that “foils” the electromagnetic waves’ (i.e radio waves’) ability to pass through it. But you would have to have no gaps in the tin-foil to completely block all waves from passing through. So like, an entire foil suit or a walking Faraday cage.
TL;DR - it’s not about the length of the electromagnetic wave, it’s the electro-conduction (insulating) property of the tin-foil that matters 8 months ago
people who seriously think stuff like that is real don’t subscribe to the same model of reality as we do, they just merrily invent models to describe things in whatever way enables their delusions.
they don’t think of radio as anything so fancy as waves or particles, it’s just a nebulous concept that works however they need it to for them to justify their insane beliefs. 8 months ago
There’s a small group of very talented gnomes inside of all radios that replay any songs they have heard before. This use to be a great arrangement for all gnomes and humans as the gnomes would receive housing and the humans get music.
Unfortunately gnomes are greedy lil shits and they ruined their cultural practice with advertising and rampant capitalism. They have completely destroyed their art form and integrity for the almighty dollar resulting is the decline of radio and the gnome housing crisis. The gnomes moved to the internet but over-saturated the music market making their was of living no longer viable. A few gnomes that have cornered the market while the rest live in abject poverty unable to compete. 8 months ago 8 months ago
see… AM radio waves go up and bounce down, this makes it so they can travel farther and give you better reception when you are out in the boonies but the cost comes when the weather isn’t very good. FM broadcasts its waves in a more side ways that works best with line of site.
This lady is clearly frightened of the AM talk radio and religious nut waves coming from they sky and not of the cool easy jazz and soft hits of the 60’s 70’s and 80’s 8 months ago
I take apart bombs, missiles and other explosive ordnance for a living, and sometimes we have to wrap certain components or fuzes in aluminum foil to lower the effects of RF on them for transport. The general rule I follow is if you could put it underwater and water would get in, then radio frequencies won’t be deadened. So if she wants to be protected then she would have to create a watertight seal around her head and do us all a favor. 8 months ago
Someone did a study at MIT about tin foil hats, and found that not only do they not screen radio interference, in some cases, can actually magnify them.
Conclusion: The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ‘‘radio location’’ (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations. It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings. 8 months ago
So tinfoil hats are pushed by the mind-controllers, and those that are persuaded by this weak signal start wearing them to receive the signal more strongly and be mind-controlled more thoroughly 8 months ago
Exactly what the mind controllers want you to think. They want you to think they don’t work, but I know, I know the truth! 8 months ago
Correction: someone did a study at MIT about aluminum helmets, not tin foil hats. The important distinction being aluminum vs. tin.
Word to the wise: Only buy tin for your protective day wear, as it hasn’t been proven ineffective at blocking radio waves by MIT, unlike aluminum. Stay safe out there! 8 months ago
aluminum vs. tin
isnt most if not all tinfoilj just aluminum foil these days? It’s one of the legacy terms that nobody really uses anymore. 8 months ago
There is also steel and gold foil. Neither is great for hats, but they’re stipp options! 8 months ago
MIT is obviously is trying to trick us into removing our protection! 8 months ago
Duh. Everybody knows the only thing that works is Velostat. You cannot use any other material. 8 months ago
Copyright from 1999-2020. Time to start selling off-brand versions! 8 months ago
It’s been used successfully by former abductees for 25 years. 8 months ago
I was all-in on that paragraph, but then the last statement rolled into vision, and now I can’t take it seriously again. 8 months ago
That is a genius conclusion. 8 months ago
I looked her up. I’m pretty sure this is satire judging from the comedic nature of most of her posts. 8 months ago
thinks mind controlling radio waves are a legitimate threat that needs to be protected against
doesn’t take steps to also protect their young children from that danger
classic 8 months ago
Insert that photo of a pregnant lady smoking while talking to the news about how something else is making her concerned for her kids. 8 months ago
Don’t worry, children are under the control of their parents until they turn 18 8 months ago
Well, if you get to remove one digit a year I’ll still have my thumbs. I guess. 8 months ago
I’ll keep both big toes thanks! 8 months ago
Honestly, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture was that her son made her a crown, and she was proudly rockin’ it. 8 months ago
I mean that’s probably what happened but you can’t get insta likes without a wacky ass story 8 months ago
That’s exactly what happened.
Source: am a parent that wears whatever my kids make for me. 8 months ago
A little mind control in their life builds character 8 months ago
I thought this was wholesome memes and mom did not conform to society by wearing the crown made for her by the her kid. 8 months ago
I assumed she just didn’t want to argue with a toddler who desperately wanted her to wear that. I mean, pick your battles. Save the energy for a bigger one and wear a tinfoil hat. But the present thing would be much more wholesome 8 months ago
She might be wearing it to keep other people away and stop them from taking to her.
It really does stop the voices, just not the voices you’d expect. 8 months ago
She could just… wear that folio cap under a normal hat to avoid attracting attention?? 8 months ago
But then it isn’t performative conservatism, and therefore is unmonetizable by the algorithm due to lack of engagement! And you gotta feed that 'rithm! 8 months ago
I feel like between 2-5, every parent would kill for some decent child mind control. 8 months ago
Mom brain. Judging by the ages of the kids in the image she hasn’t slept well for years. 8 months ago
That’s not how “POV” works. 8 months ago
Morons always procreate and it’s been holding back the rest of the human race since the beginning of time. 8 months ago
Malthus is that you??? 8 months ago
How do you define intelligence? What evidence do you have that intelligence is genetic? 8 months ago
You’re putting words in my mouth, I said nothing about what intelligence the kids get, all I said is stupids people are more likely to procreate due to less critical thinking and long term planning, thus creating a sort of cycle. I’m talking behavioral and developmental barriers coupled with economic pressure
Nothing at all to do with genetics. 8 months ago
You’re about one step away from eugenics lol 8 months ago
No, no I am not.
I said nothing about what intelligence the kids get, all I said is stupids people are more likely to procreate due to less critical thinking and long term planning, thus creating a sort of cycle. I’m talking behavioral and developmental barriers coupled with economic pressure
Nothing at all to do with genetics. 8 months ago
I’d say one step away from an Idiocracy reference, two steps from eugenics, lol. 8 months ago
I’m waiting for the day someone wears a tinfoil hat specifically to protect only their head from beta radiation from something stupid like a pile of slightly radioactive rocks from a mine.
It would just be so funny to demonstrate an actual use, but not care about covering the test of your body lol. 8 months ago
I don’t want to bother checking the original, but it seems like satire to me 8 months ago
i did the work to validate. it definitely is, lady is pretty funny 8 months ago
The tin foil isn’t protecting her from the mind control chemicals in all that makeup. 8 months ago
Wait… wouldn’t the tinfoil act as an antenna? 8 months ago
Depends, I think, if there’s an insulating gap between it and your metal skull. 8 months ago
Can someone tak the kids away? 8 months ago
Or at least give them hats, too! 8 months ago
The babies have evolved past tin foil 8 months ago
Could just be that her kids made it for her and she obliged them by wearing it. 8 months ago
Queen 8 months ago
She’s going places. 8 months ago
Being free from mind control means seeing idiots wearing tinfoil hats? 8 months ago
You wear a tinfoil cap to keep the radio waves from controlling your brain.
I wear a tinfoil cap to keep my brain’s waves from interfering with nearby electronics.
We are not the same. 8 months ago
I wear my tinfoil cap to keep people from socializing with me.
We are not the same. 8 months ago
That’s what Larry did on Curb!
His hat pushed society away and he loved it. 8 months ago
So that’s how I stop the fridge from reciting random frog facts! 8 months ago
Do you really want it to stop though? 8 months ago
Finally found a brother who gets it