The biggest thing companies want to do with AI is infinite cheap content. They want generate a movie or other entertainment for a 10th or even 20th of the cost while burning a state’s worth of energy. They’re going to try and generate a successful movie from models that are trained on previously successful movies. And, they’ll get it.
At least at first. Eventually, even we’ll burn out from endless selection of predictable movies and other entertainment. And, I’m not talking just once a year. More like once a month. At some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, they’ll learn that the attention economy is not infinite. There is a limit of people, time, and money. They’re putting most of their eggs in the this basket and I hope it smashes to pieces.
AI isn’t here to improve anything. It’s here to open a path to infinite growth. Infinite entertainment, infinite weaponizing, infinite whatever. More predictable, infinite growth. Problem with that is that we’re slowing as a race and sooner or later it will start shrinking. The more they try to take, the quicker this is going to happen. 5 months ago
I hope not. Jennifer Hale is amazing. She’s the reason I’ve never played as male Shepard in mass effect. She also voiced Bastila in knights of the old republic. Incredible skill/talent. 5 months ago
Do one maleshep run. I promise he has some great deliveries too. 5 months ago
Right? Femshep is amazing, but people are sleeping on maleshep. ‘we’ll bang, okay?’ 5 months ago
How do you play through that tripe twice? It has next to no challenge and the story is beyond stupid. 5 months ago
I’m not really a gamer, but I listen to a lot of audiobooks.
AI isn’t anywhere close to being able to replace “good” narrators. Maybe a bit like self driving cars - the first 90% was achieved rapidly, the next 5% took some doing but ok, now though the final 5% seems kinda unachievable on any timescale.
That said, automation (and yes, AI) tends to approach industries incrementally. A headline voice actor isn’t going to be replaced tomorrow, but maybe some low level roles are. Fewer voice actors just means less demand for the really good ones. Def not good for the industry but… time marches on I guess. 5 months ago
How do you think headline voice actors start? By doing the small roles like wallas, ad libs, waiter2 and such. If you get rid of the starting voice actors of today, you get rid of the good voice actors of tomorrow. 5 months ago
Just a matter of time. You stop it categorically or you don’t stop it. 5 months ago
She was also a Spartan in Halo. 5 months ago
And Kyoshi and June in Avatar the Last Airbender. 5 months ago
She did the Goblins webcomic animated trailer allng with Phil Lamarr! Super stoked for that. 5 months ago
Hale is an incredible VA and she has had more roles than there are grains of sand.
It’s also funny when she voices multiple characters in the same game like Killer Frost and Hawk Girl in Injustice.