- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
I know Lenin said this:
Reality tells us that state capitalism would be a step forward. If in a small space of time we could achieve state capitalism in Russia, that would be a victory.
Lenin, Minutes of the Sessions of the All-Russia C.E.C., 4th Convocation. Verbatim ReportYou completely ignored that. Why?
They controlled the entire economy, you’ve said yourself it was under central control, so they achieved state capitalism. And why does wealth need to be intergenerational for it to create a bourgeois class? Oh, I know why, because otherwise you’d have to accept that your hero Lenin was bourgeois, and you can’t do that. You named yourself after him, you’re way too personally invested to see this issue clearly.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
You still burned a fucking house down. That is the headline. “Local dipshit tries to light candle” is not.
Anyway, I think that analogy is pretty poor when it comes to either of these ideologies. It’s less “I was just trying to light a candle uwu” and “all I did was dig a trench around the house, fill it with gasoline and set it on fire. I was trying to establish a firewall, how was I supposed to know the flames engulfing the house would be a problem? And now all my neighbours are angry at me because their houses burned down, and I’m just not responsible for that!”
I don’t know there buddy, I think you could’ve asked literally anyone who knows anything about fire how well that would go, but you clearly didn’t care enough to figure it out. Either way, that’s arson, either deliberate or through reckless indifference, you burned a fucking neighbourhood down.
And now there are apologists running around saying, “But it kept burglars away, and nobody inside the house suffered from hypothermia! This person was a hero, how dare you call them an arsonist?”
I think it’s important to understand the distinction between a faux-leftist and a faux-libertarian, and an explicit fascist for that matter. I’m not saying we should throw the information out, I’m saying it matters whether we accept that they actually are libertarian or leftist.
Also what people are “allowed” to do doesn’t seem like it’s relevant to any of this, but if you see your neighbour digging a gasoline trench you should probably stop them.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
It’s the AI-related way of saying “I’m not reading all of that.”
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
There’s no point talking to somone who isn’t listening.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
I have explained a more nuanced method of understanding things than the political compass.
By calling these groups “faux-leftist” and “faux libertarian” I am drawing a distinction that the compass doesn’t draw, without losing any of the - extremely limited - resolution that it offers.
But you reduced what I said down to:
left means “things I think are good” and everything else is “right”
That tells me that you’re not really interested in what I’m saying. It’s hard to understand how someone could read what I’ve written and honestly come to that conclusion. I can explain further, but I think I’d need to hear that you were curious to understand my point, otherwise it’s probably going to be a waste of my time.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Bourgeoisie aren’t some genetically distinct group. The party supplanted the bourgeoisie and became them.
I will never understand how tankies can see a small group gain control of the means of production and understand it as anything but a new bourgeoisie.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Yeah, bit that’s what I’m doing. I am evaluating the beliefs of authoritarians of all kinds and concluding that they are right wing.
I’m not throwing out the labels, I’m saying this left-right-auth-lib pair of dichotomies is not useful.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
I didn’t say it was no different. You can tell because i used different words for the two things.
I said it was no better.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
At no point in any of this are you adressing the argument being made, which is that state capitalism absolutely is a thing, which means Lenin became a capitalist.
You can make excuses for it all day, the only difference between them and the liberal revolutions is ideological at that point, which makes you an idealist.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
As long as you don’t bother to make an argument I’d say I’m doing better.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
The purpose of a system is what it does, and the tankie system results in right wing outcomes, which makes them right wing.
I don’t particularly care if their sweet little lefty hearts bleed for the working class, or if they’re going to heaven. What matters is the results, and authoritarian structures are always right wing.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
You’re right that I don’t think anything outside of the lib-left corner is actually left wing, if left wing means anything useful.
In fact, part of my point is that the political compass is misleading and rehabilitates certain ideologies in a way that they shouldn’t be. It is hopelessly naive in accepting whatever definition the proponents claim.
I don’t call an caps or right wing libertarians anarchists or libertarians. In the same way, I think tankies aren’t actually left-wing, because left wing results aren’t even in their goals. They expressly want to keep control of the means of production in the hands of a few.
Like if your version of left wing is “claims to be on the left”, then that’s equally useless, because that includes the nazis. It includes nazbols. It includes democrats.
It includes the accelerationist dickbag I spoke to one time who told me that everybody was a fascist if they were even slightly abusive, and all fascists should be ounched at all times. Trump, according to this person, wasn’t a fascist, and I should vote for him because it would accelerate the destruction of society. But that person claimed to be a leftist, so I guess they’re in the club?
Like what does left-wing mean in the political compass? Is there a rigorous definition, or is it kind of vibes-based?
My solution to this is to call tankies faux-leftist, and the neo-feudalists I would call faux-libertarian. I think accepting their labels gives their cooption of left-wing language power.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Oh wow, you called me a bot and an American. Checkmate. No need to respond to anything I actually said, you obviously know how to get right to the heart of dismissing me so you can repeat your opinion without any actual argument.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Well, if we’re interested in the ideals of the people, then yes the political compass is a thing that you can use. The problem is that when you drill down into right wing “libertarianism” you find landlords and bosses. They are in fact about the freedom of coporations to own and control human beings. They are pro-slavery and neo-feudalist. That is not actually libertarian, that is pro-slavery. Right-wingers always are. So in practice, it’s just a lie.
Murray Rothbard himself said that “those who call us anarchists are not on sound etymological footing”. That’s a wanker way to say it, said by a wanker, but it’s clear he understood that words mean things.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
It’s why we can’t jist go around believing everybody who claims to be a leftist. We need to evaluate the actual effects of their actions. If they are oppressong the workers, they are not left wing.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Engels, Lenin and Bukharin all talked about state capitalism. Lenin decried it as “not real socialism”
the erroneous bourgeois reformist assertion that monopoly capitalism or state-monopoly capitalism is no longer capitalism, but can now be called “state socialism” and so on, is very common
Lenin, The State and Revolution
That was until after the October revolution, at which point he seemed to think it was based and cool actually, and that it was definitely what the USSR was doing.
Reality tells us that state capitalism would be a step forward. If in a small space of time we could achieve state capitalism in Russia, that would be a victory.
Lenin, Minutes of the Sessions of the All-Russia C.E.C., 4th Convocation. Verbatim Report
This is around the time he stripped the soviets of their power and disenfranchised the workers in favour of a central state that alienated them from control over the means of production.
You know, like a capitalist.
And now tankies are distancing themselves because they can’t square the circle that their beloved revolutionary heroes were actually capitalists, and they pretend the concept doesn’t exist.
So tell me, was Lenin wrong about this? If so, was he wrong twice? Why the flip-flopping on whether it was good or bad? Nobody seemed to dispute at the time that it existed, and an analysis of what happened shows that the USSR liberalised quickly. The bolsheviks were in effect liberal reformists.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
There’s such a thing as right wingers who coopt left wing rhetoric and fool people into believing they are left wing. But anyone who says authoritarianism is left wing because it has some supposedly liberatory ideals is - and tankies will hate to hear this - an idealist.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Your last two paragraphs explain how they are actually right wing, because the authoritarianism has already happened and they still support it.
“Planned economy” is just state capitalism. It’s not better than neoliberal capitalism, it jist has a red flag, and tankies are fool enough to think that makes difference.
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 6 days ago:
I said Noita is my favourtie roguelite, but actually Heat Signature is probably tied to it. It has a completely different philosophy of soft failure.
If your character dies in space, they’re dead, but they can also be captured, then anither character can rescue them. And if a mission is going sideways, you can huck a wrench through a window and fling yourself into space, as long as you’re confident you can pick yourself up with your space pod before you pass out.
It’s very fast-paced with quick runs. Each character that comes along has different traits, and you can have 4 different people on the go at once. Each character has their individual quest - which can be rescuing another character - and when that’s done you can retire them or keep them going.
It’s very open to how you want to play.
Oh! Also, if you’re trying to do your character’s big final mission and it goes wrong, usually you can bail and try again. I lost quite a few characters before I realised that.
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 6 days ago:
I mean, I don’t know how much they anticipated. There are a lot of projectile path modifications that are clearly meant for tinkering, but the idea that they knew their players would do this is hard to tease out. It’s a simulation game built very much on “Things are what they are,” and they know this has deep implications.
Like when I was turned into a sheep, I wasn’t “noita (sheep)”, I was just “sheep”. The noita I had been playing as was effectively stored in a state of nonexistence until the transmogrification wore off, then the sheep was replaced with the noita. So transforming yourself - or simply causing yourself to temporarily cease to exist - can be a way to eliminate side effects of certain things.
If there is one thing that it might be worth spoiling yourself on, if you’re struggling to finish a run, is in the next spoiler.
Tap for spoiler
Learn to escape the Holy Mountain without collapsing it. Being able to return to edit wands, go back up in the world, and access health is a game-changer. Finishing the game without that trick is something I don’t think I’ve ever done. All the big lore stuff is discovered after finishing your first run anyway as far as I can tell.
Other than that, I would look up how to design good wands. This can be a good thing to learn by doing for a while, but there are deep interactions that you could soend a thousand runs not learning. I think the shared science is a big part of what makes this game great.
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 1 week ago:
My absolute favourite roguelite is Noita.
Beware though, it’s quite different to other roguelites in that the world it creates is suprisingly expansive. You can get lost in it, mentally. There are quests that can take you dozens of hours to complete, all on the same run, and even if you become so absurdly overpowered that nothing can threaten you directly, till you can fly inside the sun, you can still get turned into a sheep an die in a single hit.
Some people don’t like spoilers on this game so here you go, but honestly getting just a little spoiled made me get properly into it to understand what the hell people were talking about.
!I was maybe 8 or 9 hours into reaching the hardest boss in the game, up to NG+24 or so, just a couple of hours away from my destination. I was teleporting, tearing through the terrain, had weapons that would evaporate any enemy in the blink of an eye, and I was being careful. I had even pacified the world so nobody would attack. Then some asshole dropped in from off-screen with a wand of transmogrification, got hit by the chainsaw on my tele wand and retaliated while something exploded nearby throwing fire over us, and I, now a sheep, flopped around impotently for a few seconds on fire then just fucking died.!<
I… stopped playing after that one, I’ll be honest. But I will return.
And rather than simply being repetitive, the way the world loops creates an ennui that’s kind of haunting to me. The whole game is littered with versions of people trying to achieve immortality, and if you manage to reach a point where you actually can’t die, you feel like you’ve soft-locked yourself, because dying is how you get to the end-screen. You can just end the run from the menu, but it feels fake somehow.
10/10 would try to kill god and confront my mortality again.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 week ago:
I noticed that too, but they are coprime with one another and they aren’t divisible by 10, so they would definitely create repeating digits. Could’ve used 1/3 for the same effect though.
I just tried and it’s a pi approximation, which makes more sense.
- Comment on Daily inspo 😘 1 week ago:
The film stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead
If the gif hadn’t already sold me on this then thay would’ve pushed it over the line. I am seeing this.
- Comment on Daily inspo 😘 1 week ago:
Maybe it’s a commentary on how any system of domination is going to coallesce into a centralised hierarchy of domination which will always be more fragile than a non-coercive system.
Or maybe it was lazy TV writers who needed to put a face on the threat to audiences “got” it.
But I can still apply my aggressive reading.
- Comment on Daily inspo 😘 1 week ago:
Yeah, the other two are so iconic I gotta know who else made the cut.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 week ago:
That is so good to play with my kids. Another in a similar vein is Spider Heck.
- Comment on Notch says he will work on a spiritual successor to Minecraft 1 week ago:
You know why villagers cause so much lag if there’s too many and they’re allowed to roam free? Well, rather than optimise their pathfinding logic they just… recalculate their paths every goddamn frame. They also take shortcuts in calculating their paths to reduce this overhead, so their movement is derpy and frequently kills them.
You could make the path then record all the blocks they will interact with, and only recalculate if one of those blocks changes. Boom, millions of operations eliminated, and you’ve got some spare time to make sure the path will actually work.
But they don’t do that, so people end up sticking them in tiny boxes on top of carpets so they stop trying to pathfind. Just absurd stuff.
- Comment on Interesting new symbols for bathroom doors 1 week ago:
It looks like OP posted it because they think it’s just straightforwardly funny, which is a little bleak.
- Comment on Interesting new symbols for bathroom doors 1 week ago:
It would also have fit on r/arethestraightsokay
- Comment on Interesting new symbols for bathroom doors 1 week ago:
That line is way too thin to be a dick, that’s the taint. We’re viewing the balls from underneath. The corresponding one on the other side would be the titty-taint.