- Comment on Steam hits a another all-time user record with over 40 million online 1 day ago:
What’s better is requiring games to not be tied to any launcher. There shouldn’t be a need for a game to be constantly connected to the internet and need a secondary app running in the background.
But with the way it is now, I loathe the other launchers besides Steam. Steam actually provides some value and not completely unnecessary bloatware. Steam has my friends on it and has meaningful ways for me to engage my friends inside and outside of games. Steam has dedicated forums and mod queues built right into it. Steam has a great refund policy, including games that go back on their unwritten and written promises months or years after release (think Helldivers 2).
Whereas the other launchers are just cheap knockoffs for the sole purpose of corporate branding and to escape the Valve tax (which I can understand is a bit much to charge 30% just to be on Steam) that don’t work nearly as well and haven’t for many years, with ugly redesigns being the biggest changes they’ve made since their original releases. It’s coincidental how EA and Ubisoft look exactly the same in their newest redesigns and theirs plus Epic’s all have that same annoying bug that doesn’t actually remember your username and password and will require you to verify even though you checked the box to remember this PC.
Either way, I wish I didn’t need any launcher, including Steam, to launch games I paid for. It’s comical I can have that experience by pirating the game and the company generates no money from me and I get exactly what I wanted.
- Comment on What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too. 5 days ago:
It’s really how you use it. In short, a server is what other devices rely on and a computer is used on its own to sometimes connect to a server.
I have a “server” at home that runs on Windows 11 Pro. There are people who buy (or pirate) the server editions of Windows to use for personal, every day use. Rare, but they exist. Same with Linux, with many distros not having a specialized edition for servers, but people still will use it for a home server or even in a professional setting.
What separates the two, to explain to a five year old, is how they are used.
My server at home “serves” up content for me to use on other devices. I have a library of music and movies and TV shows there that is being shared. Additionally, this server sets up the connection and a local website that my other devices can use to access this content. A server is either rarely off or has a set schedule that it is on since it has a purpose that other devices rely on.
A PC (personal computer) is what you use on a daily basis. This is used either seldomly or at random as it is only being relied upon by a human that will wake it up as they need it.
In a professional setting, a server will host the application that manages the employees of that organization. This server is like a watchdog on the network, making sure everyone is abiding by the guidelines laid out for this network and using proper security to access computers and other devices on the network. A computer in a professional setting is used as often as a human employee needs it. IT may need the laptop to remote into a server and then turn it off and not use it for a few weeks. The manager opens her computer to log in and run reports and then closes when she’s done for the day.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Don’t worry about being embarrassed. This is your health and it is important. You don’t want to let things like this go on too long.
What are your alternatives? Just keep quiet about it and live in discomfort and let it get worse? Or spend a few moments POSSIBLY feeling embarrassed and getting the help you need? I say “possibly” because I doubt your parents will let you feel that way about something that is medically bothering you like this. Good parents will care and do what they can to help you.
Go get yourself taken care of. This is important.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 1 week ago:
More than that, they don’t lock it down to apps coming from Steam. In a Steam Deck, you can get the app from anywhere, even pirating, if you wish, and it works with Proton.
And the Steam Deck runs games that didn’t have to come from Steam.
Valve is legitimately doing things for the customer, even if they aren’t always a customer of Valve.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
I apparently used all 64GB of my RAM in a video game when using cheats and it crashed my computer lol
- Comment on Why are old ladies so popular on the internet? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah this is going to definitely come down to a lot of subjective opinions. I was speaking more so in generalities where you’ll likely meet more guys into older women than you will women into older guys. But that also has a lot to do with the ages we’re talking about too because in high school to young adult years, many women definitely prefer older guys, but as women get older, that changes for some women. Whereas most guys seem to be drawn to older women throughout their lives through and through, until you get to a certain age, around midlife crisis age, where more guys do want younger women.
It also changes depending on cultures too, as I’m speaking for my area which can be drastically different than somewhere else in the world.
- Comment on Why are old ladies so popular on the internet? 2 weeks ago:
A few things:
experience. There’s a stereotype that older women are more experienced when it comes to sex and know their way around better than a younger woman would in pleasing a man. I think why that doesn’t go the other way is that men stereotypically get more lazy as they get older, finding ways to do less to get what they want or other ways (financial; sugar daddy) and they become less attractive whereas older women can be just as attractive, if not more, as they age or at least know how to maintain their beauty as they age.
a bit of taboo. A lot of guys with “mom’s friends”/teacher fantasies. It’s hot to think about one of your mom’s hot friends hitting on you to some guys. Then there’s the taboo of engaging in sexual activities with someone much older than you like your teacher in a setting that isn’t socially acceptable. We like what we can’t or shouldn’t have, often times. Speaking as a guy and having male friends, we’ve talked a bit about our fantasies like this and most of us have these fantasies.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I just took a Covid test and this literally looked just like the one I took.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I recently took a test and passed it without studying.
This was a Microsoft exam for getting a certification relating to my job.
It’s really because I work in this daily and I know the program in and out enough that I am the one who teaches my colleagues how to use it at work. I was given some instruction by some colleagues and built on that and also watched videos and learned things as I worked in it.
It’s probably a similar thing for people like this in school too. Some people learned this stuff in earlier years. I remember being in college and some of the stuff being taught was stuff I had already learned before, even as early as 3rd grade in one of my English classes. Then there are also people who have a passion for some subjects and have gone above and beyond in learning the subject outside of school that they’ve already learned what’s being taught in the class. Likely been invested in YouTube videos and making them, themselves, reading various books on the subject, may even have a parent who wrote those books or been heavily involved in the subject, etc.
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 4 weeks ago:
Thanks for the concern and information, but I’m clear of that disorder by a professional lol.
It’s not something I often think about, but it comes up. I think there’s a practical reason behind it when it does come up but I’d risk doxing myself if I go into detail.
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 4 weeks ago:
I feel that when looking in the mirror. I sometimes can’t believe that is me. It feels weird, like I’m in someone else’s body and this hasn’t actually been my life.
Makes me wonder if life is a Twilight Zone episode for me and I just keep waking up as other people but can’t remember it for some reason.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on EA re-release The Sims 1 and The Sims 2 on PC as DLC-stuffed Legacy editions 4 weeks ago:
I wish we could get this for the Sims 3. I still play that over 4 sometimes as it had more content and better quality in some areas. Love the bigger neighborhood aspect, for sure.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I didn’t know about that last part. Now I’m going to say I’m a former JW so they leave me alone lol
- Comment on Does Gmail have more spam now? 4 weeks ago:
It’s not necessarily Gmail, I have a variety of these free email accounts and my Gmail rarely ever gets spam. But my Yahoo has been getting hit HARD lately.
This is not unusual for this time of year. At the beginning of each year, this happens.
My theory is that it’s because in the US, this is when citizens begin working on their taxes and are able to get tax refunds as early as January. This means that malicious actors have a wide variety of money potentially available from these people having money from tax refunds and they have a higher chance of getting more money at this time.
That’s my theory, anyway. It starts to die down after April, which is the deadline for US citizens to file taxes for the year.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
They’re expecting the 50 series to have some scarcity issues, so be aware of that. In addition to that, it’s possible that people may scalp up 40 series because of an expected shortage, so be aware of that as well.
That’s what I experienced when trying to upgrade from the 10 to the 20 even when the 30 came out. People were still hoarding 20 series and I wasn’t able to comfortably upgrade until the 40 series came out.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Those are really great specs and yeah you should be able to run just about anything released so far at the maximum settings with those specs.
That’s quite the build, a dream for most of us. Lucky boyfriend you got lol
- Comment on Ubisoft lay off another 185 people and shutter one of the studios behind Star Wars: Outlaws and The Division 2 5 weeks ago:
Ubisoft deserves every bit of this.
Sucks for those people losing their jobs, though.
Ubisoft has been shooting themselves in the foot at every turn they make and making no intention on going back on any of it. Good riddance, Ubisoft. You used to be a company I looked forward to releasing a new game.
- Comment on GDC 2025 survey shows PC game development growing with lots interested in Valve's Steam Deck 5 weeks ago:
All according to Valve’s plan. No doubt they sell the Deck at a loss because the price is phenomenal for today’s hardware prices on what this can do.
But they’re definitely making up for it in Steam sales and continued market dominance. Not like they needed the latter since the competition is dogshit with even GOG lacking since they have no official Linux support.
- Comment on What was your worst relationship and when did you realise it had to end 1 month ago:
Recently I’d say. She had a lot of good qualities and we had good times, but we ended on a sour note when it became apparent to me that she was selfish and after she gaslit me.
I had long been bothered by her practically ignoring me after the afternoon hours. I felt really alone most evenings and nights. I’d call her and she wouldn’t answer or text her and wouldn’t hear from her until the next day. I’m 99% sure she wasn’t cheating on me, but nevertheless, it still hurt to know she was often ignoring me.
When I brought up how lonely I felt, her response was “it’s not my job (to make you not feel lonely)”. I didn’t realize it was…? That’s not at all what I was saying or trying to insinuate. I was trying to make her understand that she would tell me she would call me later that evening and never do so and I would make attempts to contact her and she wouldn’t respond. I felt alone and out of place.
Then she said some stuff to her ex that made me feel uneasy but I simply asked her to elaborate a bit on what she said. This is when she gaslit me to turn the problem back on me and in my face, saying I was making the situation about myself.
Then she spent the rest of the day enjoying herself and never once reaching out to me. It was highlighted more so on that day due to it being my dad’s 5th anniversary of him passing. But she didn’t know and I wasn’t holding that against her. It just so happened to coincide on this day and made me realize how selfish she usually was to me and how bothered it made me feel.
And then funny enough was how she said to me “I reached out to you and I felt alone.” Huh…where have I heard that before? And that remark was made because I simply asked her to elaborate on the weird thing she said to her ex. Saying “a lot would have to change for us to get back together”. The fact you have conversations like this with your ex when we’re supposed to be together is wild on its own, but the fact you said that sounds weird for someone who’s supposed to be in a committed relationship. But I didn’t say that and I didn’t react negatively to it. I simply asked her to explain what she meant by saying that to her ex.
And her response was to blow up on me for it and say I was making it all about myself 🤷♂️
Oh well. Good riddance to that relationship. I’ve been single ever since but I’d rather be single and at peace than to be treated and talked to like that.
It’s a shame and I sometimes miss her, but then I’m reminded of that and all the selfish ways she was with me and I’m happy to be single than to be there again.
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 1 month ago:
Not always, but generally his right more times than not. I was playing with him specifically last night to get him to use the left but he kept using the right.
I think it depends on his position to me, where he may be comfortable to use his left at some times and that’s when he chooses his left.
It’s something I just noticed last night so I’m still new to recognizing it as well.
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 1 month ago:
I noticed this last night with my cat.
I taught him a few years ago to reach out with his paw to ask for pets and he always seems to use his right paw even though I taught him on both paws. He reaches out his right paw and taps my hand or me elsewhere and brings my hand to his chin to get some pets.
Just noticed it is always the right but sometimes he will use the left, but he seems to prefer the right.
- Comment on What is currently holding us back from mining in space? 1 month ago:
Thank you for sharing that! Great to see with numbers, but also quite depressing.
- Comment on What is currently holding us back from mining in space? 1 month ago:
Of course, just surprised they actually exist.
Then again, I guess it shouldn’t be a total surprise since people are trying to raise capital and invest.
- Comment on What is currently holding us back from mining in space? 1 month ago:
I thought Rosetta was successful, somewhat?
- Comment on What is currently holding us back from mining in space? 1 month ago:
Thanks for the link, I had no idea companies already existed for this.
- Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 29 comments
- Comment on Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces Bill to Abolish the ATF 1 month ago:
2025 is shaping to be a great year 😁
Let’s do the IRS next!
- Comment on What are the current most common symptoms of Covid? I was told about two years ago that a fever is no longer even really a symptom. Yet when I look it up on the CDC website, it shows fever is a sympto 1 month ago:
The US is currently giving away free test kits to all Americans, shipping is also free so this will only cost you your time.
They allow 4 per household and the tests do expire, but I feel everyone should get these to have on hand just in case they believe they have symptoms.
- Comment on Is there a way to search for specific words on a site? 1 month ago:
That’s pretty awesome! That had some options like that for sale.
This specific listing says that this is at no additional cost to the buyer. They give you 250 miles or 2 days to rethink the deal that was made and it extends to everyone. Not as good as yours but still good since the law doesn’t require it here.