Stranger Things :( The first season was absolutely perfect. The plot is all over the place and those kids are grown adults now lol let it die
What is a TV show that was one of your favourites, but just went on for far too long?
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 3 days ago 3 days ago
I’ve been rewatching it because I finally caught up over the last couple weeks.
It’s so weird to go from the kids being tiny actual children, to damn near 6’ tall grown-ass men with deep voices and they’re still trying to be like 15 years old.
That said it’s still pretty good, but I’m mostly interested in the paranormal/sci-fi stuff at this point. Also Argyle in season 4 is absolutely hilarious. 2 days ago
Sadly I agree. If the seasons were shot closer together it would have been a better situation.
The first season is amazing. I still enjoy the rest of the series although the multi year gaps in filming isn’t helping things. Nine years to get to season five in a show that mainly stars school age actors is unfortunate.
Final season is scheduled for this year so the end is close. 3 days ago
The last season (4?) was pretty good. 2 days ago
This show still goes on? LOL 3 days ago
LOST. Definitely lost its way after a few seasons. Fuck the going back and forth, stay on the pissing Island. 3 days ago
The Simpsons 3 days ago
I’ll pick the low hanging fruit and say Game of Thrones, because it was great right up until it wasn’t. 3 days ago
It was bad towards the end, but I don’t think it was because it went on too long. I think it was because they ran out of original material and had to start making it up on the fly. And then the show runners wanted to leave to go do a Star Wars show that ended up not happening anyway, so they rushed the ending.
When the White Walkers finally arrived, the big battle was over in a blip. That doesn’t sound like it went on too long, that sounds like we were a cheated out of an entire season of something potentially interesting. 3 days ago
Of course you’re right. I just wish we lived on a world where it stopped sooner and we could enjoy rewatching it, even if it was incomplete - like Firefly. The way it ended, I’ll never watch the show again and that sucks. 3 days ago
X-files, the John Doggett era just didn’t land for me, and even some of the later Mulder/Scully era got tired of 3 days ago
Definitely X-Files. Then they tried to bring it back and it was somehow even worse. 2 days ago
House went on too long 3 days ago
It’s a darn shame that Scrubs ended on season 8, but on the other hand imagine what a disaster a 9th season could have been… 3 days ago
Thinking this post and its comments over, I’m glad Mr. Robot had four seasons. 2 days ago
4 seasons is usually the sweet spot for me. 3 days ago
Supernatural. I know it supposedly gets better with the latter seasons, but I binged straight through and I burned out around season 11 or 12. The angel espionage shenanigans were weird. The whole good brother evil brother flip flop is a bit overplayed. Meant to pick it back up but never did. 1 day ago
Didn’t Kripke intend for that to end after season 5?
I’ve tried, think I made as 10.5, first 5 are legitimately excellent though. 1 day ago
Yes. He only wrote the first 5. He’s in the credits of the rest as an executive producer but I don’t know the extent of his involvement. 3 days ago
I stopped watching during the episode where they travel back to the old west 3 days ago
Californication, Weeds, orange is the new black, the walking dead 3 days ago
The worst part of The Walking Dead was when they split the Negan stuff into 2 seasons. Every other episode was filler and the whole thing crept along for two years. And it was after the show was already on for awhile and already kinda slow. It just killed any remaining interest.
I’m glad I stuck it out cause the rest was pretty good. But also if you include Fear, I think that was around the Negan seasons, that shit sucked. Too much bad content all at once. 3 days ago
Walking dead is just so damn repetitive. Hey we found a safe place. Oh no rick fucked it all up. Repeat like 5 times and that’s the show. I did read some of the comics and I really appreciated how they kept negan’s character intact - and what a fucking character he is - but the show as a whole just drags on. 3 days ago
Fear got better once Morgan showed up there but even in just that time span it went on a season or two longer than it should’ve 3 days ago
Orange is the new black just became awful 3 days ago
Peaky Blinders. And if that wasn’t enough, they’re making a movie too. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great show. But you only up the stakes too much until becomes too grand for its own good.
Severance, if they go over 3 seasons. The show is already a slow burn and holding on to a single mystery to move the plot forward. It doesn’t make sense to make it go over 3 seasons with its current pace. 3 days ago
Rick and Morty. I enjoyed the first 3/4 seasons and then in season 4, it just stopped being what it was for me. I can’t really describe why but I lost interest and haven’t gotten back. Losing Justin Roiland cemented that too. Not saying he should’ve stayed, just not having him on anymore made me further lose interest even if he wasn’t providing much to the content of the stories. I know that I would be constantly focused on how that’s not him anymore behind the voices and it would be distracting for me.
I really liked the show and enjoyed the humor. Being a fan of sci-fi, adult cartoons, and comedy all coming together like that was something I appreciated like Futurama or Venture Bros. I did cringe at a lot of the fan base, but I liked the show for what it was. 3 days ago
The Office (US) could have ended when Jim proposed in the rain. It maybe should have ended at the wedding in Niagara. Dear god it definitely should have ended when Michael left. The rest was just a shambling husk with nothing to say and tired gags.
Parks and Recreation also flanderized everybody (on a show that didn’t have much room to spare with how delightfully silly everyone already was as of season 3) and brought on new blood that didn’t work. I still haven’t seen most of the final season. 2 days ago
I strongly believe The Office should have ended when Michael left. His departure was perfect and if they had ended the rest of the show there, they would have finished the show on a high. Instead it dragged on and it became a shell of itself.
If I can advocate for Parks and Rec’s end. I will say that they found a way to wrap it up very well giving each character a satisfying ending to their arcs. The new characters are defintely forgettable and sour the later episodes a bit, but it is worth it for the conclusion. 1 day ago
and brought on new blood that didn’t work
I thought Craig was one of the best characters, they should have done more with him 2 days ago
Agreem. Parks and rec characters just turned into cartoon characters and it was such a weird thing to witness. 3 days ago
Almost every successful US TV show runs at least one season too long. Any time they lose key cast members, or decide to go on just because of success, the quality has dropped in my opinion.
Non-US that succumbed to the same was Coupling. Last season was horrible. 3 days ago
Letterkenny. It started having way more drama and lost its charm for me.
The new Doctor Who. I’ll get hate for this, but it jumped the shark when living, breathing, deus ex machina River Song showed up with the eleventh Doctor, I was done.
Two and a Half Men should have ended with Sheen’s exit. 1 day ago
Letterkenny. It started having way more drama and lost its charm for me.
Now that you mention it, the disconnected episodes that seemed a little formulaic - farm, town, skids, farm, modeens, fight, farm - and completely interchangeable were kinda good. I think Mr Keeso writes better when it’s not a big drama arc. Shoresy is /good/, and better than Letterkenny for arc writing, but it’s not without warts.
I’m biased toward Mr Keeso for his luck in getting a part in the best episode of TV since “Henry Blake was shot down”, fair disclosure. 3 days ago
Weeds. It’s been so long since I watched it but I remember it reached a point where it should have ended but instead it became unwatchable. 2 days ago
Imagine if they’d let it end when Agrestic burned? It would be remembered as an unblemished gem. 1 day ago
Probably won’t be a popular opinion but It’s Always Sunny was one of my all-time favorite shows and, I don’t know, after about season 10 or 11, it started to feel less funny. It still has some amazing recent episodes but the earlier seasons were perfect. 2 days ago
The pathetic manga section at my local library in my hometown of the rural United States had volumes of Dragon Ball going up only until the end of the Frieza saga.
Since in the late '90s and early 2000s I had no reasonable way to get the rest of them, (since internet had not yet come to that little village), I considered that to be the end of the series.
Now that I know everything that comes after, I maintain that the end of the Namek story arc is a sensible and satisfying endpoint for the series, and everything after that seems like it’s being drawn on for far too long and is unnecessary.
Same goes for Naruto up until the end of the Chuunin tournament arc. 2 days ago
One piece 2 days ago
Rick and Morty and Stranger Things for sure, especially as these had their absolute hype eras 2 days ago
Stranger things. Community. The office. Letterkenny. Rick and Morty… Actually i think most of them that reached the 4 season mark 2 days ago
You take that back right now! If it wasn’t for Shoresy I’d be inconsolable 2 days ago
As far as I’m concerned Rick and Morty can go on forever. Community though… Yeah you know it’s been too long when you basically repeat episodes. After paintball 2 I was out. 3 days ago
Boardwalk Empire and Sons of Anarchy. 3 days ago
Shameless, American Weeds Sopranos Killing Eve 3 days ago
I never watched sopranos. I was living kinda wild back then. I just started the pilot today. 3 days ago
It started the whole movie level drama TV series. The wire, the shield, breaking bad, they all owe Sopranos. 3 days ago
It’s in my top 5. It’s epic. But a redo would be 5 seasons… 3 days ago
Off topic, but this is exactly how I feel about Welcome to Night Vale 2 days ago
I’ve been in and out of night vale for what seems like 15 years and still haven’t finished it but do enjoy when I go on listening jags. I can see how it would run thin 3 days ago
12 Monkeys for sure. I loved it at first, but after a while it just seemed to be basically the same thing over and over. I also got sick of all the fighting and shootouts. It became a real slog towards the end. 3 days ago
Newsradio was great for 3 seasons. 4th was ok then Phil Hartman was killed and that sealed it. 3 days ago
Well it’s probably due more to the writers strike than length, I’d say Dexter. 3 days ago
Dexter was already bad in the 4th season 1 day ago
Was that the Lithgow season? That was both creepy and transcendant. 2 days ago
You are the only person ever to dislike season 4 of Dexter.
To each their own. There are definitely more bad takes like this in this thread. 2 days ago
They never said how long it had to be bad for. 3 days ago
[off topic?]
Star Trek. No more iterations, ever. No more Klingons, Vulcans, Borg, Ferengi, Trills, or Romulans.
Go back to the original concept and do completely new shows with none of the current canon/mythology.
No more six foot tall, five fingered aliens with funny chins. 3 days ago
Wait, what if the chins were Rick and Morty testicle chins?
(Fuck me Gboard, what is so goddamn hard about spelling
Chinachins. Fuck!) 3 days ago
In a lot of ways, Bleach. I loved it when it came out, but I’ve had no interest in re-watching it. The problem for me is that the fighting doesn’t really show enough growth throughout the series, especially Ichigo. Everything is just to get a stronger Getsuga Tensho once he gets his bankai.
And I say this as someone who has re-watched Naruto more than once.
I’m sure there’s more but I’m finding it hard to remember things I used to like but no longer do. 3 days ago
Bleach has a crazy amount of filler, too. I love the show, but some parts are a slog. 2 days ago
Omg yes! Even small fights take multiple episodes to get through with everyone always monologuing to everyone else. 3 days ago
The Simpsons