- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 13 hours ago:
First it was hanging, now it’s shooting. Make up your mind. It might help to first get your head out of your ass though.
- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 13 hours ago:
I’m a parent too, and here are my thoughts on this. I would rather knowingly live next to a pedophile - someone who outs themselves and goes to therapy - than not knowing about whether or not my neighbor has ever had such tendencies. I wouldn’t forbid them from having contact with my child, if they are sure it is not too hard for them, and obviously, keep them supervised. (I have barely ever left my child with another adult outside of the kindergarten setting though.) As was commented above, pedophilia is a valid and incredibly unfortunate, isolating and lonely sexual orientation and a disorder that can be treated, if not “cured”. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said about society’s hostile mentality driving people into the shadows and keeping them from seeking help.
I also want to point out that the majority of minor sex offenders (sorry I can’t remember the correct term, English isn’t my first language) has no pedophilic tendencies. A lot of sexual assault happens not because of attraction but because of power, dominance, violence, control. It’s something so important to keep in mind. Your local pedo might be the nicest and most harmless guy, while some other, heterosexual and “normal” oriented person in your neighborhood might have actually assaulted a child. Not having pedophilic tendencies does not mean a person won’t commit pedophilic acts.
In a way, my heart goes out to pedophiles. I can’t imagine how incredibly lonely it must be to have a desire for intimacy only with people who you will never, under any circumstances, be allowed to touch. You will never be able to act on your desires. You will never be allowed to live like yourself, be yourself fully. This must be hell. Even without the witch hunt. The least we can do as a society is to offer all the help and support we can get.
(It goes without saying - fuck all sexual offenders.)
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Oh then try falafels. Jesus I can’t bring myself to make falafels or something similar at home because you literally fry it in oil and you need to do that in order for the raw legumes to be not toxic.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Legumes like beans, lentils, peas, hummus, chickpeas, Oats, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, whole wheat products, Tofu in its various forms, including silk tofu as egg replacement in pancakes, Other “meat substitutes” like seitan or sunflower seed mince, Nuts, nut butters, nut flour, Dairy products such as cottage cheese, joghurt, Soy milk
I mean for real, eggs are super unnecessary for a protein rich or healthy diet. I would argue that unless you literally want to treat yourself with a sunny side up or an omelette you shouldn’t be using eggs at all. I like eggs, but a dozen lasts us (family of 3) a month easily.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah now try being absolutely unknowledgeable when it comes to tech and very much into makeup, skincare, 90 day fiance and parenting content. Lemmy, it’s been nice, but after one and a half years I started lurking to Reddit every once in a while again.
- Comment on Has no soul 3 weeks ago:
I would honestly be interested in meeting him.
- Comment on Maybe tomorrow 4 weeks ago:
For me it’s the other way around. That pizza is looking at me replacing the finished pea package yet again for months and months on end.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 4 weeks ago:
I’m afraid you won’t have time. It will take minutes. And I’m not even sure it would be announced.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 4 weeks ago:
So, in the best case scenario, the US as we know it is done and, after a hard fall and hitting rock bottom, will emerge as a country that is less of a capitalist hellhole. Ideally, in the process, other countries will find more independence from the USA, be it trade wise or security wise.
The more realistic scenario is that everything will stay the same/similar and just get slightly worse all the time but every other country will still suck up to the USA and everything gets a little worse. Oh yeah and climate change will fuck everyone up the ass.
The worst case scenario, I would argue, is that this ends in the destruction of the world via nuclear war within less than an hour. This is what I am scared of the most.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 5 weeks ago:
Everyone here fixing stuff with 3D printers while I am here struggling how to sew up wool silk leggings in a way that keeps them elastic and fighting for my life with darning
- Comment on my version is better 5 weeks ago:
I’ve always heard promises promises give an end to those promises in the bridge of Lady Gaga’s Pokerface
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 1 month ago:
I wouldn’t eat soap simply because it’s amphiphilic, which is why, well, it makes good soap. The molecules have a hydrophilic and a lipophilic side and this will much rather soap off and severely damage the lining of your digestive route, potentially and probably also resulting in dangerous foaming.
If you take the most simple soap that’s just like potassium ions and negatively charged fatty acid residues, I’m not 100% sure but I doubt that the fatty acids want to accept a proton because they are rather stable when negatively charged, hence they won’t work well to buffer the stomach acid. And again, by the time that the fatty acid thinks about accepting a proton or not it will most likely be soaping up your cells’ membranes.
- Comment on Just think about it 2 months ago:
It never made sense to me. You spent 1 hour of your 24 hours a day doing something you would not do for fun. Your 1 hour is just as long as my 1 hour. Both of us sacrifice the same amount of free time out of our lives doing something we’d rather not do. Why should we be paid differently?
If anything, the higher ranking the job, the more it allows for chatting with colleagues, going out for lunch, taking coffee breaks. You get much more “fun time” than labor intense workers do. Shouldn’t you be paid less? There is an added benefit in your job to begin with. The luxury of being able to sit and get coffee when you want to is already quite a blast tbh.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 2 months ago:
That’s kinda sweet… I think
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
Nah, I don’t like weed or any of the other options
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
I’d take yellow because nothing would change
- Comment on When they tell you "oh of course it's safe" they are lying 2 months ago:
On a sadder note, there are a lot of instances of men forcing themselves on their partners who just gave birth. Some nurses do catch them trying to make love in the hospital. But it’s usually… not exactly the new mom’s idea to do it. Not sure why you would want to bang a torn, soft, expanded, bleeding treasure cave to begin with but ok.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
JFC, thank you. I was going insane with the replies in this thread and you seem to be the only one who actually has any understanding of religion. You’re my favorite agnostic person ever.
- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 3 months ago:
I have actually thought it might be misinterpreted because it’s vague in that sentence - no, I don’t mean that the guy thinks the hotel sucks. He still doesn’t care. But his wife thinks it sucks and she is solely responsible for her choice. In a partnership.
Most likely, when confronted with her dislike, he would not be comforting her like “honey, it’s ok, you picked a nice hotel, I don’t think it’s bad at all”, but just be like “look, it doesn’t matter, we’ll just sleep here”. Basically invalidating her feelings and experiences.
The point I am trying to make is: if you are in a committed relationship you sometimes have to care, have an opinion, help with decisions, even if it was something that you usually don’t care about. But saying “I don’t care about the outcome of something that you care about” is definitely neither kind nor loving and devastating in the long run.
- Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 3 months ago:
Could it be because decision making is hard and you end up telling your partner that you a) don’t care about what they care about b) leave them hanging when they might need help to decide c) they end up having decision fatigue because you don’t have an opinion? Sometimes, a consultation or just a talk about something one tries to make a decision on feels good, doing it all by yourself sucks.
Let’s say you don’t care what hotel she books. She ends up doing all the research on hotels. Presents you with it, pros and cons. You still say you don’t care. Ok, so now the burden of choice is solely on her. You guys arrive, the hotel sucks. Can’t you see that this is frustrating in a different way than if the two of you decided on the hotel together?
- Comment on ROFL 3 months ago:
I once broke up with someone because he couldn’t stop using ^^ after every sentence even in the middle of a serious discussion/argument
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 3 months ago:
Go from Wales, Alaska near the Bering Strait to the southern tip of Florida. You have traveled 4,580 miles (7,370 km) in 14 states and provinces. At no point were you not in a jurisdiction that was predominantly English speaking.
Laughs in Russian
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 3 months ago:
Very honestly, since I was a child I wanted to be burned to a point where the flesh is gone but the bones are still intact and have the bones buried.
I think it is even possible to do that in Austria but I live in Germany and obviously no one is going to spend time, money, and energy on these shenanigans once I am dead. But if I could selfishly wish for a way, this would be it. There are reasons for why I don’t want to be buried and why I don’t want to be cremated and this would feel… The rightest.
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 4 months ago:
It’s so sad to see this, especially knowing that while you can like or dislike Clinton and Pelosi, I doubt they are unware that Sanders is not proposing socialism. Socialism and social democracy are two very, vastly different things. And they for sure know this very well.
I sincerely hope that Sanders will found a new party soon, it will have 4 years to gain momentum. Will it win in the next election cycle? No, but it might actually get enough votes to win in 8 or 12 years. Just do it.
- Comment on "I'm hungry and thirsty at the same time what do I do???" 4 months ago:
Does anyone know the context? Is the soup a metaphor?
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
Australian detected
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
Dude I would have shat my pants.
Truth be told I would still shit my pants.
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
I remember freaking out when the last season of Friends aired - what, there are people vacationing in Bermuda? Are they insane? I was in my late teens
- Comment on Mine's a Juicer 5 months ago:
Literally had this 15 mins ago
- Comment on Subway 5 months ago:
Say what you will but this would be a very cool “this is how we met” story that they could tell their kids down the line