- Comment on How much of my body language should signal I'm actually a Ninja? 5 weeks ago:
Less than 1%
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
One potential avenue is getting a job teaching English in another country. I’ve known a few people who did that for a year or two after college and enjoyed the experience. I think the pay is not great, and you’re stuck in a classroom teaching a lot of the time, but it’s a relatively straightforward path out of the country and into a life somewhere else, and with a company involved to expedite the process because they want to make money from you working ASAP.
Getting your BS in CS can potentially help you as well, depending on the country you want to move to. Not an expert but when I was looking into this awhile back I found various countries will give preferential treatment based off things like education and skills. Being a college educated SWE or whatever can make you more appealing to immigration authorities.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 months ago:
S&P is like 23% this year, chasing Pelosi has apparently underperformed.
- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 2 months ago:
Yes. If you can afford it, dumping that money into an ETF like VT, VTI, or VOO every month for the next 10 years is very likely to result in you turning a profit. Start with a Roth IRA and don’t bother with a standard brokerage account until you’re able to max out the contribution limit. If you want to do anything more complicated than buy big low cost ETFs study up first and go slow.
- Comment on If a contestant on Jeopardy! gave the correct response "Alexandre Dumas" but pronounced the surname as "dumb ass", would the response be accepted? 2 months ago:
W. E. B. DuBois
- Comment on Spy cops scandal: ‘creepy’ officer formed sexual relationship with teen in 1990s 2 months ago:
Its crazy the cops thought sending undercovers to have sex with activists was a good idea in the first place, let alone fucking a teenager. Its rape by deception at the very least, and prima facie unethical. Anyone and everyone responsible belongs in prison.
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 2 months ago:
No forgiveness, I would feel obligated to destroy that person and piss on their grave. Forgiveness is earned, you don’t owe it to anyone.
- Comment on Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet Announcement Trailer 2 months ago:
It will likely end up on PC eventually.
- Comment on How Would You Rank Quentin Tarantino's Films? 2 months ago:
Pulp Fiction Jackie Brown Hateful 8 Reservoir Dogs Inglorious Basterds
The rest I wouldn’t rank, I think I’ve at least tried to watch them all but got bored and/or didn’t really enjoy it and/or was too drunk or not drunk enough. Kill Bill and Once Upon… I’ve tried to get through multi times now before giving up. Death Proof I haven’t seen in years but I remember it being boring after just watching Planet Terror.
- Comment on What are examples of things that would get you banned on reddit, but is okay on most major instances of Lemmy? 2 months ago:
I’ve never been banned from Reddit but I was threatened with a ban by a Reddit admin when I reported a right wing troll group who was obviously using sockpuppets to harass people and spread racist bullshit in some local sub. The admin message said I was abusing the moderation system by reporting them and if I didn’t stop I would be banned from Reddit. I was never banned but all of the sockpuppet accounts I reported were banned by the antievil operations team along with one of the mods in that sub.
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 2 months ago:
I think it can be possible even without eye surgery.
When I was poor I would only wear one contact at a time to make them last longer. I would alternative eyes, and would either take it out or switch to glasses when I was reading or looking at a screen for any extended amount of time. My eyesight improved after a few years, not to the point of being cured but my prescription got weaker. I don’t know if there’s actual causation, and the optometrist just said “hmm, interesting” when I brought it up, but it does seem like that is what improved my vision.
Also, I know someone with a rare vision issue who had to see a vision therapist to do eye exercises and whatever they did was helpful for them. That’s a more specific situation though than your typical eyesight problems where corrective lenses can be used because I think it involved how their brain processes visual input.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
If they are the same person they may have two jackets that are very similar but slightly different and two different backpacks. Someone on top of opsec or paranoid having lots of easily changeable looks would make sense. Although ideally you would want different colored jackets. It could also be that the camera quality isn’t good enough for the details in the jacket to show up and they only have two backpacks. It does really look like the two pictures on the right could be someone different with a similar jacket to the two pictures on the left though.
- Comment on Why did Yoon lift martial law if he had the support of the military high command? 2 months ago:
Infighting in the military is a significant escalation on the path towards a civil war. The chance for the coup to have any appearance of legitimacy was lost very quickly so it was either take that risk or back down. Ideally for a coup to succeed you have these details sorted and a plan in place to seize control before you start the coup, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here so backing down was the only realistic choice.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
Their official marketing is to call Windows 11 “the most secure version of Windows ever” or something along those lines. They definitely use “the most secure” in their marketing, but I think they do it in a way where it is only in reference to previous consumer versions of Windows if you actually parse out what is being said.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
After it became less acceptable to explicitly hate the gays in public they needed a new target. There’s a lot of people who like being riled up with hatred, who are fearful and need a bogeyman, etc. It’s either human nature or something deeply embedded in our culture. Eventually they will move on and find a new target to focus their hate on.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
Maybe. US history is full of crazy fucked up shit that the nation has made its way through thus far. This kind of situation hasn’t really happened in the US before though, and historically these kinds of situations do not work out well. We are past the point of no return in that the status quo Washington Consensus or whatever you want to call the previous era is gone now, whatever is coming is something new and different and the US role and position in the world are never going back to what they were before. Really I would say this process started with Bush II but there is no reversing it now that Trump has won a convincing electoral victory. Whether we’re past the point of no return for the US constitutional order isn’t really clear yet but it’s not looking good.
- Comment on If someone dies unexpectedly, how do you find out? 3 months ago:
The internet doesn’t really live up to its reputation in that regard. There’s all kinds of things that never end up on the web, or if they do its so obscure you won’t find it unless you know where it is already. If someone has an obituary in a random little newspaper you’ve never heard of in a town you might not associate with the person who died because they lived in your city for decades, and that town is on the other side of the country, even if that obituary does get indexed it’s not an easy find unless they have a very unique name. I have a friend who moved less than 50 miles away a few years ago and I found out he died earlier this year, I’ve never been able to find his obituary. There may not even be one, and if there is it could be published in any number of different places because he lived in a lot of different places. I think most of the people I’ve known who have died haven’t had an obituary at all, or if they did I wasn’t aware of it. It costs money to get them published and I don’t think it’s a priority for a lot of people after someone has died. Even if they do get published they aren’t always easy to find. This is in the US at least, maybe things are different in other countries.
- Comment on If someone dies unexpectedly, how do you find out? 3 months ago:
Not everyone gets an obituary. Most of the people I know who died didn’t get one, or if they did it was in a small town newspaper thousands of miles away where they grew up instead of where they lived their adult life and died.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 3 months ago:
I’m sorry you feel patronized, that wasn’t my intent. It seemed like you were just really ignorant, I didn’t realize you were pretending not to understand. Now I don’t understand how you pretending to be ignorant brings a semblance of reality to anything, that seems very counterintuitive to me.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 3 months ago:
In a democracy it is possible to democratically elect an anti-democratic leader. It’s one of the ironies and paradoxes of democratic political systems. I think if you study history some more the world should start making more sense for you.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
That is the downside, FZROX is only available to Fidelity customers. There’s also a potential risk it won’t track total market performance as well as predicted because one of the ways they keep the expense ratio at zero is by only purchasing what is supposed to be an equivalent subset of the total market to keep their transaction costs down. I don’t remember the specifics but I think they leave out lots of tiny companies and its not a significant risk because they couldn’t actually move the needle one way or the other.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
If you have an account with Fidelity, FZROX should be a better choice than VTI. Unless you enjoy investing or want to really get into it, either do a target date fund for the easiest and lowest risk, or a total market fund like VTI, or an S&P500 fund like VOO. You really don’t need to overcomplicate beyond that, except to potentially start buying bonds when you are nearing retirement if you didn’t choose a target date fund.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
What specifically are you invested in? That chart doesn’t look right if you are investing as you describe.
- Comment on What is your pet peeve in 2024? 3 months ago:
When restaurants have booth seating where you can feel the person in the booth behind you moving around in their seat.
- Comment on What is stopping the vice president from ever murdering the president? 3 months ago:
That logic doesn’t work because the official duties of the VP are both narrow and distinct from the President. Its not obvious that legal powers confer from the President to the Vice President in any way except under predefined circumstances. The VP would need to wait until those circumstances occurred, for example if the President was sedated for a medical procedure, and then do the official act while they have the actual powers of the Presidency behind them.
- Comment on Do you ever get a profound sense that everything in you life has happened before? 3 months ago:
Sometimes yes, and I tend to get deja vu very often, occasionally its even recursive where I’m having deja vu of having deja vu.
- Comment on What is the argument for making poor/working class folks shoulder the burden of taxes? 4 months ago:
If you are talking about federal income taxes, they are actually progressive. The vast majority of the money collected comes from the top 50%, the 1% pays something like 25% of the total just by themselves. Its why Republicans and billionaires bitch about it so much and want to eliminate the federal income tax. In reality poor people are mostly impacted by sales taxes, and that’s because of the basic economics involved that make sales taxes inherently regressive.
- Comment on Do you actually care about your friend's new baby, vacation abroad or similar life events or are you just being nice? 4 months ago:
Yes, if friends. Unless they are repeating themselves, I’m going to be interested at least a little. Coworkers, no. I’ll be polite and sympathetic but if it is not related to work I am unlikely to be interested and will try to bring the conversation back to work topics or end the conversation as soon as I can without being rude. Randos, maybe but probably not. I’ve met lots of interesting people and am always kind of interested in hearing about the human experience from anyone who want to share theirs, but really I think I got too old or jaded for that. I avoid interacting with random strangers if its a choice now, and am always at least a little skeptical of whatever bullshit someone I don’t know has to say to me. I try not to be rude expressing my disinterest but I will be if it feels appropriate or necessary.
- Comment on Growth of far-right ‘active clubs’ in UK prompts call to tackle misogyny 4 months ago:
Claremont Institute is likely part of it, or people and groups associated with Claremont.
- Comment on Nancy Pelosi's husband sold more than $500K in Visa stock ahead of DOJ action 5 months ago:
Also, if you were paying any attention to Visa as an investor it has been obvious for awhile now that the company is underperforming.