- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 4 days ago:
Same. Our agreement is that she can keep glass containers, and I can keep old electronics. We keep each other in check lol
- Comment on Murica 1 week ago:
There are two types of people in the world:
— Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets
- Comment on Translated from Frog to English: AHHHHHHHHHHHH 1 week ago:
It’s Finn’s hat
- Comment on It's coming 4 weeks ago:
How long until mushrooms can play doom on people?
- Comment on Anon has an antique revolver 5 weeks ago:
American here
No /s needed. It’s definitely more comfortable that way, as well as more efficient for going from zero to guns akimbo before your blurry-sleepy eyes can even clear up. And by the time you mag dump two of them and can now see cleary… you don’t even have to reload! Just grab the next pair and unload.
6 is bare minimum, in my opinion. Gotta have at least 8 under an overstuffed pillow, so that you’ll have plenty of cover fire while you go for the armory that’s built into the boxspring
Do you have a spouse? Cause now you’re rocking 4 at a time, with 12 more at ready… that’s before you even have to make a move for the heavier firepower
Good luck walking into my house, cause I’ll be damned if the kids ain’t just as prepared… we make sure to teach 'em right and teach 'em young!
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 5 weeks ago:
I can see it now… I’m called first; I don’t know what an adjective is (I still struggle); I panic from the social anxiety of stage fright; I awkwardly try to say anything at all, so I can sit the fuck down and move on; so I say, “Really Richard”
I’m told that’s an adverb, and I need to use an adjective. Now I’m pale as a ghost and about to faint from the panic. I stutter, “Richmond Richard?”. I’m informed that’s a proper noun, so I quickly try again (visibly sweating) spouting, “Reading Richard!”… and am told to sit down, because that was a noun and I’ve now been assigned extra homework on grammar.
Someone snickers and says “Retarded Richard” in a low voice. The entire class laughs, the teacher is doing their best not to crack a smile (but I can tell), and I am henceforth known as “Retarded Richard” until graduation and beyond.
Adverbs, adjectives, verbs… prepositions! I’m in a living nightmare. There is no waking up from this. I am, forever, “Retarded Richard”
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 5 weeks ago:
Deadly Dick
- Comment on Aardwoof 5 weeks ago:
Thank you
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
Don’t you gotta buy Switch accessories too? Like kinda the same things, if you need them… a dock, extra controllers, memory card, etc? But the deck, you can use existing controllers (from other consoles, or a mouse and keyboard you might have lying around) and buy a 3rd party dock that works just as well.
I have a switch and I loved it for some games, but now that I have a steamdeck, it’s the most I’ve played games in years. Comparing accessories is moot imo, and can be cheaper on a deck… and the deck is just way more versatile overall. The Switch’s benefit is proprietary Nintendo games and that doesn’t tip the scales enough for me to buy a 2nd gen version. I’ll choose the versatility of the deck any day, it got me playing more games again
- Comment on bird flu 1 month ago:
Which vaccine company? If you don’t mind me asking
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
Stardew Valley and Cyberpunk. Never played either one, but I’m starting with Stardew
- Comment on Blacksky Is Nothing Like Black Twitter—and It Doesn’t Need to Be 2 months ago:
I’ve recently used YT more than I ever have in the past… and was surprised at some of the suggested content at first (like, why tf would you think I’m interested in that‽). And it was weird being able to almost “see” the algorithm and what it was trying to decipher about me (to offer more personally-relevant content of course!)
I started getting suggestions for click-bait shit at first, and if it got me for even a moment (‘I wanna see what this is about’), the suggestions became even more brain-dead and polarized.
I had to actively choose to cut my curiosity off while mindlessly perusing… because apparently, if I want to watch bull-riding, that immediately means I want to see rage-bait bullshit about power-dynamics and diviciveness. It was a bit much, seeing in real-time how someone might be casually walked into an echo-chamber of self fulfilled crazy.
So I did end up encountering the surface layer of it, but now it’s sliding back into my hobby-areas of interests. But it still pops shit up with AI generated images for videos (that never actually occurs in the video) with click-bait titles, and is inherently only used to induce “doom-scrolling” while increasing engagement. It’s fucking disgusting, to put it bluntly.
I just wanna see how different drywall anchors work sometimes, I don’t need to know how a “Navy Seal pwned a police officer that pulled them over (AI picture of a dude body slamming a cop)”. Dumb shit
- Comment on No need to boil the ocean 2 months ago:
You can throw that tag on me too lol, skim milk is best milk
- Comment on what's a good present for some friendly nurses who taught me little tricks to work better before I leave the hospital I'm working at? 2 months ago:
A personalized thank-you card/note, for sure… telling them you appreciate their help and how it has helped you grow and/or become better at what you do. Doesn’t have to be long, just a quick thank you
For a small token: a fun badge reel is usually always welcome. Maybe a very tiny gift bag with a keychain-sharpie, a badge reel, keychain (tiny) flashlight. Things nurses always use and appreciate, not very expensive. Coffee gift card is normally always welcome too, but can be a little more expensive, depending on your budget
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Anon enjoys time with his father 4 months ago:
- Comment on Anon enjoys time with his father 4 months ago:
Making up for lost time by pitching and catching, or by playing with 4 balls at once?
- Comment on Anon enjoys time with his father 4 months ago:
Like this
:.|:; - Comment on 👁 👁 5 months ago:
BAAABBAAAYYY! I compare you to a kiss from a deer on the rein
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Hammerheads sharkz 5 months ago:
They’re normally docile, unless you get caught up in them while they’re feeding
- Comment on Anon misses something 5 months ago:
I don’t have the same issues, but I get it. And yes, I don’t “need to read” the subtitles, but I enjoy the clarification lol
I was a “toe-walker” as a kid, some tics I had to overcome, mild prosopagnosia, adhd stuff vs autistic traits, the audio processing issues… all kinda leaving me with a bunch of social anxiety because I can’t always recognize or get to know people (who clearly remember me). I have to constantly play it off as being “aloof” or “head in the clouds”. But truly, I just have delays in a few areas and can’t always keep up with what’s being presented. And the worse it is, the worse my anxiety becomes, leading to a cyclical issue. It’s exhausting trying to “keep-up” sometimes
But ya know… fuck it. Just being aware has helped some. I still live a constantly awkward social life, but it’s just how I am. I’ve accepted a lot of it and have learned to (mostly) appreciate my “quirks”, and just be the best me that I can manage.
It’s not so much that I’m autistic, but more so that I’m simply me.
- Comment on Anon misses something 5 months ago:
That’s a keen observation (whether true or not). It took me a long time to realize I wasn’t “hard-of-hearing”… I just couldn’t always figure out what was being said (literally having difficulty processing it). So I enjoy subtitles, to say the least
But still, very astute of you
- Comment on Deficiencies 5 months ago:
“Magnesium Glycinate” is the one I choose for daily use. Magnesium Citrate is great at getting those MG^+2 levels up initially; but for daily maintenance, I prefer the glycinate version. They kinda have their own use-cases imo
- Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 6 months ago:
Yeah, a second look at the men in the background in that one shows the usual AI fuckery. The other one’s pretty dang good, though in comparison
- Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 6 months ago:
I was actually thinking the exact opposite. Interesting to me though, is that we both see the subtleties which makes it look like AI. I can’t point it out exactly (like too many fingers or something), but it’s like the contours of their faces are off? Or something uncanny, at the least. I feel like photoshop could do it better (though not nearly as fast)
- Comment on *doing my best google impression* Did you mean: turn in up? 7 months ago:
Nurse here: we ask ‘orientation’ questions as part of our assessment
I had a younger patient going through the straights with hallucinations (newly diagnosed schizophrenia)… and I had been asking the same questions (as we do) a lot
So I asked them once again, “Do you know why you’re in the hospital?”. Their response: “Deez nuts!”
I always appreciate a good “Deez nuts” joke, but that one has been my favorite so far. The volition on their face and the shitty smirk; they’re completely tied down with a guard because they would occasionally be violent… but hot damn, that was a zinger.
I counted their response as oriented—they know what they did lol
- Comment on GLAMour 7 months ago:
a haughty, cackling asshole ignoring a woman’s expertise
Boy howdy, that’s a spot-on description. Never listened to him because I expected it to be trash; but I didn’t realize the situation was so dire
Motherfucker leans into sensationalism and shock-value, because he’ll be forgotten as soon as he shuts the fuck up—and of course he won’t have any useful skills to hold a job with real value afterward. Fucking cowardly shits, afraid to work on something of substance when the fame/infamy runs dry
So yeah, it indeed made my blood boil a little lol. Wish I could say it was mostly pity for being so… dumb? But nah, that’s a person acting like garbage and should be treated as such (until proven otherwise)
- Comment on stap 7 months ago:
- Comment on Watching videos of people screaming "shooter on the roof" at law enforcement 7 months ago:
Any source for that?