- Comment on Albanese in trouble as polling shows Dutton most likely to be next PM 3 days ago:
Okay, you can talk about how it works in theory, but in practice we see the rightward ratchet effect. The LNP won an election and immediately raided the ABC journo’s offices, which led to David McBride’s prosecution, and they did robodebt and prosecuted Richard Boyle.
Then the ALP comes back into power and just allows those prosecutions to continue. We’ve got another whistleblower prosecution just the last couple of weeks.
That’s literally the ratchet effect. They are barely doing anything, just marking time.
The rightward ratchet is not a purely US thing, it is how liberal democracies all over the world behave. The mechanisms are all slightly different but the reality is that our governments are captured by the wealthy and powerful, and they want them to go right, so that’s where they go. The two sides of electoral politics are simply a more sustainable method of maintaining that rightward movement.
You say preferences send a message, but I don’t feel particularly heard, do you? You know what sends a stronger message? The removal of PMs that go against US interests. Our politicians know exactly where they stand.
- Comment on Albanese in trouble as polling shows Dutton most likely to be next PM 4 days ago:
Those benefits were won by the actual labour movement.
Parties like the ALP coopt the movement and put an official face on it. They take the wins and put them into legislation so people believe the wins were given to us by our government, which dupes people into thinking our government is legitimate.
Oh and as a bonus legislation can compromise what was actually won by watering it down, so we accept less.
- Comment on Kid is having such bad luck 6 days ago:
You know being born into wealth isn’t a great deal either. Does Musk seem happy to you? Or any of the other ghouls in that orbit?
There is plenty of evidence that large amounts of wealth has a similar effect on the owner as brain damage.
No, you don’t want that. Having enough to be comfortable is good, but wealth is not.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 1 week ago:
You know, laws? Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?
- Comment on Let me just tune up real quick 3 weeks ago:
Oh like when it just doubles down? That is some of the funniest shit.
- Comment on While shitposting at work as well 3 weeks ago:
“You know that employee is definitely going for a wank, right?”
“So why don’t you discipline them?”
“They do their best work freshly wanked, plus do you want to have that conversation?”
“Just make sure IT knows not to touch their keyboard and there’s no problem.”
- Comment on Hypothetically existed 3 weeks ago:
Maybe we could all just assume this was done with dev tools and not actual vandalism, and then go on our merry way.
- Comment on Production 4 weeks ago:
I’m pretty sure that series converges, it’s not an infinite sum.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 4 weeks ago:
BJ saw it in 60s US, and you know what he did?
He got to work.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 4 weeks ago:
I just looked it up, very positive reviews and very cheap. No mention of boobies in the feature list but it has this:
Key features:
- First Ever Open-World Paris
Thank god, FINALLY someone did it.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 4 weeks ago:
I have not but that does sound good.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 4 weeks ago:
Oh my god we need John Brown simulator. Old western setting, open world, muskets, horses and hand-drawn maps, tracking down slavers and conducting raids on their properties.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 4 weeks ago:
“Nazi” x5
There’s all the explanation you need.
- Comment on Guess I'll starve 4 weeks ago:
Because a guy can only sell you a blackboard one time, and you can get chalk anywhere. When it’s online, some tech company can sell you their Menu-as-a-Service every month.
Why would a restaurant pay for that? Look elsewhere in this thread for the story of the boss that thinks QR codes are magic spells or something.
- Comment on With Every Fiber Of My Being 4 weeks ago:
That’s great, that means you have an answer to your own question. I’m not trying to be snarky here, but that is literally the answer to what to do about Trump, even though his influence seems global and yours seems tiny, it’s the only way we can actually combat fascism.
The thing that stops despots long term is the fact that the mass of people on the ground do not bow to them.
- Comment on Maybe we should have this conversation in person so it can be a fist fight. 4 weeks ago:
Jesus that’s shady. “Excuse me I just decided to call you again where there’s no record and tell you to delete the record of our call.”
“Why not correct the record in written form? You can email back can’t you?”
Like what do you say to that? Wow.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 4 weeks ago:
Idk what an open world is for if not the alligator-building-blimp strat.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 4 weeks ago:
I think the last two games I bought at some high premium launch price were GTAV and Cyberpunk 2077.
That second one still stings. I played it longer than I should’ve probably because of the price, and I’ve not bothered with the DLC, even though people said it fixed the game. The price just ledt a bad taste in my mouth.
- Comment on Maybe we should have this conversation in person so it can be a fist fight. 4 weeks ago:
Every single time I swear it’s because the person doesn’t want a written record and has figured out that they’re more likely to get what they want if they can bullshit you to your face, when it’s harder to parse out all the bullshit in person.
It’s a favoured strategy of rental agents for this reason.
- Comment on Aright, Elon has definitely gone too far now 4 weeks ago:
I can’t help but feel like this joke image is almost redundant now that we have this:
Like, when the reality is even more on the nose than the satire we used to make of it… it’s almost nostalgic to remember when we had to join the dots to show that he was a nazi.
- Comment on With Every Fiber Of My Being 4 weeks ago:
You need to have a plan that doesn’t involve the ballot box.
This is - not as a coy bit, but for real - not a call to violence. You need to figure out how to build where you are right now, and stop asking for permission from a structure that is designed to oppress you. If you’re not sure where to start, Food Not Bombs is a solid first place to inquire.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I know Lenin said this:
Reality tells us that state capitalism would be a step forward. If in a small space of time we could achieve state capitalism in Russia, that would be a victory.
Lenin, Minutes of the Sessions of the All-Russia C.E.C., 4th Convocation. Verbatim ReportYou completely ignored that. Why?
They controlled the entire economy, you’ve said yourself it was under central control, so they achieved state capitalism. And why does wealth need to be intergenerational for it to create a bourgeois class? Oh, I know why, because otherwise you’d have to accept that your hero Lenin was bourgeois, and you can’t do that. You named yourself after him, you’re way too personally invested to see this issue clearly.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
You still burned a fucking house down. That is the headline. “Local dipshit tries to light candle” is not.
Anyway, I think that analogy is pretty poor when it comes to either of these ideologies. It’s less “I was just trying to light a candle uwu” and “all I did was dig a trench around the house, fill it with gasoline and set it on fire. I was trying to establish a firewall, how was I supposed to know the flames engulfing the house would be a problem? And now all my neighbours are angry at me because their houses burned down, and I’m just not responsible for that!”
I don’t know there buddy, I think you could’ve asked literally anyone who knows anything about fire how well that would go, but you clearly didn’t care enough to figure it out. Either way, that’s arson, either deliberate or through reckless indifference, you burned a fucking neighbourhood down.
And now there are apologists running around saying, “But it kept burglars away, and nobody inside the house suffered from hypothermia! This person was a hero, how dare you call them an arsonist?”
I think it’s important to understand the distinction between a faux-leftist and a faux-libertarian, and an explicit fascist for that matter. I’m not saying we should throw the information out, I’m saying it matters whether we accept that they actually are libertarian or leftist.
Also what people are “allowed” to do doesn’t seem like it’s relevant to any of this, but if you see your neighbour digging a gasoline trench you should probably stop them.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
It’s the AI-related way of saying “I’m not reading all of that.”
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
There’s no point talking to somone who isn’t listening.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I have explained a more nuanced method of understanding things than the political compass.
By calling these groups “faux-leftist” and “faux libertarian” I am drawing a distinction that the compass doesn’t draw, without losing any of the - extremely limited - resolution that it offers.
But you reduced what I said down to:
left means “things I think are good” and everything else is “right”
That tells me that you’re not really interested in what I’m saying. It’s hard to understand how someone could read what I’ve written and honestly come to that conclusion. I can explain further, but I think I’d need to hear that you were curious to understand my point, otherwise it’s probably going to be a waste of my time.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Bourgeoisie aren’t some genetically distinct group. The party supplanted the bourgeoisie and became them.
I will never understand how tankies can see a small group gain control of the means of production and understand it as anything but a new bourgeoisie.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, bit that’s what I’m doing. I am evaluating the beliefs of authoritarians of all kinds and concluding that they are right wing.
I’m not throwing out the labels, I’m saying this left-right-auth-lib pair of dichotomies is not useful.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I didn’t say it was no different. You can tell because i used different words for the two things.
I said it was no better.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
At no point in any of this are you adressing the argument being made, which is that state capitalism absolutely is a thing, which means Lenin became a capitalist.
You can make excuses for it all day, the only difference between them and the liberal revolutions is ideological at that point, which makes you an idealist.