- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 18 hours ago:
Great picks and I fully agree with the TNG before DS9 recommendation which I will share with my friend soon. Thank you.
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 18 hours ago:
Oh, absolutely. It might take a while, but I’ll let you all now which 3 episodes each made it to the final round and how project Trekkie Assimilation went on. ^^
- Comment on What is a TV show that was one of your favourites, but just went on for far too long? 1 day ago:
Boardwalk Empire and Sons of Anarchy.
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 1 day ago:
That list is amazing! There are a lot of episodes I hold dear. Also thanks for adding TAS.
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 1 day ago:
My friend is absolutely open to older shows. I somehow forgot about “Data’s Day”. I don’t know how that one slipped past me, but it’s truly great for beginners of Star Trek. I appreciate it!
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 1 day ago:
Thanks, Body and Soul is so goofy, I love it! ^^
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 1 day ago:
That would be Balance of Terror. Easily in my top 3 episodes of the entire franchise.
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 1 day ago:
Those are pretty great. Thank you. Also nice you included the movies. And you picked 2 of my 3 favourite TOS episodes! :D
- Comment on Top 3 episodes (all shows) for a newbie 1 day ago:
I love those suggestions. And yes, I think they are very suitable for someone new to the franchise. Thank you.
- Submitted 1 day ago to | 29 comments
- Comment on Fair. 2 months ago:
Well, mine only transforms me into She-Gal. I hope the shop owners won’t frown on that.
- Comment on Fair. 2 months ago:
How about: “By the power of Grayskull…”?
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
It’s great. ^_^
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
Everspace for 99 Cents. :)
- Comment on What game surprised you with their length? 3 months ago:
GTA IV actually, not even counting the two huge DLCs, just the base game alone.
- Comment on It's December, what are your favorite Christmas movies? 3 months ago:
Not a movie, but I’d like to throw the Zanta Claws episodes from Eddsworld into the ring.
- Comment on It's December, what are your favorite Christmas movies? 3 months ago:
Does the Lord Of The Ring extended trilogy count?
- Comment on I just saw this in a supermarket and I am now very upset and angry at whoever thought of such a thing and you need to feel my pain. 3 months ago:
I just looked up the price for a 4 pack online, one place listing them at $9.48. Now, did they at least have a very customer friendly refund policy at the store and paid you $9480000.00 back?
- Comment on I just saw this in a supermarket and I am now very upset and angry at whoever thought of such a thing and you need to feel my pain. 3 months ago:
The most important question now is: How many packs did you buy?
- Comment on I like Genesis 3 months ago:
- Comment on What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA? 3 months ago:
Does BMX count? If not, I’m going for a Sabre, preferrably in green colour.
- Comment on Don't watching Star Trek makes you depressed? Watching the adventures of people from a post-capitalist world when we have to live in a capitalistic hellhole? 3 months ago:
Well, a little, but it also makes me realise I should only surround myself with decent people and cut contact with anyone awful.
- Comment on Where to start? 4 months ago:
I’d say VOY, ENT, TNG, DS9 & SNW, but keep in mind I’m a bit anti mainstream in terms of Trek recommendations.
- Comment on Robert Downey Jr. Bans Hollywood From Creating Digital Replica: I Will Sue 4 months ago:
If anyone can afford suing Disney, it’s RDJ.
- Comment on Here we go again 5 months ago:
Installed Master of Orion 2 again yesterday and spent hours on winning a pre warp huge galaxy 8 players game on the hardest difficulty.
- Comment on What character that was meant to be portrayed as "cool" by the actor came across as the exact opposite? 5 months ago:
Gary Oldman as DEA agent Norman Stansfield in Léon: The Professional maybe? Sure, the character was a complete psycho, but damn he did have a certain style about him.
- Comment on Which one is you? 5 months ago:
How do you do, fellow kids?
Going to a concert on Saturday.
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 5 months ago:
I recommend playing the quest “The whispering Hillock” before persuing the Bloody Baron’s questline. It will make things slightly less depressing. Also, always support Ciri in her decisions and gather the whole crew before the siege of Kaer Morhen.
- Comment on I wish to be remembered in a similar way. 5 months ago:
I’m not sure I can afford that, though ^^
- Comment on I wish to be remembered in a similar way. 5 months ago:
I demand a C=64 built into my headstone, displaying “ready” and a flashing cursor.