- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 5 hours ago:
Yeah, the burger quality was on par with just about any other smash burger, and the fries were limp, undercooked, slimy and pale.
I think it was only 14 bucks for me at the time, but this was when you could get a whopper combo for like 6.
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 5 hours ago:
The Museum of African-American history is already on the chopping block for having content that does not paint the US in a good light.
I wish I was fucking joking about that. The proper way to be remembered well is by doing good things, not by having orange hitler demand that the history of bad things be erased.
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 5 hours ago:
I can’t tell which way this comment is going, but Five Guys is the most I’ve spent for the worst French fries I’ve ever had in my life, and the burger is “meh” grade. Burger King does a better burger and fries faster and cheaper.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
A fookin’ pencil!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
The real truth is our stupidty is not unusual, it’s just a preview of what is coming down the pipe for some of you. Right-wing populist dipshits are gaining ground in a lot of countries. It tends to go alomg with economic hardship. People look for other people to blame for their problems. The real truth is that it’s not immigrants, or jews, or woke women that are ruining everything for everybody, it’s a very small number of inconceivably rich people. Sure, the economy looks great (historically speaking) but real measures of happiness, like the cost of medical care, education and household measured in working-hours has shot through the roof, something which “the economy” does not capture very well.
Tl:dr, shit is going bad almost everywhere, and if you don’t get the to root cause of the issue ( a few rich people owning everything) then the stupids in your county are going to elect right-wing dipshits too.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
I’d rather fucking kill myself.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 2 days ago:
A Lemmy of culture I see. Love the Visconti.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 2 days ago:
None of these pieces of shit.
Probably would stick with my Pilot S95 Elite, or if I wanted something a little less flashy, my Lamy Vista.
- Comment on adhesive tape to the buttocks 4 days ago:
Read “Packing for Mars.” I think you’d enjoy it.
- Comment on Enshittification 4 days ago:
It’s because the hot idea in business right now is rental models for everything.
If your business plan doesn’t have a way to lock customers in and force them to keep paying forever, then no investor is going to look at it.
Software is subscription, infrastructure is subscription. Hell, your own data is probably subscription based these days. Buy a car? Bet your ass it has at least 1 subscription service in it.
- Comment on adhesive tape to the buttocks 4 days ago:
Actually, it’s in there because shit doesn’t fall off your ass in 0G. It kinda curls out towards the back of left to dodo its own thing.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 5 days ago:
I’ve got some really bad news for you…
- Comment on pain plant 6 days ago:
It’s the Pabst or maybe Bud-light of hot sauces. I’ll use it if it’s the only option, but give me 5 bucks and 5 minutes at any grocery store, and I’ll find somthing better.
- Comment on pain plant 6 days ago:
That’s because evolution is a results-driven process. All that matters is making viable offspring. Doesn’t matter how it gets done.
- Comment on pain plant 6 days ago:
Yeah, Tabasco is overrated. Get Louisiana Hot Sauce instead. A little less heat, but tastes waaaay better.
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 6 days ago:
Collard Greens. Get them done right, and they are like crack.
American cooking is awesome, just stay away from the fair-food and fast food.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Only under certain conditions.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Peek and peak upsets me all the time too! “Duel world” is another one. While we’re at it, people who pronounce melee as Me Lee. It should sound like May Lay.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
I think that car has a dead pedal, otherwise that is the fattest clutch pedal I have seen by a longshot.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
Fury Road was good. My only complaint is that Furiosa and Mad Max were probably the weakest performances in the film.
Furiosa (movie, not the character) missed the mark by a longshot.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
Cap the maximum compensation gap (including bonuses and stocks) between the highest paid and lowest paid person in a company at 1000:1. Any overpay goes into a UBI account that pays out equally to all.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
I wish I could let mine go, but there are city ordnances I have to follow. My “yard theory” is to break up the the whole lot with trees, bushes, flower beds, and garden plots, to the point that I can “mow” with just a weedwaker.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
Great Smoky Mountains National Park as a “Lightning Bug Lottery” every year, a certain number of passes are randomly given out to applicants to see the park at night during peak breeding season for fireflies. Supposedly they will all sync up their lights and converge in a huge group on one tree.
I’ve seen a smaller event once in my hometown. Just a whole tree was sparkling for a few minutes. I think the most amazing thing about it is the light doesn’t really show up well on a camera, so you kinda have to just put your phone down and enjoy it with your eyes. The only place you can keep that moment is in your mind.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
Raking leaves, expanding suburban sprawl (and therefore lawns), and the over-use of poisons, pesticides and fertilizers.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
First one of the year is always a treat. The. I remember how many there were as a kid and it makes me sad.
Please, switch to red outdoor lights if possible, and if you can’t do that, shade your outdoor lights so that it only illuminates specific areas. Fireflies are affected by light pollution.
Also, don’t rake your leaves, or if you do have to take, try to sequester them in an area on your property, (I’m currently using my leaves as “sunkill” for garden and flower beds.) fireflies lay eggs on leaf litter, if you dispose of the leaves, you dispose of the eggs.
- Comment on In the jar you go 3 weeks ago:
I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!
- Comment on 👁👄👁 3 weeks ago:
Nope. Evolution doesn’t really work like that. A ‘successful’ organism simply needs to have offspring capable of producing more offspring. In the case of a parasite, it just needs to keep the host alive long enough to infect another host. Anything more than that and you start running into quality vs quantity issues. A longer living, self limiting parasite isn’t going to reproduce as fast (as size longevity goes up, reproductive rates generally go down)
A fast acting, highly transmissible parasite is generally going to outcompete slower parasites.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
But also that it’s DEI DEMOCRAT OVERREACH to have a black woman in an administrative role.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 4 weeks ago:
It’s the only way to get your money back.