- Comment on Rashida Jones thinks it 'made sense' she was let go from 'The Office,' because 'people did not like me' 8 hours ago:
Mark Brandanowitz! I actually didn’t think he was that bad. But Ben was better by a wide margin. It’s hard to beat Adam Scott.
- Comment on Rashida Jones thinks it 'made sense' she was let go from 'The Office,' because 'people did not like me' 1 day ago:
which adam scott’s character was already doing.
Rashida was in the very first episode, Adam Scott didn’t show up until season 2 or 3
- Comment on Going on Reddit today be like... 3 days ago:
Snow White was written in the early 19th century, it was already public domain when Disney made their original movie. I suppose extending the copyright will keep people from naming their dwarves sleepy and dopey but they can make as many snow whites as they want.
- Comment on LoisGriffinNakedMasturbatingUncensored.exe 5 days ago:
Death Note plot synopsis:
3 hours of nothing happening
5 hours of nothing happening
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 1 week ago:
I’m not doubting there are abandoned buildings in cities. I’m doubting any city within the US with the exception of the southwest is more than a few miles from a forest.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
That’s still going to be a problem living in an abandoned building though. That part doesn’t change regardless of where their friend goes to meditate (unless that place is work I guess)
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
Most people on 4chan do
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
Most American cities have a forest within a few miles. Our largest city, for example, has 50 acres of forest right in the Bronx.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
If we’re talking about the US, that’s no city I’ve ever seen except maybe the southwest
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
I promose you those places also have laws against camping on private property in an abandoned building.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
who the fuck can afford those things?
Anybody? Where do you live that hanging out in the forest costs money?
- Comment on Dead reddit theory 💀 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, bots having the ability to jump instances when they’re banned makes us safer from bots
- Comment on 🥖BREADSTICK🥖 2 weeks ago:
Apparently in this economy “unlimited” means “2 that you have to pick up off the floor”
- Comment on iconic trio 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on iconic trio 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on iconic trio 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on iconic trio 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on iconic trio 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Edgar Wright’s The Running Man will be ‘a very intense, dangerous road movie’, he teases 2 weeks ago:
Good. The book is incredible and while the schwartzneger movie could have been good schlocky fun on its own it’s a goddamn embarrassment as an adaptation.
- Comment on Firestone email unsubscribe page isn't actually clickable so you can't unsubscribe 2 weeks ago:
Having a working unsubscribe button is required by the CAN-SPAM act. Violations can carry a fine of $10k per email. When this has happened to me in the past, I’d email their customer service and Cc my states attorney general and the federal trade commission explaining that. It usually gets fixed pretty quick.
- Comment on Why aren't all rooms holodecks? 3 weeks ago:
It’s reality running under a hypervisor
- Comment on Anon is confused 4 weeks ago:
Marriage isn’t just a relationship, it’s a financial partnership. It’s complicated to dissolve because money and shared property are complicated.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
I agree with all of that. What I don’t agree with is blaming the entirety of the US for this policy. This is one dumbass state, doing a dumbass thing. The UK passed a similar law and I’d be just as wrong if I shit talked the rest of Europe for it.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
What you’re not understanding is that Florida is just a single state out of 50
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a femcel 4 weeks ago:
Who the fuck irons t shirts and sweatpants?
- Comment on Emma 1 month ago:
This picture predates any genai capable of making it by like 4 years
- Comment on Anon tries to sleep 1 month ago:
Where the hell do you find mescalin? That’s a bucket list item for me.
- Comment on Babyllionaire Musk got r/whitepoepletwitter banned 1 month ago:
I’m putting the tinfoil hat on here, but wouldn’t it be rather easy to have some users go and post stuff like that in the subreddit? How many upvotes did those comments get?
Sure, but why whitepeopletwitter of all places? If they’re trying to disrupt dissent surely there are more effective places to put their energy
- Comment on I'm rich and powerful so I can violate laws and brag about it on social media 1 month ago:
It has changed. It’s a lot more blatant now.
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 1 month ago:
Tolerantly beat the fuck out of those money changers