- Comment on Dead reddit theory 💀 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know how it is now but when I joined lemmy every server but .World required like a written paragraph and to wait for an email
- Comment on Why do people hold tobacco cigarettes and cannabis joints differently when smoking them? 2 weeks ago:
I prefer to smoke in the cigarette style and those long cardboard crutches in pre rolls are so nice. I feel like if I’m using my fingertips I have to be real aware of the cherry but between my fingers it’s out of the way and ready for dramatic gesturing.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
In the sterile text fields that compose the internet, you can’t hear the slide rack sound that precedes every American utterance.
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
Parachuted some and mixed some with milk. I wouldn’t recommend. Nothing worth possibly dying over.
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
IIRC when I took it recreationally itwas many many grams to get to the hallucinations part. It was hard to stomach. Unless the safety profile is pretty narrow I’d say it would be difficult to complete suicide with nutmeg.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 4 weeks ago:
End up like AOL and get big enough to buy time Warner and make a lot investors very rich? I feel like your downplaying the success of aol. Last I heard that whatever was left of them in Yahoo was supposedly still making money.
- Comment on Didn't believe what I was seeing 4 weeks ago:
The anchor points are usually in the bed or the side of the stake holes. On my truck (half ton dodge) none of the places to tie on to are visible.
- Comment on A stranger peeled the clearcoat off my car 5 weeks ago:
I don’t know if mine had those streaks but I do see what your saying.
- Comment on A stranger peeled the clearcoat off my car 5 weeks ago:
Maybe a person but I’ve had that happen too and didn’t suspect anyone. My friend who does auto body work said it was because I never wax my truck and park in the sun. Hopefully it’s the same for you. Here’s to a better day!
- Comment on Buddy baka 2 months ago:
Thanks for the explanation. Makes more sense that way
- Comment on Buddy baka 2 months ago:
Lol wtf
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
They are so coordinated it’s hard to tell by looking that’s for sure. Keeping time has always been the hardest part for me though so I find drummers and bassists pretty impressive. RIP Phil Lesh
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
I play strings right handed. It seemed weird to me too that the off hand is doing the easy work. Playing left feels wrong like batting right does though. I guess the rhythm is easier to control with the dominant hand and hitting the wrong note/chord doesn’t matter as much when you’re in time?
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
A version of what you are saying is called cross dominance. Where a person is “handed” but users different hands for different things. For example, I write right handed but play sports and shoot left handed. I use left handed scissors but right handed hammer, screwdriver. All of the things feel awkward with the wrong hand but that hand changes with the task.
- Comment on How Tortillas Lost Their Magic 2 months ago:
I prefer corn tortillas but often end up buying flour to keep at home because corn tortillas have to be warmed and flour doesn’t
- Comment on Thought I heard a buzzing 2 months ago:
Today what this whole convo needs. Apiarists and structural engineers.
- Comment on Thought I heard a buzzing 2 months ago:
I have heard that but the ones that live in my parents walls die en masse in the winter and it rarely gets below 50F. So I don’t know if that’s life cycle or cold?
- Comment on Thought I heard a buzzing 3 months ago:
I wonder if that would be up to code. What is the r-value of a bee box filled with bees and honey? Also, the consequences for punching a hole in the wall are now immediate and serious.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 3 months ago:
You don’t think a man has ever tried to use divorce as a threat to change his spouses behavior?
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 3 months ago:
Ned and Ted have a marriage bed
Monogamy is good for Ted
Many hungry holes has Ned
Ned shares the marriage bed
with other men not named Ted
Ted says Ned must quit their bed
Because of commitments that once were saidTed now sleeps alone it seems
For freedom Ned no longer dreams The problem wasn’t that Ted was cucked
The problem is that Ned just sucked - Comment on Anon has marital problems 3 months ago:
Such a weird obsession. Some people are shitty and infidelity can be terrible but to spend so much mental energy focusing on the humiliation and righteous anger part is bizarre. No one cares you were cucked. Women aren’t property and some of them suck. Everyone understands that some people suck. No one cares you were cucked.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 3 months ago:
It’s medical advice because it came from a doctor in a professional setting when we were discussing how to get more iron in their diets since we don’t eat many fortified foods. Kale and broccoli are close enough nutritionally to be swapped if one is just looking for the vitamins and minerals. Lastly, It the longest I’ve ever continuously followed a recommendation and it has made my life way easier. That makes it the best advice I’ve gotten.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 3 months ago:
Many years ago my kids pediatrician recommended feeding the kids kale smoothies. I didn’t have any Kale at home so I cooked bunch of broccoli to mush and mixed it with bananas. Those kids eat half a pound of broccoli for breakfast just about every day now. They also eat it raw or crunchy cooked. Definitely the best medical advice I’ve ever gotten and the kids are used to a very simple and quick to make breakfast that keeps them full for hours.
Tldr: Kids constantly surprise me and sometimes they like vegetables.
- Comment on Sure, mom, liberals are racists 3 months ago:
What I like to remind myself is that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions.
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 3 months ago:
Hopefully they are at least teenagers. Childhood is too early for cigarettes these days
- Comment on Sure, mom, liberals are racists 3 months ago:
Your mouth to God’s ears
- Comment on Anon reaches encopenment. 3 months ago:
Cope. Also, thinking that casual sex is the standard is self defeating if pleasure is the goal. Casual sex is cool because it requires very little of the participants. Get off and get going, everyone is somewhere between satiety and scratched itch in terms of payoff.
Long term partnered sex is like an ongoing conversation about pleasure and likes and dislikes and leads to way more fulfilling encounters. It can also just scratch the itch but has more upstream pleasure potential ime.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I think your complaint is similar to that of non smokers when smoke breaks were normal. What you see as preferential treatment is just how everyone should be treated.
Also, In my 20 or so years in the legitimate workforce, I have seen parents cut slack and parents get run off because the boss doesn’t like people having other priorities. In my direct experience it’s been a lot more boss dependent than anything else. - Comment on Trying to retain your sanity while married 3 months ago:
Too much jpeg. I think it’s Sherman Williams Sunny Cthulu