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- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 days ago:
You would think that of all people, rich CEOs would understand the concept of the sunk cost fallacy.
The money on desks, rent, insurance, etc. is already spent. You’re not getting it back. Asking people to come back to the office “so that it doesn’t go to waste” assumes that you aren’t taking on additional costs for people coming to the office.
You now have worn carpet, doors, pens, paper, etc…money you could have saved if you weren’t such a knob.
- Comment on Help 3 days ago:
The last time I used gimp…it does but in like a really weird way. It’s not intuitive.
Iirc you take the circle selection tool and then make a path. Which you then assign a brush width and then a color.
- Comment on Important life choices 5 days ago:
My understanding with glass is that it’s still cheaper to make new glass than recycle it whereas metal the costs have just about evened out.
Last I read about high density plastics is that they aren’t as strong after the first use. So they can’t be reused as high density plastic and have to be mixed in with other plastics.
- Comment on Important life choices 6 days ago:
I can all but guarantee it’s the latter. I have even noticed this at most Starbucks. They got rid of separate bins for recycling and just do trash/landfill now.
Fwiw, recycling doesn’t work anyway, except for metal. But even then it’s highly dependent on people cleaning the metal before recycling.
- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 1 week ago:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 1 week ago:
There is a reason why it worked for the Republicans and won’t work for the Democrats: the bases are vastly different.
Republicans, by in large, will vote for a Republican even if they don’t like the candidate. I saw this a lot when I was a poll worker. They don’t even care about their platform. So long as they have an R at the end of their name, they get a vote from Republicans.
While Democrats vote Democrat, they’ll only come out to vote if they are energized. They won’t come out to vote if they don’t feel like you’ve earned it. We saw this in 2016 and 2024.
Simply put, Republicans are more reliable voters.
The Democrat tent is very large with often conflicting values. A lot of single-issue voters will simply stay home than to vote for a Democrat. Because of this, it is rare when a candidate will arise that will galvanize and coalesce the base.
The last time it happened was Obama.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 1 week ago:
Right now is actually the perfect time to create a third party. You have effectively two years to get people excited about an actual progressive party and if the DNC come knocking saying you’re going to split the vote, tell them that they are splitting the vote and they should fold into you.
I’m fucking tired of the Democrats learning the wrong lessons from lost elections. They’d rather lose than give up power.
- Comment on Persistent problems require persistent solutions. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on How embarrassing 2 weeks ago:
Makes sense. 9mm is protected under the second amendment. And our incoming VP says that shootings are a way of life.
- Comment on How embarrassing 2 weeks ago:
Jury nullification exists for this very reason.
Did the shooter do something illegal? Yes
But was it wrong? If I was on his jury, I’d acquit.
- Comment on Judas 2 weeks ago:
Here me out: Judas betrays Jesus.
Not saying you’re wrong. But I’m willing to hear the guy out.
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 3 weeks ago:
I want to know what priority support looks like for a mouse.
Like what questions would you ask? How would they troubleshoot before sending you to tier 3 support?
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 weeks ago:
Measuring number of CVEs is not a great metric anyway.
Linux is open source, so people can find more things wrong with it and fix it.
It just means that Linux users and developers are more diligent in finding and removing vulnerabilities.
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 3 weeks ago:
Oh we’ll still have national parks. They’ll just have oil and/or fracking rigs on them.
- Comment on Leonardo DiCaprio meets a woman 3 weeks ago:
I read a conspiracy theory that Disney movies were designed to teach girls that marrying older men while you’re a child is normal.
- Comment on Damages elevator; the 4 weeks ago:
Sharpie. Cheeto in chief uses sharpies.
- Comment on World Without Corporations 4 weeks ago:
This has been my experience as well but as a coder.
I can’t count the number of contributions I’ve made, many of them minor. I’m talking 20-30 lines of code max.
I can count on two hands the number that have been either accepted or declined for a legitimate reason.
- Comment on Damages elevator; the 4 weeks ago:
This is far too coherent to be Charlie.
- Comment on You Pay For It, We Own It - Sony's $7.9B Lawsuit 4 weeks ago:
I remember complaining on Amazon about the price of digital books when they were still relatively new. They wanted me to pay the same price for a digital book as a physical book. Back then, Amazon still had pretty decent customer service and wrote me back saying that the price for the book wasn’t for literal pages but for the work in making the book, etc. etc.
I told them I understood that but I don’t get the same rights with the digital book as I did with the physical, namely the right to sell the book.
Books, board games, etc. any physical media is technically a license, yes. BUT the copyright holder cannot bar you from doing whatever you want with the physical copy, within the limits of copyright law. Those same rights simply do not exist with your digital copies and, in fact, is often codified within your terms of service that you don’t fucking own anything and they can pull your license at any time.
DVD is next to impossible to revoke while Blu-ray is not. But you can’t revoke Blu-ray licenses to specific people but to regions. I haven’t heard of this happening but if it did, you could, in theory, still play your Blu-ray disks on players that aren’t connected to the internet to receive those updates. That said, I’m like 80% sure that Blu-ray keys have been leaked and you can rip them like DVDs today.
- Comment on Accounts that send a 2fa code to your email rather than using the 2fa code generator you've already setup for that account 5 weeks ago:
My guess is that it’s the easiest and cheapest way to set up “MFA”.
The number of banks that don’t have proper MFA really bugs me.
- Comment on The Amish are onto smth 5 weeks ago:
I recently got a Mac for work and noticed that
links open FaceTime by default.I don’t know if there is a way to change that but it’s fucking annoying.
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 5 weeks ago:
The ironic thing is Breyers ran commercials about how you could pronounce every ingredient in their ice cream. They had like a 10 year old read their ingredient list vs. competitors.
But when they got bought out by Unilever, quality went downhill fast
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 5 weeks ago:
For now. I fully expect rules like this to be fully rolled back so that I’ve cubes will be legally “ice cream”.
- Comment on a murder investigation 1 month ago:
Those look like cowbirds not crows.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 1 month ago:
It’s funny that the last time this was floated by Republicans, they thought they were kicking the Democrat states out.
In other words, they thought they were keeping the Federal government.
Republican states need Democrat states far more than vice versa.
If Trump truly does win, Republicans won’t split the country. They’ll make it even more impossible to leave.
- Comment on Bank of America will (stop|continue to) Accept $1 bills 1 month ago:
When the $1 coins were released, most stuff in vending machines were still within the cost of a dollar. Thought I’m not disagreeing with your comment. Coins, for the most part, are relegated to coin jars and aren’t really “spent” in the same way that bills are.
The problem is that coins generally are just so inconvenient. I only hold onto them for the rare occasion where I need to feed a meter.
- Comment on Bank of America will (stop|continue to) Accept $1 bills 1 month ago:
It’s one of the jobs of a bank though. They are supposed to exchange damaged bills and then exchange them with the mint, who then destroys them.
Honestly we need to get rid of the $1 bill generally but that’s a completely different post all together.
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on American house 1 month ago:
Of all the shitting Trump does to immigrants, he signed the bill into law that required giving each naturalized citizen a Glock and an AR-15 upon taking the oath.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 1 month ago:
Yeah the level of effort to keep the community engaged and to moderate the content is a tough job and really only possible for people who are really dedicated.