- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 1 week ago:
I have actually thought it might be misinterpreted because it’s vague in that sentence - no, I don’t mean that the guy thinks the hotel sucks. He still doesn’t care. But his wife thinks it sucks and she is solely responsible for her choice. In a partnership.
Most likely, when confronted with her dislike, he would not be comforting her like “honey, it’s ok, you picked a nice hotel, I don’t think it’s bad at all”, but just be like “look, it doesn’t matter, we’ll just sleep here”. Basically invalidating her feelings and experiences.
The point I am trying to make is: if you are in a committed relationship you sometimes have to care, have an opinion, help with decisions, even if it was something that you usually don’t care about. But saying “I don’t care about the outcome of something that you care about” is definitely neither kind nor loving and devastating in the long run.
- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 1 week ago:
Could it be because decision making is hard and you end up telling your partner that you a) don’t care about what they care about b) leave them hanging when they might need help to decide c) they end up having decision fatigue because you don’t have an opinion? Sometimes, a consultation or just a talk about something one tries to make a decision on feels good, doing it all by yourself sucks.
Let’s say you don’t care what hotel she books. She ends up doing all the research on hotels. Presents you with it, pros and cons. You still say you don’t care. Ok, so now the burden of choice is solely on her. You guys arrive, the hotel sucks. Can’t you see that this is frustrating in a different way than if the two of you decided on the hotel together?
- Comment on ROFL 2 weeks ago:
I once broke up with someone because he couldn’t stop using ^^ after every sentence even in the middle of a serious discussion/argument
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 weeks ago:
Go from Wales, Alaska near the Bering Strait to the southern tip of Florida. You have traveled 4,580 miles (7,370 km) in 14 states and provinces. At no point were you not in a jurisdiction that was predominantly English speaking.
Laughs in Russian
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 weeks ago:
Very honestly, since I was a child I wanted to be burned to a point where the flesh is gone but the bones are still intact and have the bones buried.
I think it is even possible to do that in Austria but I live in Germany and obviously no one is going to spend time, money, and energy on these shenanigans once I am dead. But if I could selfishly wish for a way, this would be it. There are reasons for why I don’t want to be buried and why I don’t want to be cremated and this would feel… The rightest.
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 5 weeks ago:
It’s so sad to see this, especially knowing that while you can like or dislike Clinton and Pelosi, I doubt they are unware that Sanders is not proposing socialism. Socialism and social democracy are two very, vastly different things. And they for sure know this very well.
I sincerely hope that Sanders will found a new party soon, it will have 4 years to gain momentum. Will it win in the next election cycle? No, but it might actually get enough votes to win in 8 or 12 years. Just do it.
- Comment on "I'm hungry and thirsty at the same time what do I do???" 1 month ago:
Does anyone know the context? Is the soup a metaphor?
- Comment on Fead 2 months ago:
Australian detected
- Comment on Fead 2 months ago:
Dude I would have shat my pants.
Truth be told I would still shit my pants.
- Comment on Fead 2 months ago:
I remember freaking out when the last season of Friends aired - what, there are people vacationing in Bermuda? Are they insane? I was in my late teens
- Comment on Mine's a Juicer 2 months ago:
Literally had this 15 mins ago
- Comment on Subway 2 months ago:
Say what you will but this would be a very cool “this is how we met” story that they could tell their kids down the line
- Comment on why does every single flashlight have multiple settings that you have to scroll through? 2 months ago:
Same man, where do these people get their flashlights
- Comment on Delivery Photo 2 months ago:
100%. Back then I didn’t know that, I assumed contacting the delivery service was the logical step. Some googling then showed me that was wrong and I should have contacted the company right away. But that wasn’t even a thing I thought about googling - it seemed like the feud was with me and Hermes only.
But everyone, take notes.
- Comment on Delivery Photo 2 months ago:
I had that with a rather expensive parcel from Korea “delivered” by Hermes. They claimed it had been delivered to my post box - a small slit of an apartment building. There were skincare products inside and no way this would have fit in there.
Anyway, it was not there. I wanted to call them to ask about it and jfc it took me a labyrinth of automated answers in a chat bot to even get the number for customer service. Once I called them - same shenanigans. Robo answers, asking for the parcel number. It always ended with “it has been delivered to your post box. Thank you”. Somehow, magically, I finally managed to talk to a person - after pressing a very specific combination of dials during the robo answers which I will never be able to reproduce - I explained them the situation, they said “uhum” (like a nod), started typing in silence, to then tell me “the parcel has been delivered to your post box” I am very glad this was a phone call because at that point I would have gotten violent.
I ended up asking the company I ordered from for help and they just resend the parcel. The missing parcel was never found and I hate hermes.
- Comment on Home Depot 2 months ago:
Dude I still try to fit everything into an overcrowded bus and carry it home from the bus station
- Comment on Do remote workers actually work? Yes, but they also shop and shower 2 months ago:
I once worked with a colleague within an academic setting for a EU wide project. We were understaffed. She constantly complained about how she works extra hours at home and on weekends. Well, my problem was she wouldn’t let me work at work because she used at least 5 hours of the day to trash talk colleagues behind their back (including me when I was on sick leave or, probably, out to pee). Damn I wonder why she had to work that much after working hours.
- Comment on How to open a door 2 months ago:
I hope when I get dementia I won’t forget that there is a youtube instruction video for everything. I just need to remember they exist. That’s the one thing I must not forget.
- Comment on i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper 3 months ago:
Tell me more. How do I make my feet look popping? How do I even get started? I feel I could live with having slutty feet that give me some income
- Comment on Meatspin 3 months ago:
Jesus Christ
- Comment on Thank you! 3 months ago:
For me it’s the other way around :(
- Comment on Mm-hmm, oui, bien sûr,. certainement 👀 3 months ago:
Oof not with the news coming out of the french courtroom lately
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 3 months ago:
Same, I hate muscles and fat on guys. Although that’s difficult to admit openly since a guy saying he is into heroine chic would be a social outcast, so why be acceptable if a woman says so. I like skinny guys and my husband is skinny af. I am by no means unattractive either.
My question to OP is - you seem to get rejected because of your looks, yet these beautiful women (by your standards) went out with you in the first place if I read that correctly. So there must have been some attraction in the beginning. At the very least they talked to you. But something along the line happened that made them not want to commit to you.
In general, we find people attractive because we like them. We don’t like them because we find them attractive.
It can very well happen that when you meet someone in your everyday life and get to know them and then happen to fall in love, they absolutely don’t fall into your “scheme” or “type”.
- Comment on lolirl 3 months ago:
Is looking ass good or bad?
- Comment on Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans? 3 months ago:
I used to get ukrainian emails every now and then. And then once I got a “confirm your signature to the petition” email and I checked. It was a petition to allow men to leave the country. A girl with my name signed it (wanted to sign it), and she stated wanting to leave with her 58 year old dad as the reason.
I ended up signing the petition myself, stating I wanted XY to leave with her dad as the reason.
I still wish there was a way to get in touch with her. I guess it was the same person who every now and then signed up for newsletters etc. I hope they found a way to leave. I wish there was a way I could help her directly. I keep imagining it was me and my dad stuck in a war torn country. My father has a super popular first name so the chances aren’t even that low that our dads share the same name too.
- Comment on Words truly matter 3 months ago:
Absolutely. Everyone knows rice is illiterate, they should have taken barley
- Comment on Cords 3 months ago:
Oh can you tell me one?
- Comment on Cords 3 months ago:
I need to befriend more gays
- Comment on Words truly matter 3 months ago:
I think this is a wink towards the idea that your plants grow better when you talk lovey-dovey to them
- Comment on Cords 3 months ago:
God, straight edge is so old I literally had to get a consultation to understand the insult. Thanks man