- Comment on tetrapods 3 days ago:
Let’s get. Together. Katamari on the funk
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 5 days ago:
How many voted for something else?
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Yea. I’m sure they will be humbled like the people of North Korea, who think their supernatural leader invented hamburgers and the electric guitar.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 2 weeks ago:
Step on the gas.
…O…O…O…X… - Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
After his own offer to rescue the children was turned down
- Comment on [Discussion] Did Kingsman II failed as a sequel? 2 weeks ago:
I really enjoyed the second and third films, but I understand they didn’t perform as well.
I’ve heard there was scheduling conflicts with Channing Tatum which explains some of the disjointed character arcs. I guess they’d already advertised Tatum before the conflicts, so they tried to keep him in while replacing his characters story beats with Pedro Pascal.
I was really looking forward to a long running franchise that wasn’t afraid to go full tilt James Bond parody with over the top action.
- Comment on Co-op campaigns are a rarity these days, and that should change 3 weeks ago:
And from memory, the number of enemies scales with the number of players. It’s gets pretty hectic pretty fast.
- Comment on Co-op campaigns are a rarity these days, and that should change 3 weeks ago:
There’s heaps of mods for classic games to turn them into co-op, including Doom (3), half life, quake, aliens vs predator, etc.
- Comment on Is there a better sequel than Terminator 2? 5 weeks ago:
I think Dead Reckoning is a good, and poignant, concept, but I think it suffers from weak writing.
It suffered a bit from the same issue as the video game Uncharted 3, where they wrote the action set pieces first, then wrote the story to fit them together. I’m not sure if that’s what happened in the writing of Dead Reckoning, but that’s how it felt.
Overall I still liked it, and look forward to the next one, but it isn’t as strong as the previous 3 films.
- Comment on Is there a better sequel than Terminator 2? 5 weeks ago:
I liked MI2 better than MI:III
it’s been a while since I’ve seen them, so I can’t really remember why.
- Comment on moms rule 5 weeks ago:
This is framed like 80 generations is a small number, but that’s huge. Culture and civilization moves so quickly that even 3 generations ago life is barely recognisable. I can’t even imagine what life was like 40 generations ago.
- Comment on Favorite retro games? 1 month ago:
I played it on the SNES. It’s a sci-fi platformer that I felt shared themes with movies like Total Recall, They Live, Blade Runner, Running Man.
You start as Conrad, who has crash landed on Titan, being chased by mysterious bad guys, and with no memory of why. All you have is a gun, and a video recording of yourself telling you where to go for the next clue.
- Comment on Alien: Romulus sequel will show things that have never been seen in the franchise before 1 month ago:
There was actually a good Alien novel saga that explored a mysterious reappearance of Ellen Ripley that turned out to be an android recreation of the real Ripley. I can’t remember if it was set before or after Alien Resurrection
- Comment on Alien: Romulus fixed a CGI issue for the home video release 1 month ago:
But I clapped because I recognised a thing!
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 1 month ago:
But they only didn’t happen because you stayed cautious. Now your younger self will throw caution to the wind and suffer the consequences.
- Comment on Anon memes 2 months ago:
It’s a great show. You just gotta get past the first two seasons. Trust me bro /s
- Comment on Memory is a fickle mistress 2 months ago:
Aren’t they introduced as special effects artists in the intro of every episode?
- Comment on conditional probability 2 months ago:
Please quit with this tax write off misinformation.
They cut their losses. We don’t know the details why, but for some reason they decided it would cost too much in money or reputation to continue with marketing and release.
Not everything is a billionaire conspiracy. Sometimes they just realise they made a film too shit to release, or some person in a suit just wanted to spite someone.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
Gog does now have a launcher, but you can still download the offline installer files for games.
- Comment on YEET 2 months ago:
Drag am using it?
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
Commandos! One of my favourites! Commandos 4 comes out soon I believe
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
If you start with the second one you won’t know what’s going on and feel like you’ve missed a bunch of important story.
This is how it felt after playing the first one as well. Half Life 2 is almost an unrelated game. The plots of the two barely line up.
- Comment on nighttime pollinator gang rise up 3 months ago:
Hang on, what is bad about the word moist? Some of my favourite things are moist!
- Comment on nighttime pollinator gang rise up 3 months ago:
What do mean regarding terrible names? “Moth” isn’t inherently a bad name; any negative connotations of the word come from the creature itself.
- Comment on Todd Phillips: Movie Theaters Should Ban Commercials Before Films 3 months ago:
That was when the credits happened at the start of the film. Now that the credits are at the end, most people would walk out before the trailers could play.
- Comment on Brazilian Wandering Spider 4 months ago:
The good news is you get a four hour erection.
The bad news is that you die within two hours. - Comment on Anon questions physics 4 months ago:
I used to have this magic basket. I would put dirty clothes in, and later those clothes would turn up clean
- Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 4 months ago:
Do you have a link to a track ball mouse as an example of what you mean? What do you think are the pros and cons of using one?
- Comment on Eternal fire 5 months ago:
It’s an improvement on established technology. The “healthy” angle is that it has a drip tray. For some reason that has more marketing potential than: cooks quicker, with less energy, and a smaller device.
- Comment on THICC 5 months ago:
What is aave?