- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
Sprouts do well with Braising, this is roughly how I do them, based on a whim that turned out fantastic.
- Halve and clean your sprouts, salt and pepper them
- Sear cut side down in oil of your choice. Bacon is the classic but absolutely not required if you want to do it vegan, maybe use some smoked paprika to get the smokey flavour, add aromatics like garlic near the end, it burns easy.
- Deglaze with balsamic vinegar, add enough liquid to just barely cover the bottom of the pan, cover and simmer until happy.
I know sprouts are far less bitter than they were when I was a kid, but I legit thought I disliked them. Borrowed a lot from braised cabbage recipes, just with a bit more aggressive browning. The sprouts hold up really well to longer cooking IMO (can’t say the same to leeks, braised leeks are great, but not how I did them, turned into a textural nightmare), they’re amazing hot or cold.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 1 week ago:
Combat changes put me off initially but honestly, enjoyed it far more than inquisition, combat is far closer to me:a and that’s a good thing, me:a is easily the best mass effect game mechanically (and that’s coming from someone who still loves me1), skill tree is massive and you can respec whenever to try different things, as an RPG I personally felt it’s quite strong. Also, felt da:v was more focused wrt maps, da:i has really large, empty maps that I originally tried to do everything in, by the hissing wastes unless it was shards or an interesting side quest I ignored it.
Felt them making companions invulnerable was a good idea too, da:i on nightmare they usually died almost immediately against things like dragons or dlc bosses unless you micromanaged the hell out of them.
Story wise, it’s me:2; you collect a bunch of experts for an impossible task. Personally, I like bioware RPGs, they’ve always been cheesy. Shepard has lots of one liners that are sarcastic quips, “it’s a big stupid jellyfish” comes to mind immediately, half the dialogue between Shepard and Garus in the later games (especially me:3). One criticism is probably shared with me:a, we had time to experience the me characters over the course of the games, they weren’t immediately like that, but honestly it never really bothered me, jade empire has really cheesy dialogue and is up there for me flaws and all.
IMO one thing bioware has always done well is world building and veilguard isn’t an exception to that for me, I like that the set the game in a region only really mentioned in previous games.
is it the best game I’ve ever played? No but definitely an enjoyable one, I personally feel we’ll see retrospectives in a handful of years like I’ve seen with me:a recently (another game that was actually solid and had some interesting ideas and concepts)
- Comment on The Government’s Computing Experts Say They Are Terrified 3 weeks ago:
I worked in primary metals for a while, core business applications still ran on mainframes, they had a project to move some of them to SAP that apparently had the same timelines as nuclear fusion (perpetually x years away).
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
Ducky has programmable keys FYI, while you don’t have dedicated media keys it’s really easy to bind media key macros, fn+pg up/down are volume, fn+end is pause etc on mine.
Razer keyboards I’d shy away from personally, found their build quality isn’t great, mice specifically, the ducky is more comfortable for me to use anyhow. My partner has a one 3 tkl in white with clears, I have a black one with browns (used blacks for years, prefer tactile+clicky after having used them).
- Comment on Any game recommendations for the Steam RTS Fest? 5 weeks ago:
Thinking of Relic, looks like Homeworld remastered is <$4 cad and I’ve heard amazing things about that series
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 5 weeks ago:
500ml of black tea is going to be maybe 100mg if we’re generous, no wonder!
300mg is a lot at once, you can get more than that drinking an extra large coffee, but that’s super variable, don’t know how accurate this is infographic containing information on caffeine content for sizes of Starbucks coffee people can easily go over the recommended limit (400mg a day I think)
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard's impressive tresses feature '50,000 individual strands per character for over 100 hairstyles' 3 months ago:
It was reminding me of an evolution on Andromeda’s combat, actually plays well, went in not a huge fan of that change (da:o is still my favourite of the series) but after how dumb as fuck the companion AI was in inquisition (I always play sword and board, unless I micromanaged people in inquisition they’d all be dead during dragon fights), but ended up really enjoying it, between that and the sphere grid skill tree, there’s some decent stuff to work with.
- Comment on 12 Years and $700 Million Later, What's Going on With Star Citizen's Development? 4 months ago:
I sold my pledges off 9 years ago, the reason I even made a reddit account in the first place. Was getting disillusioned with it back then and I was super excited when I initially backed it.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
Was a thing when I took geo in first year, rock test (and the professor) was kinda a legend within engineering.
- Comment on 135.9 Million Reasons Why the Working Class Is So Angry 4 months ago:
Always wondered if these could/should be considered constructive dismissal
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
It could totally be setup to feel/work like a trackball, remember playing a bunch of warframe with mine and being able to “throw” it and have it stop when you touch the pad again, took getting used to but substantially more flexible than a regular analogue stick.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
Just for the heck of it, if you heat protein enough to denature it but have no Maillard reaction (let’s say you’ve just steamed an egg or something), would that not be considered cooking by that definition?
My understanding is that denaturing is a physical structure change, not a chemical one (and according to Wikipedia can be reversible in some cases), not a biochemist or food scientist though so totally accepting that my understanding is incorrect/incomplete.
- Comment on True Suffering 5 months ago:
I’m pretty sure you’re right it was season eight, think it’s from that documentary they did, there’s a clip in that of Conleth Hill reading Varys’ death apparently and looking disgusted, only clip I could find was reddit
- Comment on Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? 5 months ago:
My partner and I gave up destiny before witchqueen dropped, played pretty consistently since house of wolves with a pause just before forsaken until shadow keep. Absolutely loved the core mechanics and the PvP is some of my favourite, but it just felt so stale, barely any new maps, sunsetting old ones, lack of committing to ideas (4v4 was actually solid, some of the maps do not play well in 6s, 3s are fine though), rotating gamemode playlists like d1 had (for 6s I find control annoying after a while, 3s I liked relic in d1, mix in elimination and I’d be good)
It’s a shame because as I said, core mechanics rock, slug shorties and hand cannons feel amazing, and fusion rifles are legitimately awesome as well. I have really solid memories of doing stupid things with stuff like the Le Monarque and No Land Beyond. Wasn’t a huge fan of some metas but had some fun times with the games.
- Comment on 'AI is coming for all of us:' Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, and Baldur's Gate voice actor Jennifer Hale weighs in on SAG-AFTRA's games industry strike 5 months ago:
While I like Mark Meer for his voice work in other Bioware games (Jade Empire for sure, also I don’t dislike maleshep at all) and his work on stuff like the irrelevant show, Jennifer Hale is just fantastic to the point where renegade femshep is to me the cannon version of Shepard
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
I recall NKRO was the selling point on some of those keyboards, my old steel series mechanical will absolutely let you mash all the keys with a ps2 adapter.
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
There’s a side quest chain in Starfield that has a generation ship arriving at a planet they claimed centuries ago only to find it’s a corporate owned resort planet.
- Comment on The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins 7 months ago:
Seriously though, it’s been some time be afaik any microsoft product file that ends in x, .docx, .xlsx, .pbix are all just archives and you can totally interact with them programmatically if you want. Really easy to corrupt them but hey, found it interesting years ago.
- Comment on If you had a drain that you knew was clogged only with hair, could you unclog the drain only using Nair? 7 months ago:
There’s drain guards you can get that work pretty well, I got tired of cleaning out hair from the shower drain.
- Comment on Absolutely deranged 7 months ago:
The only annoyances I had were general keyed connector issues, but usually you’re able to look at the port, it’s usb a that tended to be plugged in blind, usb c can be annoying to plug in blind because if its size, just less overall annoying that og usb
- Comment on The Circle of Life 7 months ago:
Mine stare at them, maybe do a light paw and meow like a maniac at them, they’re not good pest control.
Luckily, the gratuitous amount of spiders seem to do their job, there’s a lot of lake flies!midges/gnats but I’ve never seen them or ants in the house, just spiders.
- Comment on How I explain my job 7 months ago:
I’ve always struggled to succinctly describe my job to people outside of it, it’s muddy because I often fill gaps and there’s often a lack of clear r&r, I’m on paper a Data Engineer & Architect, I just say I design and build backend stuff and handle infrastructure.
Had the same issue when I did Equipment Reliability Engineering, technical roles are often really hard to explain to people I’ve found.
- Comment on Speaking of controllers: What's your favorite WEIRD controller? 7 months ago:
100% a title that would struggle with full controller, for me it was cities skylines and rimworld. Also played a lot of warframe and spec ops:the line with mine, being able to have actions trigger at different points of the trigger pull was interesting, had a profile I grabbed for shooters that’d enable gyro aiming at the last bit of your trigger pull for fine adjustment and seriously, it works extremely well once you get used to it. The pads also supported osd rotary menus for hotkeys which was probably what the left pad got the most use out of, had the ability to set different behaviour too using mod buttons are by touching the rim of the pad. Also the haptic feedback on the pads was interesting, did a lot to make them feel more real, seriously had a really powerful piece of hardware with the og steam controller.
- Comment on What are your favourite controllers? 7 months ago:
Totally was, it didn’t have rumble for battery life reasons, but didn’t miss it much at the time, barely used the rumble pack on the n64, think I got mine at EB games to try out the OOT secret hint feature (it’d buzz the pack if you were near a hidden secret), feedback has come a LONG way since then in terms of immersion.
- Comment on What are your favourite controllers? 7 months ago:
I really liked the wavebird for the gamecube, unfortunately mine went into the aether on my last move, got bluetooth adapters to pair modern controllers with it but the wavebird was really cool at the time, was really amazing to not have to be tethered to the console and it being first party, though at the time the madcatz stuff was decent.
For recent controllers, I’ve been using a knockoff 360 controller for moonlight recently and after a lot of back and forth I really think MS nailed the controller setup back then (OG Xbox being decent but not a preference, I hated the duke, s controller was solid though), I like the xbone controllers as well, but IMO they’re just iterations on the 360 controller, easily my preference as an all rounder controller layout.
I have a steam controller, used it for a while but it’s been some time now, had some really great ideas, I’d totally go for an updated steamdeck style layout on that, probably a second for me.
I’ve had so much drift issues with ds4s that I personally don’t reach for a ds4 or dualsense for non playstation games, I like being able to swap batteries and the Xbox/Steam controllers all seem to have way better battery life in general, I keep a stock of rechargeables around so not generating piles of waste.
- Comment on Job scarcity is even affecting animals 8 months ago:
Yeah, I think it was this right?
- Comment on Cruciferae 9 months ago:
I did some braised ones the other week on a whim (some stock, garlic, chili crisp and balsamic, browned them first in a bit of Bacon fat) and damn if it didn’t make me reconsider cooked sprouts, I thought I disliked them cooked based on memories being served them as a kid, but I guess I just never had them prepared. Helps that apparently they’ve been selectively bred to reduce bitterness since the 90s.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
Tomb Mold does a few of the tracks on Ritual FM, I really liked that they got realworld artists to do in universe tracks. All of the stations are solid, love that they implemented radio outside of vehicles as well.
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 11 months ago:
Semi interestingly to me, I literally created my reddit account to sell my ships nearly a decade ago. Do not regret that…
- Comment on Staying for the week at an AirBnB in Rochester, MN. This is what I just found out I'm stuck with. 11 months ago:
How bad is this to use? 5 Mbps isn’t awful to use but that ping concerns me, high pings in my experience are worse than slow speeds in a lot of cases (gaming, browsing, chat etc.)